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Everything posted by 60091

  1. Thanks PinzaC55 Heading back to Hull, I always tried to get the Deltic on the semi fast, off Platform 3 at York.... head out of the window most of the way to Selby! Regards Alan
  2. Thanks Rob I'll keep posting if I have anything relevant. Sadly the majority of my photos, at that time , were taken at locations like York, Doncaster and Sheffield. Interseting shots of the pw work at Beverley using Mermaids. How common were they around Yorkshire? I remember reading somewhere that they were a BR Southern Region wagon. ...and here are my only photos of an engineers train in Hull. A dismal October morning in 1985. 37 127 photographed (IIRC) under the Anlaby Rd flyover, my way to work. The quality is poor as I only had my 35mm instamatic with me. I stopped to photograph it as I thought it would be an interesting formation to model, especially the variety of brakevans. Alan
  3. Great modelling. I especially like the trees forming the background behind buffer stops and the shed. Alan
  4. Been away for a few days so I've enjoyed catching up with the latest additions to the topic. It a real shame I missed the freight services to Beverley - too busy chasing locos on the main lines. Also the disused rail locations brought back memories of cycle rides around the city and further afield. Going back to page 11 - here are a few shots of Selby taken c 1979-81. Living in Hull with a girlfriend at York I spent countless hours waiting to change trains here... always hoping for a Deltic... and the disapointment when a Finsbury Park 47/4 rolled in. Alan
  5. Hi Rob Thanks again for your photos - and for other contributors too... ... and for the memories - the great storm/hurricane in January 1984! I remember the damage to the station roof and the garage. I hope it's ok if I continue to contribute where appropriate - tonight, though not East Yorkshire, with the only two photos I've ever taken on the Harrogate line. Cattal on a summer evening in 1987...
  6. This is a coincidence... I don't remember anything about the day apart from a couple of photos of 777 ..... however that could be me leaning against the pillar in your 2nd photo!
  7. Following on from the discussion/photos of Walton St - I remembered I had this slide taken shortly before I left Hull - March/April 1986. Sad to see it's now gone, no doubt along with a lot of the other boxes in the area.
  8. Having lived in Hull from 1979 until 1986 I'm really enjoying these photos. It does make me regret how few photos I took while I was there. They were train spotting years when getting numbers was far more important than taking photos. Until the arrival of the 31/4s, all Hull seemed to offer was DMUs so the priority was to escape on a Yorkshire Rover ticket! Now I can't believe how much I missed - signal boxes, semphores and even 1st generation DMUs. In reply to the request for 142s - here's a shot at Cottingham taken on a return visit during the summer of 1991. Regards Alan
  9. You forget - I was a 00 modeller for years before the change came over me ... Going back to the KL1 sheep discussions... they're the 00 Giant Lakeland Blackface photographed on the n gauge layout. Alan
  10. Don't forget there's a small flock waiting for you here. The only problem is, I don't have any cattle trucks on my layout to get them transported to Kirby Luneside... Alan
  11. Managed to stay awake and made good use of the time between 12 30 and 3am working on the new layout which is in the attic.The velux windows are excellent for these cosmic events. It was amazing and I was watching constantly from about 3am until 3 45.... Really pleased I didn't miss it. Here's my effort. Taken about 2 50am..? x30 magnification Cannon Powershot SX130... £99 from Argos. Alan
  12. Ok I might give it a go.... Despite some high level cloud it's been generally clear here.....and a nice late start at work tommorrow so I've got the chance of a lie in. I thought it might have started turning red sooner. I've been looking since 10pm!
  13. Good progress. The concrete hard standing looks really neat. Alan
  14. Two excellent sets of photos showing plenty of details, from icphotos. Amazing how the location has changed. It looks as if a lot of Tees Yard is slowly disappearing into the undergrowth! It's also good to hear that there's still plenty of activity around Tees Yard. Whenever I've passed by more recently, the yard has always appeared very quiete compared to the "good old days" Watching work on the layout and looking at the photos has persuaded me to plan a return visit before too long. Alan
  15. Hi Mike More fantastic photos. Love the heavily weathered locos, especially the ex LNWR 0-8-0 and the 9F. Regards Alan
  16. That VEA looks very nice. I remember you discussing the idea of producing one when you started work on Millers Dale. Any idea on costs for the body only? I'm definitely interested in running them to replace earlier wooden bodied types, though probably on the standard 10ft chassis to keep costs down. Alan
  17. Good evening folks... Wasn't sure where to post this, but as we,ve been talking about the blue/green years I thought that here might be ok. I've just spent 50mins watching two fantastic films in the "Modelling BR blue" area of the special interests secton. For anyone who may not have seen them before ... I've no idea how to post a direct link but if you have a look they're in the topic "Amazing BR blue footage". The first one will probably be of more interest. Alan
  18. Hi Mike... lovely photos. Needless to say I like the new "blue" Dent. Can't wait to see them well weathered - that late 60s, early 70s neglected look. Don't forget to run them alongside a few in green livery! As we said before, this is a rarely modelled era and I've always found the blue/green combination attractive. Good to hear you're feeling a lot better. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Rob Catching up again with Peafore Yard and enjoying your latest photos of the layout. Nice to see the blue Western - hope it ends up looking reallly grubby after it's weathered. Interesting to see how you operate the layout at home with the shunting puzzle. Alan
  20. The Load Haul 60 gets a "like" and I also wanted to add an "agree" to your comment about the track layout. I think, as you said, that there should be plenty of operational potential with that track plan. I've found that it's often too easy, when a designing small layout, to end up putting too much track down or to start thinking about adding an extra foot or two to one end or the other. What type of bridge are you planning to use for the scenic break at the entrance to the fiddle yard? Not really relevant - 2 more shots of the location from 1999. At this time, what is now the fueling point was an overgrown transfer road. Not sure what purpose the weird chimnney served, or when it was dismantled. Alan
  21. Hi Jeff If you do decide to extend the viaduct I thought this photo might be of some use.... It shows in some detail the scaffolding you're going to have to erect/model to enable the work to go ahead... A
  22. Hi Mal I wasn't sure how familiar you were with the location.... yes the fuel point is on a through/transfer line which not only leads into the three sidings but also,eventually, out to join the Thornaby-Middlesborough main line. I thought altering it to a siding was a small adaptation you'd made . Keeping the fuel point on the track at the "throat" leading to the sidings (as at the actual location) definitely wouldn't work on a small layout as once a loco arrived to re-fuel or for minor servicing, nothing else on the layout would be able to move! Alan
  23. Hi Mike I was going to carry on the conversation re D prefix locos as you made several interesting points in your reply ... ... however, right now it's more important to say how sorry I was to hear that you've contracted shingles again, and to wish you well for a quick recovery. Take care Regards Alan
  24. Hi Mal Sorry I just couldn't bring myself to tick the like box for the photo of your new Class 60... it's these new fangled liveries.. The 60s are lovely looking locos, and maybe I'm too old fashioned but I think they never looked better than with Coal Sector black diamonds. It's interesting to see whats been happening at Tees Yard, and I've decieded it's probably time to get off the train at Thornaby again and take a few photos next time I'm down that way. Looking at your plan, I was wondering if it was a home layout or were you also planning to take it to exhibitions? Hope you don't mind a comment... but... what about extending the fuel point track back into the fiddle yard to give the impression that it was on a loop. More operational flexibility but maybe not prototypical?? Another shot of the "shanty town" in 2009. Hope it might be of some use. Cheers Alan
  25. Hi Mike Now you come to mention it you're probably right. I think it's probably because it was never a popular time to model. By the time blue diesels became popular with modellers everything had it's tops code. The only ones I can think of were the Class 33 and a very old ( late 60s ) Hornby 37. The trend when I started buying them back in 1982 was, as now, for the latest liveries.... and IIRC the trend was to model the current rail scene. I remember Ian Futters layouts like Lochside and Burnfoot were a great inspriation for many of us at that time. It'll be interesting to see which models Andy is refering to. Are they "customised" limited editions? Alan
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