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Everything posted by Sandhole

  1. I have knelt in front of my Littleton No5 Manning and asked for forgiveness!! Ashamed, Chris.
  2. The red and grey came to certain brakevans on the end of the Fiddler's Ferry MGR trains in Warrington. These trains had a brace od 20's on the front and were reversed through Arpley yard before heading under the WCM at Bank Quay Station. I think they were dedicated to these trains. Chris.
  3. B1's were and are an aesthetically pleasing loco. They have that Thompson touch of clean class. All his great designs have it, B1s, K1s and L1s. I wonder if some of the rough riding problems came about because of the time they were built. After WW2 the railways needed strong reliable locos fast and the LNER had the Gresley legacy to contend with, a bit like the SNCF battling with the Chapleon legacy. These locos were built quickly and, possibly suffered. I know drivers up here in the forgotten Central Division liked the B1s, the L1s didn't do too badly either. The lads in the North East loved the K1s. We had them around in Manchester too. I am perfectly prepared to be shot down by the LNER experts on this superb thread. I will post my hybrid liveried Chamossaire when I've done it, if Gilbert says OK. Regards, as always, Chris.
  4. I'm 'spitballing ' here, as the Yanks might say. Any chance of the pannier version of this tank that the GWR ran? Probably too niche, Lady knows how many people would buy it! Getting cheeky, Chris.
  5. Very tempting, I have a spare Peckett 0-6-0. Thanks for the link. Chris.
  6. OH This is 'floating my boat!' Is the body kit still available? Is this loco similar to the C&DP Rly enginess? Lovely job, as always. Chris.
  7. I remember walking through John Hamden at Neasden depot on the last LT Steam run. You are right, there was very little inside the body. Chris.
  8. I did something similar when I was going through chemo back in 2018. I had a habit of buying Ebay stuff that was posted as not working. I got some good stuff. Chris.
  9. Agreed, I battled push fit on a Hornby 60. Not amused. Chris.
  10. I had a Hornby Dublo AL!. That was a cursed loco. Lost most of the side-frames. Who ever thought push fit was a good idea, was a prat! I still have the beast, in it's box. What I really lusted after, was the Trix AL1. It was the Dogs! I have one now and I still think it stands up today! Chris.
  11. JINGS! That brings back a few memories of driving my 86 inch, Series 1, Doris down that hill. Regards, Chris.
  12. What makes it worse is, that I'd got Manchester collieries as well as Astley and Tyldesly Collieries wagons. Sod it, this happened in BR days! I have certain PO wagons that will never get painted over. Cambrian did a Manchester Collieries wagon in black with MC on it. for some reason I love that wagon, it's never getting repainted. Chris.
  13. I have committed Heresy. I have painted POW Sides wagons in BR grey, renumbered them and weathered them to with an inch of their lives. They run so well, it had to be done. Lovely K1. Chris.
  14. That is the brakend twin of the final Coronation Scot set. The set had been mothballed over WW2, before being cascaded back into service. T5his twin has no corridor connection at the brake end, yes it did have a domed roof. This twin can be seen in a number of Preston shots of this time period. It was a fixture of one particular set that was a regular on services through Preston. Chris.
  15. I love the little detail of the fogman's hut leant on one side, waiting for inclement weather. One of the many reasons why this is an iconic layout. Regards, Chris.
  16. I remember being given a marvellous mug of proper Russian tea by a 'statuesque' sleeping car lady in her 'through' carriage at the Gare D' Nord in the 80's. She had an anthracite fuelled hot water boiler, complete with smoking chimney. The tea was great. I think she fancied the 20year old Chris. Do svidaniya, Chris.
  17. I have always found Slater's wagon kits to be a pleasure to build. Chris.
  18. Modern tractors? off, we have these John Bloody Deere tractors on the airport for snow clearance, I can't start the , they are alchemy to me. I worked in agric for 30years. Tractors have become this 'other land'. GPS? I spread fertiliser and sprayed by eye. OK, my kit was miniscule compared to the 'OUT THERE' stuff now. If I was, still, in agric, my biggest tractor would be a 'Ferguson 65. You can see, from this, I'm completely out of touch with modern mixed farming...... OR AM I??????????
  19. I'm asking for help, please. I have a Mashima powerdrive that has just lost power to the motor. Coachbogie has seen it and confirmed my suspicion, that one of the brushes has died. Could anybody out there tell me where to find replacement brushes for Mashima can motors. Thank you very much, Chris.
  20. The cake at Tanybwylch is always good. Regards, Chris.
  21. Great shot. I just remember the engineers brakes on 'The Park.' You've posted some great shots of those already. Chris.
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