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Everything posted by RonnieS

  1. It's called Hibernation! Time to start again for both of us!
  2. 2014 A better Year?

    1. backofanenvelope
    2. RedgateModels


      Would be difficult for me, 2013 was a very good year for the Redgates

    3. Jawfin


      A quote from the bible:



      Well, the bible probably has, "no," in it somewhere.

  3. I don't think Michael Portillo is a Wally. I like his approach to Railways and travel. The idea of using a 100 year old Bradshaw is inspired!
  4. The RCD van is on loan to this mob https://www.youtube.com/embed/ACkmg3Y64_s?rel=0 to help them find the model figure of Mike Portillo. As if a pink shirt and lime green jacket wasn't a clue?
  5. By definition “Odour deficient” would be someone lacking in odour. Friday night’s “8 out of 10 cats” host, Jimmy Carr, suggested if you meet anyone with BO you should ask them what part of France they came from. Therefore this question is too technically complex for this topic and might be better on a continental thread? Whilst, in theory, RCD vans could work abroad there is no known photographic evidence.
  6. Based on the unexpected popularity of this vehicle a major rtr manufacturer is to release a model:- Bachmann | RCD Van
  7. I have made a start on Wolverhampton Club's Motonhampstead gallery. A few pix to post during the next day or so. It is hoped some Tony Wright pictures will appear here also - anything is possible with rmweb.
  8. Maunsell wheels running in SKF bearings?
  9. Not unknown - Prestwin dia 274 is just one example
  10. Interesting! How about a plywood container as a first? I'd buy a few! Pretty generic all pre nat railways plus long lasting BR.
  11. Good Morning Blues (I was kidding earlier)
  12. .......couldn' undo her safety belt!
  13. RonnieS

    Hornby P2

    Almost worth diverting the load hauling topic to another thread? 00 loco, what has the greatest haulage? There And this posted by sub39h, on 19 Nov 2013 Here
  14. ...............drinkin' rot gut whiskey and talkin' all outta your head...............
  15. (God bless them they have both gone now) My sugar likes to take a drink To help her sleep and make her dream She's on to something but now they think There's not enough blood in her alcohol screen When things get on top of her There ain't no stoppin' her My sugar turns to alcohol One trip to the watering hole My sugar turns to alcohol One more drip will take it's toll Now when it gets into her head There ain't nothin' I can do Her days are numbered the doctor said Now she's drinking and counting too When time is running out Now there can be no doubt My sugar turns to alcohol One trip to the watering hole My sugar turns to alcohol One more drip will take it's toll Eight bars I'm getting old Now, in the morning her heads so thick There's only one thing that she can do One drink and she's a brand new girl Then that brand new girl wants one too
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