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S.A.C Martin

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Status Updates posted by S.A.C Martin

  1. Feeling a bit under the weather, but finding a bit of modelling does wonders for forgetting about the stuffed up nose and chesty cough!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedgateModels


      snap! - been off work today, but managed to get the fiddle yard wired up this afternoon :)

    3. RedgateModels


      So hopw much modelling have you done Adge?

    4. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      decongestant properties of model making? That'll be the flux talking again.

  2. Wondering if the job market could get a grip and stop moving the goalposts constantly? Thought not. Ah well, Apprentice Thursday will soothe my woes, in which twentyish people fail miserably at business...

    1. eastwestdivide


      Goalposts? Luxury! In my day, etc. etc. etc.

    2. Horsetan


      Moving goalposts is something a goalkeeper named Hart could have done with yesterday...

  3. I think that is one "Thompson debate" I am staying firmly out of...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. S.A.C Martin
    3. 45568


      Which section is it in blokes, that useless go--le seach has no idea! TIA PC

    4. S.A.C Martin
  4. Hankering after a Morgan 3 Wheeler after seeing one belt down Sidcup High Street. Tally ho, what what!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trains&armour


      Ah, thinking about investing in exclusive cars. Book sales must be going pretty well....

    3. wootang


      just smile and wave boys

      smile and wave

    4. 69843


      Saw an original at Goodwood FOS 2009. What a noise it made!

  5. Has just murdered a Bachmann Green Arrow in the name of Thompson...I am clearly not going for popularity this month...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      you mean ive got to murder more to become a mass loco killer?


    3. Mike G

      Mike G

      Ahh but is it murder or just maiming prior to rebirth? Which sounds equally as bad!

    4. Castle


      I wouldn't like to comment further really... Especially as a little industrial that thought it was coming to a nice new home with Castle has just been severely westernised on Little Didcot!

  6. Simon is mad: Part 508...!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      'Madness is as Madness does', dear boy!

    2. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      Ain't it the truth Cap'n! :)

    3. halfwit


      Actually, Simon gets a great deal of respect in this corner.

  7. Does one's use of the like system have to be so painfully obvious?

  8. It is always the academics or enthusiastic who suffer.

    1. Bob Reid

      Bob Reid

      From what Simon?

    2. Horsetan


      Other academics or enthusiasts, Bob.


      Proverb: Knowledge is better than riches.


      Translation: We should all be as knowledgeable as Goldman Sachs.

  9. Bumper blog post if all goes to plan later today. Been a long time coming!

  10. Genuinely puzzled by washout plugs on 60506...

  11. The discovery of standardization of parts in new releases is a boon for the kit bashing wannabe modeller...

  12. I don't want to turn into the new Electricnose... :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Horsetan


      I always knew there had to be bogies involved.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Electric bogies, please!....

    4. beast66606




      He probably fell out of his armchair (modelling)


      Luckily there are some who have adopted the double standards approach that he was so fond of. Do as I say (when I have a go at you) and not as I do

  13. It's a moose! #RedDwarfX

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      yep, nice to see the same sort of dynamics between the characters! :-)

    3. ian


      They shouldn't let them drive, they've got legs - make 'em walk!

    4. Jon020


      "Smoke" me a Kipper..!

  14. Steve Davies has left as the head of the NRM. Would just like to say thanks Steve for your clear passion and drive for the museum and its collection. Good luck in your new role.

    1. Hippo


      Thats sad news.


    2. MarkC


      That's not good - but good luck to him in whatever he does from now on

  15. Finally got around to numbering 62822. One less project outstanding!

  16. Bachmann V2s could have been so much better. Missed opportunity but extremely satisfying modification project.

  17. Thoroughly enjoyed the Olympic Mens Foil finals today. Well done to the Egyptian who knocked out the world champion!

    1. Horsetan


      Fought like an Egyptian.

  18. Spent months building it, ruined with the application of transfers. Strip and start again....grrrr....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wootang


      what you building

    3. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      Yep, shredding sounds. Finishing off my Thompson D Class. It's going a bit better now though...!

    4. wootang


      ooof is it going on copley hill

  19. Condolences and thoughts go out to the family and friends of the young lad taken from us today at Beamish.

    1. Danemouth


      Very sad indeed.

  20. Johnson's Klear, where have you been all my life?!!! Just picked up a crate and have used a little on an A1. Fabulous stuff!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      Mine came in a bottle marked "pledge" - it's the American stuff. Same as the original I am told

    3. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      Martin, I think yours is meant for the comment above mine! :)

    4. devondynosoar118


      Where is it sold?

  21. Life's too short for all this. Cannot understand it at all.

    1. Horsetan


      Lord Flasheart: "....Next time you get bored with your lives just give me a call.... and I'll come round and kill you!"

    2. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      xD Yes, that would work!
  22. Number 2 on the Amazon Store for Children's Short Stories behind Jacquline Wilson!!!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Pugsley



    3. 69843


      ^can't really add anything to the above.

      Congratulations yet again.

    4. Horsetan


      I'd imagine there'd be quite a few possibilities involving tunnels.... ;-)

  23. The book is finally out, and now...I can start work on the next one! :D

    1. 69843


      Congratulations Simon. Now just to find and buy a Kindle...

    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Well done Simon; I hope you get respectable sales.

    3. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      Thank you chaps :) I hope so too. I'd love this to be a much bigger part of my life, and hopefully we can go forward and improve, book on book, with the intention to educate and entertain on railways in equal measure.

  24. We shall see what we shall see.

  25. Five days to go...am I nervous? You bet!

    1. Horsetan


      Funny, my colleague's saying something similar about giving birth. Baby's due this week :-O

    2. RedgateModels


      They don't need to be nervous, just afraid, very afraid ......

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