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Everything posted by Swifty11

  1. Note to self: Stop getting bored and going into layout topics and finding another 10 topics you like and follow! My notifications are too many anyway!!

  2. And we're working again!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. class"66"


      working!! this late Tom...

    3. Swifty11


      I know Neil, no rest for the wicked lol!

    4. class"66"


      yer its Go Go Go!!!!

  3. In a bad mood having had a bad day and I've now logged on to rmweb... What can possibly go wrong eh? *remembers I'm a good boy now*

    1. 11B


      Well.... The mods don't seem to be disagreeing with you as yet!

    2. Swifty11


      I know I'm doing well aren't I?

  4. To Stafford!!

    1. MarkC


      ...and beyond?

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is Stafford beyond Infinity?

  5. Nice pick, just looked on mild boars website... They really aren't cheap!! But look very nice
  6. Sods law, just before Stafford show muggins here cuts his fit open in 2 places on my heel isn't it!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. class"66"


      Im going to staffs,Lol may see you there spending

    3. Swifty11


      I'm keeping my money close it me, god 2 models I'm after hey Neil! :)

      The 90 is a bargain from another youtuber

  7. Now suitably cheered up, I have a new class 90 on the way, I've tracked down a Bachmann single road servicing shed which I've wanted for years and Stafford show at the weekend! Nice :)

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I take it you're feeling better now?

    2. pipparooba


      them shed are like rocking horse sh@t you lucky ######

    3. Swifty11


      Thanks! I have hopefully obtained one and it will look great on my new layout!

      Its been a long week and there are a few people who think im there "friend" who I wouldn't hesitate to punch in the face but thats another story!


  8. Very, very nice work Matt!! You really are cracking on with it
  9. Oh for f...

    1. Guest


      Oh dear......

    2. Swifty11
    3. 11B


      This does not sound good....

  10. Wellosted a topic for my new (possible exhibition) layout in layout topics. A look is appreciated :)

  11. Turns out I'm on page 13 of the top posters list on rmweb! ... Yes I really am that bored

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      So you're sufficiently bored to check the pages showing the top posters (wherever that is...)?

    2. gwrrob


      CK is on page 1 and I'm on page 2 !

    3. Swifty11


      I resorted to buying and reading RAIL magazine!

  12. I thinks its an electrical connection / computer. I'm not sure but I was told this by a DB driver
  13. Very nice, turns out 60066 was a publicity stunt for the first run. It will likely never be used on the biomas again as the 60s are not fitted with the equiptment to open the doors on the wagons! As DB couldn't be bothered to paint a 66 they did a 60 instead!
  14. Go to a steam model railway show with a 'No Kettles' t-shirt on
  15. Still ill... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swifty11


      Feeling sick, to put it politely! Feeling much better now but still not myself

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is it something you've eaten, then?

    4. Swifty11


      Probably, school food is educational! It teaches you about biology and food poisoning!

  16. Birthday coming up! I think I'll go for a 20 :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 11B


      Class 20 or age 20!!!!

    3. Swifty11


      I'd need a class 14 otherwise

    4. 11B


      Arr, still a good loco!

  17. Put my vote in for the Model Of The Year 2013, Not much modern stuff on there but I still found the decisions easy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SHMD


      There's a vote?


    3. SHMD


      OK,found it and now voted.

    4. Stevelewis


      Agreed ...... I think the Blue team will win!

  18. Nice work! May I ask why you have done so many?
  19. Hahaha. The neighbours had the music blasting last night, time to even the score! Whilst they are recovering from their hangovers :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CovDriver


      I tend to play a cd that's got just type 4's and 5's the class 56 tracks tend to be enough!!

    3. Horsetan


      "See you in Court" is sometimes recommended as an alternative...

    4. Guest


      "A Pain that I'm used too" That will work!

  20. Certainly looks an interesting and promising layout! I will be following with interest! What a buy with that 73! Looks the business it really does, th'ebay is quite good sometimes!
  21. Just watched Benidorm on ITV player to hope its got better as it's progressed.... Nope

    1. muddys-blues


      It's had it's day !!

    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Better? you jest sir!

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