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Tim Dubya

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Status Updates posted by Tim Dubya

  1. I saw a white dog turd for the first time in about 30 years on my way into work this morning... do I win a prize?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. bgman


      Probably a village inbred;))

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      bgman - we all are & we loves it 'cos we nos no difrent


    4. 2mmMark


      No prize as that sort of thing needs to be stamped out.


  2. "My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters".

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. Mikkel


      Click here for our online shop.

    4. HeeleyBridge


      ok I read "fresh dinosaur"...


      Get your fresh dinosaur here!!!

  3. Yay! Airplane on Film 4

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Johnny, what can you make out of this?

    3. locoholic


      I think RMWeb is too highbrow for me, sometimes. Now is not one of those times.

    4. beast66606


      Captain, how soon can you land?

      I can't tell.

      You can tell me. I'm a doctor.

      No. I mean I'm just not sure.

      Well, can't you take a guess?

      Well, not for another two hours.

      You can't take a guess for another two hours?

  4. All the birds love my fat balls.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bgman


      Does your butcher keep dripping ?

    3. bgman


      Does your butcher keep dripping ?

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Great Balls of Fire.


      Just adapting to you guys... :-D

  5. I've heard of Thunderpants but not Thundersnow...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Thanks Steve... better have extra sprouts!

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Wot did I miss then?

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Wot did I miss then?

  6. 'tis lucky I had the foresight to repair the wheel barrow. I'll be needing that to fill with worthless currency to wheel up to Sainsburys in exchange for a loaf of bread...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Just goes to show how obedient the readers of certain 'newspapers' are.

    3. Horsetan


      Holiday in Zimbabwe, anyone!?

    4. Sasquatch


      There's a positive side to everything. At least I can afford oo stuff with my dollars now!

  7. is contemplating an Indalian for tea...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya


    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      I've just dribbled curry down my tweeds.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Oh, you posh northerners, I don't know... no really I don't!

  8. Staines & Campbell

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      You've got to get those lamp posts right, so you need lamp post nerds...

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      "pray tell..."

      Sworn to secrecy but some (of the lamposts)have made regular appearances in MRJ.

    4. Tim Dubya
  9. Moonraker - YAY!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. bgman


      Not forgetting Monty the Python !

    4. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Bond 1) sees somebody bite through a 2'' steel hawser with his teeth, then 2) proceeds to sock said block in the mouth. What is the best he was hoping for? A broken hand?


  10. A Big Thank You to all who donated to the Jezzer's new suit appeal. We managed to raise a pair of Y_fronts for the Rt. Hon. Leader of Her Majesty's opposition.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BoD


      It's been a while since I managed to raise a pair of y-fronts.

    3. Horsetan


      In Newcastle, they're known as Y-aye fronts.

    4. Claude_Dreyfus


      Or Y-ay fronts for Mr Dubya?

  11. Is preparing body and soul for the mother of all fry-ups.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I had a three-sausage sandwich today in a very odd cafe.

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Was the three sausages disturbing at all - would the experience have been less odd with, say, four sausages?

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I'm just grateful 'cafe' and not 'place' was the final word in that sentence...

  12. Addlestones Cloudy or Old Rosie for tea?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I know, I live just up the road from Sh#t And Smell It...

      Who Killed Bambi?

    3. loickebros


      old rosie every time!!!

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      'tis a mental brew to be sure - infact a whole weeks worth of units in one G-Bong!

  13. Is enjoying the view of BANES council wasting even more of his council tax on "road improvements". Thanks guys!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. HeeleyBridge


      I thought he said TOADS

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      BANES - another local authority that couldn't organise a beer party in a brewery, off licence, pub or anywhere else for that matter. This is the local authority that thinks a wooden stockade fence suits Sydney Gardens.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Couldn't agree more. 'Authority', my 'arris!

  14. I'm Afraid of Americans...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rembrow


      This is the country whose Defence(se)Secretary said -' there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      A small ferret down your trousers.

    4. john flann

      john flann

      I'm an American, what's there to be frightened about?

  15. I'm a street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rembrow


      Protect and Survive - or How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

    3. rembrow


      'Hello Bomb are you with me - Are you willing to entertain a few concepts' - quotes from film Dark Star

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Quotes from Iggy Pop

  16. 14 units a week, does anyone know when that starts?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I don't know nuffin' about deasels - so anything made in a kettle

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      They make tea in a kettle in some of the more obscure parts of Redruth, I'm told.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I remember Red Ruth, she defected to them Liberian Democrats in the end...

  17. has got cider for tea...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      That my friend, is a superb use of the English language!

    3. bgman


      Thank you :)

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Mrs has just got in and the words "in", "fit" and "state" have been mentioned.. bye.

  18. We are right in the doo doo when Andy and the Mods get back from the BRM Festival of Railway Modelling. Whoops!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I don't do model railways

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      But if you were Carlsberg...

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      There would probably be a very nasty accident...

  19. Yay! Has discovered hedgehog poo in the garden - you have no idea how happy that makes me feel!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Horsetan


      Well, I suppose you just have to grin and bear it.

    3. KalKat


      Did you know ...... cat poo is waterproof?

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      wow, I didn't know that - you learn something new everyday.




  20. has either repaired the pressure washer or turned it into a water powered ballistic device!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Tattoo Removal?

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      We'll see, but as it has the ability to destroy itself, it can probably remove most things from where they're stuck!

      I peeled off the "Do Not Use On Vehicles" sticker, it's probably what turbocharged it?

    4. brigo


      Paint stripper

  21. Has that type of sensation in his foot that points to another bout of Gout. Oh pants!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I blame Flanders and Swan, sounds like the type of thing they might do. Slow Train indeed!

    3. DonB


      Flanders & Swan, didn't they recommend Madiera ? But not as a remedy for Gout!

      Hope the "Feeling" is not the portent you fear.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Appears to have settled down now, cheers. Oh the fear!

  22. ####, just woke up and realised TRUMP IS HERE!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mallard60022


      The Wig Party might be a better choice?

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      He thinks Scotland voted to leave...

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      They have, they're hiding in Northumberland until he leaves

  23. Today I have mostly been listening to Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      The Thousandth and Tenth Day of the Human Totem Pole

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      were you at the party of special things to do, or up on Observatory Crest?

    4. petethemole


      'there are only forty people in the world and five of them are hamburgers'

  24. is sat here watching the needle on the barometer taking a dive......

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Horsetan


      Been rained on twice here in Ealing.

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Snow this m,m,m,morning. Amounted to nowt.

    4. 6892 Oakhill Grange

      6892 Oakhill Grange

      23 C this morning hit 35 by lunch unusual daily swing. Bit chilly for time of year.

  25. Phew, luckily I'm on the other side of the city........ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-36279782

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Horsetan


      English would have become their first language in a place like Bath. It was either that or Latin.

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      After a "walk" (Black Sheep, Bee Hive, Farmhouse, Belvedere - I can't 'remember' the others) up Lansdown Hill, I was most probably spouting 'Latin' of some sort...

    4. Tim Dubya
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