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Fair Oak Junction

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Everything posted by Fair Oak Junction

  1. Calshot has been something I would have loved to model for years, but the space I would need to realise my vision of it is out of reach in my current circumstances. I've got some ideas floating around that I'll try and flesh out more in the new year.
  2. Thanks again everyone for the additional info and suggestions. Any project I may do based on RNAD or something naval would be purely freelance, a micro layout for no better reason than I really like the RNAD vans Bachmann are doing but I also wanted to include my love of narrow gauge steam. My plan was also to include the use of a couple of old 1/72 Airfix RN kits I've had for yonks! 😄 The answers in this thread have at least shown there is a plausibility to the idea, even if it was very rare.
  3. Thank you everyone for all the bits of very useful info. Sounds like I might be better off with a plan based around a more generic, less explosive oriented RN depot/station/base where the use of steam wouldn't be as verboten as it would be at a proper armaments depot. I could still have one or two battery or internal combustion locos as well for variety.
  4. I was hoping someone out there could help me with some questions I have about the Royal Navy Armaments Depots, specifically related to narrow gauge systems. Firstly did any of the narrow gauge depot systems use steam locos in the early days or were they petrol/diesel locos from the start? Secondly does anyone know when these style of RNAD vans were first built? Thanks
  5. KR have posted a video on their FB page of the EP running: https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=663948048645044
  6. Oh no, not more arriving soon! My wallet can't handle much more stress at the moment 🤣
  7. Well, we can always dream 😉
  8. Brilliant, that is good to hear about the safety valves and reverser! Shame about the flangeless wheel set, but you never know. Maybe they'll change their minds before final tooling. Certainly the lack of flange is less of a deal breaker than the other very glaring issues but obviously I can only speak for myself on that point.
  9. Again, I feel there is a big difference between making/producing a model of something involved in an infamous incident and using said incident as a marketing tool.
  10. I think part of the problem is the fact they are specifically advertising it as "The Great Train Robbery Class 40". Had they just done the loco with that number and not drawn attention to the event it most likely wouldn't be eliciting quite the same response. It feels incredibly crass to be specifically using an awful event like that to sell a model train.
  11. Can some kind person attending Warley please ask KR about the safety valves please! 😉
  12. Old tooled Hornby NSE version pre-order - £224 New tooled Accurascale NSE version pre-order - £190 Tough choice if I ever heard one.... 😛
  13. Love, love....LOVE this!!! And the price, wow! 😍 I will definitely be getting the NSE one, what a beauty! So glad I didn't get a Hornby one second hand from ebay 😂
  14. My Blanche arrived on Saturday, tested it yesterday and it doesn't run great. If I run it at train set speeds then it is mostly fine, but trying to run it low prototypical speed it is super choppy going forward and almost constantly locking up going backwards. Does seem to be a wheel/quartering issue. Oh well, off to Bachmann it goes!
  15. I think it's been mentioned before, but considering how popular Nuclear flask wagons seem to be at the moment I would love to see RTR 6 wheel bogie Flatrol MJ wagons. Genesis did a kit many moons ago but these seem impossible to find second hand. It would be fantastic to have the option for steam hauled flask traffic!
  16. Fair enough, and hopefully it is something easily fixable.
  17. Multiple reports of running issues does rather little to inspire confidence. My Blanche is on its way to me so I'll be giving it a test run ASAP. Depending on how she performs though I may well end up cancelling my pre-order for Charles, which would be a real shame so I'm keeping everything crossed.
  18. This feels like a case of don't shoot the messenger. I offered no opinion for or against the wheel flanges, I simply reported the facts as KR had presented them for the benefit of people who will not have seen them themselves. I have no strong feelings on the subject. As I said in my post you quoted, I'm just trying to be helpful.
  19. Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/krmodels.uk/ Edit: Just beaten to it 😛
  20. Oh yes I'm well aware Bertha had a centre flange, but I was just pointing that out for the benefit of modellers who might be interested in the fact the model will not despite the CADs and might have been worried about the models ability to negotiate tight layout curves. Just trying to be helpful as I know many people on here will not have seen the FB comments.
  21. Excellent, thanks. Hopefully it's been noticed early enough that they can rectify it easily 🤞 Other than that the CADs do look good, and despite the loco in the image having flanged centre wheels I did see mentioned in the FB comments the finished model wont. Edit: Image added for confirmation.
  22. Agreed. It took me a while to notice but then it hit me, the lack of parallel safety valves.
  23. Oh crikey. What with these and the "Mainline" Hunslets all arriving at roughly the same time my wallet is hiding in the corner sweating profusely! 😂
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