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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. I've just realised Capricorn One and The Truman Show are both about the same subject and have the same end; what lengths will you go to in order to maintain a hoax and at the end of it all the truth still comes out.
  2. Apollo is an interesting one, you can believe in all the physics and that the world is round, then use the argument of cosmic radiation and the fact you cannot see the landers with your binoculars as proof you cannot leave Earth orbit or no-one has been to the moon. I can also see the argument for the hoax under the banner it was simply too dangerous and a hoax would guarantee the US the gloating rights over Russia. Except, how do you keep every employee in Nasa quiet who was involved, how do you keep the people who filmed the hoax quiet - and not just once but several missions worth. Then there are the Russians, they would understand the technology and effort involved, they would have monitored everything, if it was a hoax they would have been the first to tell the world. Have you seen Space Force on Netflix, it is actually quite good.
  3. Coaches and Wagons in a magazine named Modern 'Locomotives' Illustrated? That would make a good magazine I agree but not under that current title. I am sure there is lots to cover and re-cover, but it does get to the point where there is less new and more repeating the past. The magazine has not been for me in a long time, I judiciously collected them and apart from a few older BRM they form the only paper magazines I still possess but to me it ran out of fuel (I could say steam lol) a long time ago. I get that other people still want the magazine and there is a market, otherwise Key would not be publishing.
  4. You're in O gauge with a monster trainset - I think you might need to consider something radical. Have you considered changing your locos to battery driven remote control - your track will then never need cleaning beyond a vacuum every once in a while for dust. True cab control then as well.
  5. Being a Flat Earther on the face of it looks harmless, but it seeds other beliefs and conspiracies that then spirals into things like Bill Gates wants to microchip us all using a fake virus as a cover for mass chipping in the guise of a fake vaccine. To believe in a flat earth requires a lot of commonsense, proven math and science to be ignored and challenged utterly and even when the science is proved in your own tests to still ignore it as false. Take the man who tried to prove the earth doesn't move 15 degrees an hour and when he found it did he decided the machine was measuring the sky not the ground and put it in a box. When it still moved 15 degrees in the box he decided the box wasn't shielded correctly and it could still read the sky so he needed even more shielding. When faced with a truth, a Flat Earther will still deny it and say black is white.
  6. Flat Earthers like to believe in conspiracies, they tend to be right leaning and probably have a very high probability of believing on God. Puts them very much as a large subset of the anti vax believers
  7. 247 issues in, how much more diesel and electric coverage can there be that isn't going over the same stuff again. It's not like Yeadon did a complete directory of every LNER locomotive, then got to the end and started with the A1s again but this time with foldy out pages, more adverts and fleet updates.
  8. Or on or around Jan 4th 2021. Personally I'd think it would be a brave move to try and gazump but one thing with coaches is that we tend to buy multiples, more so than a loco so maybe there is room. But in the absence of any evidence of such a move it is pure unadulterated speculation.
  9. Unless of course they started at the same time, seizing on Hattons' idea with an aim to come to market earlier. It's not like its not been done before albeit for different reasons.
  10. I don't tend to watch Sam's trains unless drawn to him from an RMWeb link, I too don't like the style though he did correctly call out the bend in the Rails Terrier he tested. My concern with a lot of the online channels now on Youtube is the blurring of the relationships between them and certain retailers, some channels seem to be doing product placement and regular shop mentions. Sadly you cannot make money from an online channel unless you have millions of viewers or you are sponsored.
  11. I watched his video on the Rails Terrier yesterday, he was quite scathing of that too. It may be that he is over compensating for his lack of prototype knowledge but he did correctly call out the bent chassis on the Rails/Dapol Terrier which is a fault. But as John intimates above, many people on the web who do reviews do so more for the attention than for the need to impart knowledge on the viewer. The blurring of the relationships between some of these online channels and the retailers doesn't help as it makes me think product placement when some channels begin using certain retailers models regularly in their recordings and mention the shops many times in conversations. Sadly when it comes to Sam I think of Hattons and it doesn't help when the two models he has recently pulled apart are not ones sold by Hattons.
  12. The difference would be that the driver had the Traction Inspector present to do most of the talking to the TV crew and the driver would have the option to ignore them when busy, I would imagine the Traction Inspector would also know when to be quiet. Editing of the recording will make it look like they were all just chatting happily but it is likely there will be a lot cut out of such a recording to get to the bit they want.
  13. Sat on everyone's favourite trolley - the BRUTES were no comparison. Was sad when they removed the track and bufferstop in front of them.
  14. Had to watch that in it's own container, I don't want my main Youtube feed full of conspiracy theories. It's bad enough it's all trains, Drum n Bass or quigong meditation
  15. Helpful new for the immuno suppressed: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55022288
  16. This was 31 BC, in those days people were allowed out whenever and whereever they wanted to go, no electronic tags on them that registered everyone they have been within 2 metres of for 15 minutes. People didn't even have to wash back then.
  17. At least VivaRail make them look a little different - the poor IOW know what their next train is decades before they receive them. I am going to make a wild stab in the dark guess that if there ever is a replacement for the 484 it will be S Stock. The passengers will see a big improvement in headroom and they now have wifi to sit down and watch a movie (intro or a music video)
  18. Here is the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-55006434 Actually, duplicate thread.
  19. I think once people begin being vaccinated we will see a lot more people begin to behave as they feel like - it's understandable in one sense as we've been waiting for this vaccination since March - just so long as people allow long enough for the most vulnerable to receive their vaccine. I feel for transplant recipients who are on a lifetime of suppressants as it is highly possible the vaccine will not help them as their immune system is being suppressed.
  20. I agree the messaging used has been to drive the most fear of the virus in order to get the best level of co-operation from the general public. I would also agree that the risk of death from the virus is very low, but, it is excessive when it comes up against normal expected levels of death in any given period and it is also likely to cause vulnerable people to be unwell enough to require hospitalisation and potentially additional support within critical care in a manner that makes it very hard for an ICU to perform normally due to it's infectious nature. As I've witnessed from within my own family, a single infection can quickly spread to other people - in this case vulnerable inpatients and also the staff who work on the ward where those inpatients were - those staff have to be replaced by other nurses with further risk of spreading or you simply run out of nurses and then what? The big thing in all this is the capability of the virus to quickly spread where measures are not being taken to stem infection and once it gets hold it can overwhelm services. For this simple reason the Government has had to take a route that is unpopular and up for challenge especially from people very unlikely to suffer - the Government does not have (and certainly does not want) to pick one group of people over another. It is trying to maintain everyone's health through consent which actually is what we have Government for - to manage our health with our consent, that extends to all people of this country and sometimes it means people have to do something they don't really want to have to do for the greater good.
  21. My sister recently came down with Covid. She is a nurse, she was in PPE (not the full covid ward stuff) but was in a room with a covid sufferer for several hours in a dementia ward. By the time she had recovered (my sister), the whole ward and nearly all the staff had caught it.
  22. Rather thrown by the 04 reference, there I was thinking a big 2-8-0 engine, lots of mineral wagons and you actually meant a diddy diesel. Wot next, an 08 or even a class 15?
  23. If we can't have a groan button can we at least have an 'Eh?' button
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