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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. A sensible person would print their ticket even if it came by email
  2. I think you were grasping for no sh*t Sherlock. The point was that after a management buy out in 1980 it went public in 86 and shareholders only like companies that expand year on year otherwise they demand new management - see Peloton.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/technology/birds-arent-real-gen-z-misinformation.html I think they have been infiltrated by the CIA on the orders of the elite to make us believe it's not real
  4. Would the 10 807 perhaps see off the 91s on the ECML, I've not seen the result of the 91 replacements that went to tendering last May and wondering if it was cancelled. Then there are the 221s and their East Midlands relatives - the latter would certainly be more suited to SWR having more table seats and being more 158 in general ambience than the crushed mess that are the 220/221s unless the AWC 221s have more tables.
  5. You're right I did over generalise their approach.
  6. A double slip is an expensive addition on either a real or model railway, if it's not justified the expense would not be incurred. Unless you need to be shunting wagons whilst another train is traversing the main then at most you need is a catch point to stop any runaways from the sidings and your medium point. You also have the option to extend those bottom two sidings slightly and gain more wagon space
  7. Interesting some items are available to order - i.e. in stock with Bachmann but they haven't taken delivery of any directly. I would have thought a blue newspaper BG would be popular, I was thinking about picking one up if I see one at Doncaster.
  8. You've got a lot of sidings there What's the porposed purpose of the siding that butts up to the goods shed? A real railway wouldn't have that when the track right next to in into the goods shed could be used for the same purpose. The three lower sidings could be covered by just two sidings - the green siding is about the same length as the point to it - doing away with the green siding and replacing the point with plain track would lose you no siding space. As a small terminus, you may not actually need a headshunt, there won't be much traffic so shunting could be done onto the main in between passenger services arriving and departing. I assume the little red/green dots on the sidings are shunt signals - goods yards would be worked by hand operation of the points apart from the entry to the main which would be under the control of the signal box.
  9. Hornby isn't the original Hornby, but it was the PLC management team that went out grabbing every hobby model company out there that was failing including many European brands plus Airfix and Corgi. I am guessing that pressure from investors forced Hornby to an ever expanding range of products to increase revenue and profits to satisy shareholders which all came crashing down when Kader bought Sanda Kan and left Hornby without it's main supplier of quality railway models - not to mention other misadventures like Design Clever. The one link between that Hornby and the current Hornby at senior level is Simon Kohler.
  10. They've always been aware of them, just the media did not pick up on them for whatever reason....
  11. Dont forget Accurascale, Rapido, Revolution work on a much smaller range of models than Hornby and only on a single product type - model railways. Rapido also works on order numbers before committing to toolings hence some of their videos will focus on items that are not at the threshold to go to tooling. Similarly Revolution will float a product, gauge responses and livery options before committing to a product. Accurascale are different in that they announce their new products with tooling in process but they also pick their products very carefully and are selling wagons that people will buy multiples of or locos that will be popular because of the focus and quality of the tooling and features. In all cases it reduces the risk of financial losses, except of course external factors like sudden changes in production costs through energy increases, ships getting stuck in Suez or lack of containers etc.
  12. Must be happy with the 2022 spec car then, that's a good sign, and probably Norris signing a long term contract is also indicative he is happy with what he has seen so far.
  13. Proving that even this layout has built in obselesence, and any purchaser will be able to take it apart.
  14. Was he waiting on Hamilton turning up to the paddock for Mercedes, just in case they came calling?
  15. F1 doesn't do politics is what they state, that's because F1 deals with some countries that represent political difficulties to much of the rest of the world - Gulf states, Russia, China, Azerbaijan and even Brazil. They don't want drivers doing political stunts as it is embarassing to their hosts, like taking the knee, it will be interesting to see if Seb is allowed his rainbow helmets this season.
  16. Is that perhaps a result of Covid with shops being closed and not all having a web front - driving people to Hornby's shopfront instead, but with physical economies now re-opened people have gone back to local model shops again for ordering perhaps?
  17. Hornby have a market outside of RMWeb members, there are plenty of people who will buy its products at full RRP from the website, so I wouldn't be so quick to write it off as it moves more and more towards direct sales as it's main route. Hattons won't need to bin Hornby, they still get produce but they do need to alter their model now and it's interesting that apart from the 4/6 wheel coaches there is very little own product on their site, perhaps they are preparing to re-enter a world where Bachmann will sell to them again. Rails used a different model to Hattons and forged a closer link with Bachmann, their loss of Hornby was more about Hornby's intentions than anything Rails did. Rails are commissioning models like Kernow, but keeping themselves at an arms length and using Bachmann, Dapol etc to build them so not falling foul of any competition rules in commercial contracts with those manufacturers. They are also very supportive of new entrants KR and Sonic, offering the latter a shop front for distribution of it's new models. They also (like Hattons and others) are supplying Accurascale and Cavalex plus ordering unique models for their own shop. All in all I would say Rails looked at Hattons, saw what it did well and what didn't go quite so well and adapted that all for their own growth model.
  18. I can see why it remained a kit, it’s a bit of a mongrel
  19. Lot of heavy breathing there
  20. A couple of days back I uploaded an image that had been taken on an Apple device but then emailed to my pic. The only way I could correct the orientation was to crop the image smaller to make it landscape I.e to make it wider than it was tall and then it uploaded fine
  21. And TalkTalk and the Yorkshire one. They all use the BT Network, only Virgin have their own network that they inherited from the cable companies. BT Openreach manage the network, the other companies purchase capacity of that network for their own dedicated traffic to the local exhanges, from their it is purely BT equipment.
  22. Of course you have to remember to actually order the item you want, already removed from pre-order at Rails but still able to pre-order from TMC. Class 08 with sound ordered.
  23. A sensible person connected his printer to his laptop for the first time, the ancient c4580 could not be seen in wireless or usb, even the HP smart printer install could not see it. So sensible person has asked his wife if she can print his ticket for him because his modern PC doesn't want to print.
  24. Now I have to get the printer off the shelf and attach it to the computer
  25. @AY Mod @Phil Parker Question re Ticket Factory E tickets - will they be ok on your phone(preference) or do we need to print?
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