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Everything posted by figworthy

  1. Reminds me of a tale I heard many years ago. A farm manager was wandering across a field, and as a pheasant flew past him, he caught it with his walking stick. One dead pheasant, and no lead to dig out of it. I was assured that it was during the shooting season. Adrian
  2. That's because they are at a festival in Saudi Arabia. It's not going well Adrian
  3. I took the boom (11ft long) off my boat with me on one car shopping trip for the same reason. Adrian
  4. I'd be more worried about the one closer to the camera who has horns. Adrian
  5. Woolly glove on the left hand (so that I could work the switches), thick gauntlet type thing on the right hand. As you could see daylight between the door and the windscreen at the best of times, it did get a bit chilly inside in the winter. Adrian
  6. Or the windows frosting up on the inside. Adrian
  7. The area that the Regents canal runs through is quite built up, so it is unlikely that they would be sailing up there. If they weren't motorized, then they would be either horse drawn or towed by a tug depending on the era. Adrian
  8. You can't rush a good job (which is perhaps just as well around LM). Adrian
  9. By the mid 70s, it was British Economic and Social history 1789 - 1914. Adrian
  10. I don't know for sure (this was several years ago). My assumption was that Amazon had supplied it to them so that they could send me updates on the order. However if the mechanism that you mentioned (in the bit that I snipped) was in place from day 1, it shouldn't have happened. Adrian
  11. I've not had spam from Amazon, but I have had spam from one of the market place businesses. Changing the email address I gave to Amazon and blacklisting the original put a stop to that. Adrian
  12. Whilst I wouldn't disagree with the general argument that you've made, I placed an order in August (I left an answer phone message, which was promptly followed up), and have made phone calls since to chase it up (none of which have resulted in a call back), the question I find myself asking, is how inconvenience is reasonable. I certainly wasn't expecting the stuff to appear the following day, but 3.5 months is probably stretching things a bit. Adrian
  13. I think this one oozes atmosphere. Any ideas on what the loco is ? Adrian
  14. All they need to do is fit a sound chip in it with a Merlin sound project. Adrian
  15. Exactly. It's what sailors know as "apparent wind". Not only is the air moving across the ground, but you are moving through the air. If you are moving in the same direction as the wind, but travelling at a slower speed, then you'll feel the wind on your back. As you reach the wind speed, then you'll appear to be in a calm spot, and then as you go faster, you'll be overtaking the wind, so you'll start to feel it in your face. Different relative wind angles (e.g. a side wind) will modify the effect, but the same principles apply. Adrian (occasional rider of a late 50's BSA)
  16. Sending an email in someone else's name is very easy to do, no fake accounts are required. The rather more difficult bit is sending it in such a way that close examination makes it look as though it has come from the "right" server. Generally hidden, the email has a great deal of information with it regarding how it was routed, what tool was used to write it and hopefully the IP address of the sending machine. As a parallel, imagine that the letter you get in the post has marked on it every post box and sorting office that it went through, along with a timestamp. Adrian
  17. As others have said, you need to do the maths on going at 62, or staying on. What you haven't mentioned is whether or not you are enjoying what you are doing. As others here have mentioned, if you are not enjoying it (for whatever reason), then a half decent package is a big hint as to what to do. Several years back, my then employer came up with a voluntary severance scheme which almost anyone with a reasonable length of service and within 5 years or so of pension age would have been daft not to take (in financial terms). Unfortunately, whilst local manglement were happy to let people go, human remains decreed that those in certain roles had to stay, and I fell into one of those groups. Adrian
  18. The problem with "rights", is that they are usually accompanied by "responsibilities", and those demanding the "rights" seem to ignore them (or those that don't suit them). Adrian
  19. In both of these, there appears to be a bad steam leak at the back of the tender. Is this a leaking steam heat connection or something else ? Adrian
  20. My last temperature controlled iron died earlier in the year, and after looking around at the comments on here, I went for the Hakko, and that's been fine (*). Much faster to warm up then the previous one, so I can turn it on when I need it, rather than in advance. (*) the old one died when I was 90% of the way through my last project, so it hasn't had extensive testing, but with Brass and Nickel Silver it certainly does the job. That said, I would echo what others have said, and also get a RSU, and have a look at the stuff on the Missenden website for advice on how to use it. Adrian
  21. Not working for me on ye olde fashioned PC either. Adrian
  22. I've known Lego to be used for designing kitchens, and for temporary stand in buildings on a model railway (let's see how this works before we start cutting plasticard). On the other hand, Dad used to have a Meccano "thing" for making his own solenoid point motors. Adrian
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