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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. more info here: http://www.mdmrc.org/index.php/sutterton
  2. Bet you're cursing me now for asking, but it just goes to show how a simple quote has probably saved you a lot of hair tearing out and upheaval. Well done to Jason and Duncan for spotting the obvious.
  3. You do make me laugh Andy. From the man of many shunting planks to the owner of a shed and a half, I guess 13 foot square is miniscule now
  4. Jet Black is a funky colour? well I never. What happens next Andy, does the track go directly onto the underlay?
  5. Beware of false intentions Andy, I spied his men from afar yesterday with some sort of fighting machines like these I wouldn't normally grass on them, but keep an eye out once you've got the track down.
  6. I think Havenhouse with the potato dock is a no brainer. I know it is not quite correct but this would make an esquisite model, if only as a static part of the layout. You might glean further interest from this layout as well: http://www.grahamsrailways.com/#!formma/cmm2
  7. Its a shame that whoever has done the website did not put the location of the photos
  8. Just browsing around. The internet is a bit like a family tree one thing leads onto another. I got side tracked here http://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org/ then from there to here http://www.myinsulators.com/ukinsulators/pole.htm and they say railway modellers are nurds
  9. Well. I am going to throw a spanner in the works. I think the pole was the original throughout its life. Looking at many photos of it from early 1900's through to 1958 the top half, that is the rails and insulators changed appearence quite a bit, some added, some taken off and some lengthened. Mostly, rails were at 90° to the station entrance but a sometime there were bottom rails parallel to the station entrance. Looking two thirds up the pole there appears to be a collar, again square. Another unusual feature is a finial on top. The pole is also a lighter colour to all others around it. I think the pole could be Oak, with the top third above the collar being of Oak or a different wood
  10. I am pretty certain it was a solid post. A few views here: http://www.peterboroughimages.co.uk/blog/?cat=11&paged=20 Cut down version: http://ukrailways1970tilltoday.me.uk/PeterboroughGNRstationone.html
  11. CoBo.pdf conversion Full Moon and lying snow and it would show up fine.
  12. The photos are looking good at 1500 wide Mike and the file size of around 400kb are well within the 1mb limit.
  13. Just keep clicking Yes when you are saving, take no notice of the multiple sheet thing click Yes. Here is the xlsx file in txt format up to page 77 RMWeb.Index.txt
  14. Same here. I thought it might be a good word for the Scrabble board but with only a seven letter rack hopes are not high. Merry Christmas to everyone on this thread and thank you Tony for a lovely visit to Little Bytham a few days ago.
  15. Looking on Bing maps it also appears that the main platform has also been extended in Preservation, from somewhere between the present day lamp post and bench seat to align with the north end of the goods shed. The original BR platform judging from the old black and white photo seems to end just short of the goods shed in the southerly direction, so the actual track alignment of the cattle dock siding may not be that far out from the original.
  16. Like Agree Informative Funny It will soon be all over Mike. Once we have gone through the process of being stuffed and feeling uncomfortable for a few days then we can all look forward to a great years modelling ahead.
  17. Glad to hear the move went well Jason. Shame about Wainfleet but you are not straying far with Havenhouse. And just to cheer you up, I've got the dough cake ready and the Stilton cheese from Colston Bassett http://www.colstonbassettdairy.co.uk/ plus a nice Bateman's Victory Ale or two. I'll think of you and raise you glass for Christmas.
  18. Great find Duncan. Wrong sort of blanket though, Andy is supposed to eat pigs in blankets not sing them to sleep. Merry Christmas
  19. I think that platform at the rear is new in Preservation. The new part looks to be as far as the wide platform edging goes. In the right hand photo there is a black shed which would have stood between the van and wall in the colour photo. That gap between van and wall looks very narrow suggesting the old track alignment was further away from the wall. I'll let others judge.
  20. So is that posh Corporal whatsisname, his men have been on standby for months, armed with the best fighting machines in the land to suppress that green stuff
  21. Your file naming above is a bit off course Andy
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