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Everything posted by JeffP

  1. Why, oh why do we persist in dbso's that have a flat front, even a gangway? The French ones are always more stylish.
  2. I was interested in the old cameras. The Miranda... wasn't that a Dixon's own brand? I always found Miranda stuff to be good value for money.
  3. Looks like I remember ours. It was around 10m square and had two large and two smaller Velux windows, so very light. Some friends referred to it as "the dance studio".
  4. Despite having lived all my life in Lincolnshire, first in Cleethorpes, now in Scunthorpe, I've only ever visited New Holland once, on a junior school trip that visited Wilberforce house, Bridlington and Flamborough Head, crossing the Humber via the Ferry. I remember there was a B1 in the pier station.
  5. Also might add: I'm not sure how much caulking I'd be doing until I've seen the boards go through a full year or so of expansion/contraction.
  6. Dust? Aye, where does it come from? Ours, as a holiday home, so is shut up tight for up to five months. On going back, as I go round getting the water and leccy set up, opening shutters etc, wife is busy in her wheelchair wiping every horizontal surface she can get to with neutral wet wipes. We have THREE Vax cylinder vacuum cleaners, all bought second hand, one which was bought for parts and I fitted a new motor, all have cloth emptyable, washable bags and a supply of clean filters. They are excellent for any renovation work, although the suction is so powerful that if I don't pick up big bits, they can block their hoses. Three? They are so heavy we have one for each part of the house.😄 And guess who has to do the hoovering?😁
  7. A well known auction site, but you'll need to know which issue they came in. Google might produce an answer, there used to be a site with issues listed in numerical order, and what each issue contained. There was a list on the previous incarnation of this site....🙁
  8. I've had one of these, bought brand new from a local model shop, since they were introduced. I know about the upgrade kit from PRMRP, but am also aware that the moulds were lost after the first sale of the range, and the current white metal offerings are, shall we say, not of the finest detail? Last night, while browsing a well known auction site, I came across bogie sides and cab interiors 3-D printed. Now as an avid reader of this site, Facebook etc, I'm also aware that 3-D printed items also can have problems. Layering, brittleness etc. So....has anyone any experience of the 3-D items above, before I part with my money?😊
  9. Didn't realise you were close to Chalindrey. My route home inexplicably took us near there one year, and a visit to the depot with both sons was quite enjoyable. We also found and visited the source of the river Marne.
  10. When I've had to thread cables into conduit I've found it helps a lot if you bundle the cables every 450 mm or so with electrian's tape, and ALWAYS keep the cables in the same plane as when you started, ie: no letting them cross over one another as this drastically increases the diameter of the bundle. I have a professional nylon draw wire bought for a modest sum from Screwfix years ago. That and my wire strippers are very useful tools.
  11. Looking good. I enjoy these threads about more obscure prototypes.
  12. Can't disagree with anything in the replies above. I'd make the following points: 1. You can get far more in the same space with OO. But....there is always the chance of trying to put too much into the space, too much if you are working alone. If that happens, eould it ever get finished? (I made the same mistake years ago with N gauge). 2. In my experience, prices for O gauge average FOUR times the OO equivalent. Worth bearing in mind. 3. A wise man once told me: search your heart and buy the one you want from the outset. Otherwise you end up either dissatisfied, or out of pocket when you eventually do buy the one you actually wanted. Hope this is of help. Best luck.
  13. Expansion of longer pieces? I've read on here about tacking both ends, the middle, two in between, then filling in.
  14. Glad to hear all is ok down below Dave. I've been there too. The stuff you need to take to clear the bowel is truly the work of the devil, especially if you are scheduled for morning, so little or no sleep the night before too. Take care.
  15. IMHO forums like these are super difficult to judge the tone of any post or reply, even with emoticons. I've noticed on occasion that some of my own replies appeared terse the day after, but were written when I had other things to do, but wanted to offer help asap, so were a bit hurried. I remain banned from the other place because a touchy moderator felt I was too abrupt.😆
  16. And aren't some ex-uk locos still on the continent? Why not bring those back first?
  17. Don't the 77's have a large box on their cab roofs containing air conditioning equipment? I was under the impression that they were out of gauge for the UK?
  18. I wonder if it's anything to with last major overhaul? Over in France, class B-B 26000 still have early members on 200 kph passenger serviced, while younger members of the class languish in the yard at Sotteville awaiting their fate. Apparently the older locos had had general overhauls, while when the younger ones came to their turn, the downturn in freight snd finding corrosion in the bodywork meant it wasn't deemed financially viable to correct the problems.
  19. Remove springs, cut in half, stretch to original length, refit.
  20. Three bar electric fire? Tha' wo lucky t'ave that. We 'ad t' mek do wi' hole where one might o' stood. As for t' rug, we laid on dead grass...when it wo' dry enough. Otherwise it wo' t' dogshelf.😁
  21. There used to be one of those Billard railcars based at Lingostiere on the Chemins de Fer de la Provence. It was present when I first visited in August 1997, along with a Renault one, very attractive. The latter had a "bonnet" at one end like a 1950's car.
  22. I wonder why the crane had to come from Shirebrook? Surely Doncaster, or York are closer?
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