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Everything posted by 55020

  1. Me too, about a week ago. No acceptance yet. Can you post a message of yours comes through. Thanks
  2. The photo shows the clips on this coach weren't even in the same location on each side of the centre cover. It also shows a loss of paint further up the left side, possible caused by a clip being located there at some point? Presumably the clips were movable. In which case the "perfect" symmetrical pattern that Bachmann have used is as good as we can expect? A photo showing another variation and more paint loss: https://www.flickr.com/photos/117983829@N03/15991215428/
  3. It is shown as "Not secure" because RMWeb isn't an https website i.e. data sent to/from the website isn't encrypted. All perfectly fine and normal
  4. Quick question - how do you clean flux off?
  5. The guys from Accurascale have stated it's not a Select decoder. However it might also not be a V4, but a "new tech". Bottom line is that it might not be able to be reblown. Time will tell......
  6. Mine arrived today as well. I agree, an excellent issue. Perhaps the best one in a long time IMHO. Lots and lots of BR Blue, some great photo's and text (not page after page of timing tables!). Along with a nice model supplement. I'd write a longer summary but have to dash out. Maybe later, if nobody else beats me to it
  7. I don't think anyone is suggesting that OR are obliged to post, just that some feedback might be good for their PR machine. Bottom line is that any business that doesn't listen to, or seek the opinions of their customers are setting themselves up to possibly fail or at least not be a successful as they could be. OR "appear" to be heading down this route, which is a real shame.
  8. The detailed descriptions against each model in the Accurascale website will give you what you desire. Perhaps you can produce a list here for anyone else that might be interested??
  9. Congratulations Simon for seeing this through from concept to (almost) production. I for one will be ordering a copy!
  10. Here's a link to a video I posted a few days ago in the Bachmann Mk2f thread, however it is probably more relevant to this thread. Unfortunately there's no sound, but the content more than makes up for it. I do hope it being filmed a year or so "early" for the '80s won't upset the purists? The first clip appears to show a Midland allocated Mk2 FK in the push-pull rake?
  11. There are quite a few great examples of the B&G push-pull sets in the first half of this video, all showing the First Class coach adjacent to the DBSO. The first clip is of a Class 27 push-pull, with what appears to be (unusually) a Midland allocated Mk2 FK. Or am I mistaken? Steve
  12. Does it make the same noise with the body removed? Whilst it's natural to think it's to do with the DCC decoder, perhaps you've trapped or routed a wire in such a way it's getting caught by the motor or other moving parts?
  13. Thanks. I agree, they "should" have them, but the website (both of them!) is just offering the option to pre-order. I'll give them a call and see what they say. Cheers, Steve
  14. Talking of Hattons, does anyone know when they will get a delivery of the B&G DBSOs? Thanks, Steve
  15. The scale of the deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia is astounding. I spent 8 years flying in Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah about a decade ago, which provided a privileged view of the area. Brunei do not allow deforestation and you can visually see the border between it and Malaysia. Have a look in Google maps or Google earth. Search for Kuala Belait and zoom out. You can see the change of "ground" colour at the border, due to deforestation and in particular the farming of Palm Oil in Malaysia. It is even more shocking when you are on the ground and driving through mile after mile of pretty barren land.
  16. What a great piece of research. At the end of the day this is the kind of info that must be like gold dust to the manufacturers, no matter what our individual wishes and wants are. Having said that, I do wonder where a sealed beam "Peak" would come in the rankings
  17. I've been eagerly awaiting this announcement. Thanks Kelsey don't have it on their website - yet!
  18. I can only find one spelling, the same for the geographic feature and the drink. Where is the alternate spelling used? Edit - Ah, found it I think! https://flaviar.com/benachie/distillery Although not sure how good this source is, as they can't spell Insch correctly Steve
  19. Actually the headlights were the clincher for me, so I'm really glad they went for this option BTW, you've spelt Bennachie incorrectly
  20. That's Christmas 2019 sorted One sound equipped TOPS Highland Class 24 ordered. This will be my first SLW model, so looking forward to much drooling at some point next year!
  21. Rather than a digital subscription in the traditional sense, I actually think Steve's note in the original message has a better way of describing the arrangement: "**Please note: This is a membership service. Once you stop your payments you lose access to all magazines." So you are purchasing access to a digital library into which new editions are added as they become available. Stop paying and you lose access to everything, including the "new" magazines that were added during the term of your subscription.
  22. His layout doesn't have any OHLE or 3rd rail, so it must be a diesel I suspect his comment was just lacking a similar emoticon!
  23. The voting process has made sure we keep on talking a lot about the models, so perhaps it has achieved something for SLW. Otherwise we might have forgotten about them altogether
  24. Similar numbers quoted here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/218089/global-market-share-of-windows-7/
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