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Blog Comments posted by TomE

  1. I was going to suggest a little rust colour on and around the rails to highlight things like chairs but looking at the photo you have got it spot on in my eyes!M :)


    Thanks Missy. The photos from the phone don't quite show it, but I did spend a little time mixing up a few different rust shades, trying to match the more orangey colour of the real place rather than just use a generic 'rust' colour, which I find tend to be too red.


    Hi Tom, You've nailed it! Track work looks great! Really wished I had been brave enough to build my layout based on Par using the finescale track work, it makes such a difference. Best regards, Jeremy


    Thanks Jeremy! It certainly was worth the extra time and effort. I won't be going back to Peco!


    Nice permanent way! please excuse my ignorance but, what track and point work is it you are using? looks extremely lifelike to me. I can't believe this is 2mm scale! Cheers!Frank


    Thanks Frank! The trackwork is all Easitrac components from the 2mm Scale Association. I don't think I would have been able to model the trackwork as accurately any other way. The only modification is opening up the clearances of the pointwork to allow off the shelf N gauge stock to run though.





  2. Many thanks everyone! :)


    Which method are you going to use to clean the track?...would be a shame to damage any of it in the process :(


    Hi Pete.


    At the moment I use a piece of kitchen roll tightly folded up and then soaked in White Spirit, which seems to do the job nicely, but once the point rodding, signal cable post, incline posts etc are installed I might have to come up with something which is only slightly wider than the line to avoid ripping them all out!


    Lovely! It's a detector bar. The interlocking proper would be elsewhere. This is a secondary safety device. If for any reason it had been possible for the signalman to operate the lever for the connection fully but the tie bar had not moved correctly or at all then this item would prevent the signal being pulled off.


    Thanks Rich, I'm not really up on the intricacies of Semaphore signalling, so always good to find out what these things do!





  3. The question I have though is what is N2.0 Scale? It looks like you are trying to decimalise it or something? It just looks weird to me.


    Haha, I wondered when someone would mention that :) It was just to show that the layout isn't quite 2mm FS, but it's not quite N Gauge either. I guess it could be considered a 'finer N', or N Gauge V2.0 perhaps....


    Interesting idea with the QR codes though. Hadn't thought of that! Some experimentation is required I think...



  4. Many thanks all for the comments!


    Whilst there is a fair amount of green on the layout, once the yard area is complete I think this might balance that out with a large area of dark grey and the backscene will be quite light, but I can see how it might overpower the layout if not careful.


    Just putting a few suggestions to the test, here is is a version in a lighter grey 'undercoat':




    And one with the totem at the bottom. I quite like this, but i'm not sure if it leaves the top a little bare?




    And the same, but in grey again:







  5. Tom - Just a thought I had whilst on my iPhone. I have the IP Board app installed but I usually go straight to view full content so the format appears the same as on PC/Mac. This time I accessed your blog via the default site (as when opened by Safari) and it allowed me to add the above comment....but not edit it...it worked as this on the iPad so I am assuming I can now comment on blogs from the iPhone now too...


    Thanks Pete, I'll look into that, see if it sorts my problem!



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