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Everything posted by MarcD

  1. A quick question what did you use as a track gauge? Marc
  2. Very interesting might be temped to do a late 50's version of Scratchy Bottom. Marc
  3. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the mockups. I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to convert it to the Cambrian version? Marc
  4. looking at the very few photos on the net i would say that you could use a Settle and Carlisle Shed drawing and change the stone used to build it. I have a copy of "Stations & Structures of the Settle & Carlisle Railway by V.R. Anderson; G.K. Fox" Its got a lot of photos and drawings. It might be a good place to start. Marc
  5. At least is not XXXX it's only called that as Queenslanders can't spell P1$$ Marc
  6. The production process gives a very good finish. The process is actually "Selective Laser Sintering" so technically its not 3D printing but for the layman its just easier to say 3D prinitng. Marc
  7. Ahh the hen's tooth book. I have been trying to get my hands on a copy for 4 years. Last time I saw a copy on eBay it went for £40. Marc
  8. The first 3D Cad models for the locomotives we have under development. 1st Sharp Stewart (Furness/Manchester and Milford/LMS/GWR) 2-4-2T 1891-1925 Etched nickel silver chassis and a 3D printed top there will be a number of options chimneys/rivet details etc 2nd LSWR/SR/BR 2-4-0WT Etched nickel silver chassis and a 3D printed top there will be initially there will be 6 versions covering 1895-2018. if there is demand we may do a pre 1895 version and a tender version. Marc
  9. Firstly I give the rail a quick coat of light rust with the air brush . Once that has dried I use my grott mix. (black, brown, weathered wood, yellow and greys mixed up with the cleanings from when I'm cleaning brushes. I then spray it over everything track, rail and ballast. If I have used wood sleepers I stain them before I lay the track. Marc
  10. I have to say the Minerva loco is looking good. I might have to have one in a Cambrian Livery. Not sure what they are looking at for the sound chip but I might be useful for other similar Victorian locos. Marc
  11. Thought I should post an update on the progress on the layout. The baseboards and the track gauges are in the post so I can start building the layout shortly. The locos are about 50% there on the design first batch of wagon have been built. Marc
  12. Chris will the loco be available in a Cambrian livery? Marc
  13. Ahh 2 for the price of 2 my local has that offer on at the moment Marc
  14. I have always fancied having "FUBAR Engineering" as a layout. Marc
  15. We do have "Scratchy Bottom Paper Mills" when were are running in LSWR/LBSCR mode. With product advertising "John Wayne" Toilet paper "Its rough tough and take no $H1T off anyone" and "Badgers Ar$e" Industrial Toilet paper "encourages your workforce to go at home. As a side the mills are owned by a Mr Royds who has named the company's loco after his wife "Emma". Marc
  16. There are some Drawings for the North Sunderland L in a MRJ but I don't know of one for a H as I would like a set for myself. I use this website to check drawings. http://www.brmna.org/xrefs.shtml Marc
  17. Hi John The L is a 0-6-0ST where as the H is a smaller 0-4-0ST. both classes were built over a long period of time so change in detail. Marc
  18. Its looking good. I look forward to see the progress. Marc
  19. There are 5 books by the late Bill Hudson and there about 20 books from longmoor press on the subject. good place to look is Ebay. Marc
  20. Hi Gary Did the wagon carry coal for that particular wagons owner all of the time? Most of the time. They may have been loaded with coal for another agent/merchant to pay their way to their final destination. Was the wagon leased from the owner to other wagon owners? Some times there seamed to be 3 ways of paying for the wagon Buy out right, Hire Purchase , or Hire. The first option usually transaction between builder and user. The second 2 options could be with either the builder or a hiring/finance company Who was responsible for the maintenance of the wagons? Maintenance was the responsibility of the owner/hiring agent. Did these wagons stray far from the geographical area displayed on the side? Yes, location of the wagon would be dependant on the customer preference for the coal supply and that applies to both individual merchants, agents, factors or collieries Are there any parallels with regards to owners of today's modern wagon fleets like Naco etc? I couldn't say not knowing anything about modern PO wagons In addition most PO wagons were pooled between 1917-19 and 1939-47 Marc
  21. Will my experience at the battle of Umboto Gorge help? Will the Russians be armed with sharpened Mangoes or Bananas? MArc
  22. MarcD


    Ray, I might not have been on the Forum but I do know what is said as my father and a number of my friends go on it and they have shown me some of the very negative things that have been said. Marc
  23. MarcD


    Randall Good work on the gates. I would upload them to shapways and then make them available to the general public. Someone else might buy some. It's what we have done, with all the parts for our kits that are printed or any thing I design for myself that isn't worthwhile bringing out as kits. You have shown, yourself, that you have the skills to design your own stuff. Keep going. As for the Guild forum I have been told, having never been on it, that it is full of people who are quick to put anyone down who is doing anything but are not keen to do anything themselves. I have also been told that they mostly drink the finest acid in the "Pedent and Armchair" at the weekend. Marc
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