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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. Tatties, neeps, and good steak mince and onions in a pie are just as good, but don't mix and mash the tatties and neeps together like my wife did Thought you were entering the pics in the latest postage stamp competition
  2. KISS - really? I thought this was going to be an easy removeable section for access
  3. That looks like home from home in there You can always tell when you've got the professional builders in by the sight of the ubiquitous milk crate.
  4. We are going round in circles Gordon. For some users of Internet Explorer, and that includes Andy, it does not work. There is a problem at RMweb with the use of IE, If you read on from your post 4265 on page 171 all should become clear.
  5. Great tip Jinty. That does work here using Internet Explorer. It also embeds YouTube videos in the post, that is the YouTube player itself. On the otherhand I will keep using FireFox because IMO IE is the biggest load of out there.
  6. I thought you had a new shed(summer house) to put all your stuff in while you worked in the bunker Looks like you are doing what I do and just shift stuff around while you work Coming on good though Jeff, once that ceiling is enclosed it will make the world of difference to heating and being comfortable.
  7. Be oft to the Lounge with you Mr Mortimore Psst, I've heard there is a certain Bodgit fella over there ready with the barbeque
  8. Jeff, why don't you put a link to the Lounge in your signature, a lot of new comers will be unaware of its existance and purpose, something like: For all off topic conversation please use the Lunster Lounge at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/67999-lunester-lounge/page-330
  9. Sorry if this is too off topic but I thought I would share it for everyone. To Andrew P, and all others who maybe experiencing problems with Internet Explorer when posting on the forums I have been doing a bit of investigating into why. I have had a reply to my email from Andy Y (RMweb Editor) who explains the issue below. Internet Explorer problem Hi Andy Don't know if you are the person to help or not but I need to start somewhere I use FireFox exclusively for browsing on three machines, one has Windows 8.1 and the other two have Windows 7, and I have NO trouble whatsoever with using RMweb. We have just been having a discussion on the Bitton thread, page 171, about copying and pasteing links from YouTube, and copying and pasteing text into forum posts. Trying to help Andy P who uses Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 7, I suggested how to copy and paste links into his forum posts. Evidently it did not work for him how I described it. So, I opened Internet Explorer 11 on my desktop and proceeded to do the same proceedures I would have done in FireFox. The first thing I noticed is that the post I was replying to did not display the quoted text even though I pressed the "Reply quoting this post" button. I then tried copying a link from YouTube and pasteing that into the post, again nothing happened. Then I tried copying plain text into the post and again nothing. I gave up, searched Google, and it appears there have been problems with copy/paste in most versions of IE. I followed a few suggestions like resetting the browser and rebooting but to no avail. I then had a discussion by email with Ray (Tender) through RMweb about this problem and found on my reply to him that I could quote 'his' reply and see it in my post, copy and paste any links and copy and paste any text. So the conclusion is that forum posts are not working as they should but email is fine when using Internet Explorer. This is the same on all three computers I have. I am pretty knowledgable about computers, everything I have has the latest updates, drivers, software, blah, blah. Can you shed any light on what might be the problem with Internet Explorer or indeed the RMweb/Internet Explorer relationship. I know from past experience that all browsers do not display things equally, but this has stumped me. I have attached the email conversation: mick Andy Y RMweb Editor Sent Today, 07:32 Hi Mick, Thanks for the PM and taking the time to explore the situation. Yes; there's a problem between Invision's forum software and IE. Frustratingly it doesn't seem to affect everyone and nobody seems to know what the other variable is which would help give some clues. Invision issued a software update with a fix; but it didn't make any difference. One way around it that seems to work for most is to go to the bottom of any page and click on Change Theme and select RMweb_2013 - this uses an older version of the forum templates and seems to have less issues. Hopefully a proper fix will be found at some point! Best wishes, Andy Donington Road Sent Today, 11:16 Andy Y, on 21 Jan 2015 - 07:32, said: Many thanks for your reply Andy. At least we now know there is an issue in some cases with using Internet Explorer and RMweb. mick If anyone wants to discuss this further then I suggest we move it to the Lunster Lounge http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/67999-lunester-lounge/page-330and not clog Bitton up anymore than nescessary
  10. Yes Ray, that does work, but also the link I posted earlier works as well, using FireFox. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHgJaOMkFxY" (without the quotes) I still cannot get anything to copy and paste and get quotes in posts using Internet Explorer.
  11. It would do Andy because YOU were signed in with your Gmail account. Google and YouTube and Gmail are all one now, once you are signed in to one you are signed in for all.
  12. I am mystified. I do not use Internet Explorer. I have just opened Internet Explorer, clicked on 'Reply quoting this post' and it does not quote the post I have tried copying the YouTube link into the same post and it will not do that either. I use FireFox as my browser and everything works just how it should between FireFox, RMweb, YouTube, Gmail, copying, pasteing etc. I need help with Internet Explorer because the above things should work and I can't see what is wrong, anybody?
  13. Once your video is uploaded to YouTube. Play the video in YouTube then copy the link and paste into your post
  14. Andy, if you want to embed YouTube videos in your posts, click on the reply with attachments, then paste the link and then it should look like this
  15. Yeah, the great Sam Cooke and if he wasn't working on the chain gang he was twisting the night away.
  16. With all this CLANKING and CHUFFING going on I can't hear the sound of the track laying gang. Any more done today Andy?
  17. Another great Lincolnshire location. I hope you will be doing a blog on that Ben.
  18. Who could be disappointed with a Flying Pig and the M&GN, not me for one.
  19. Did you acknowledge your confirmation email? Such as clicking a link in the email to confirm it is you.
  20. Either you needed to close Internet Explorer and open it again, or do a complete reboot. You should now be able to sign in with your gmail address by clicking on the blue sign in button at the top right.
  21. Sometimes a reboot of the old flip flop can work wonders when you get a problem.
  22. Well done Andy. I had just written out the instructions and done some screen shots how to sign into YouTube, came back here to post and you had done it. Video is good by the way.
  23. Maybe best to delete your first post and amend your last one so there is no confusion
  24. There's going to be a lot of jittery BRM modellers out there, who having seen your previous incarnation, were counting on their survival by taking refuge in your new non-destructive bunker in the event of nuclear war.
  25. Have you seen the photos of John's Hintock Quay today? If Trebudoc Quay comes anywhere near that Andy you will can no longer claim to be Mr Bodgit.
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