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Everything posted by AlfaZagato

  1. Looks excellent, sir. About the same shape as some cars I've owned. The yellow line from the left-side axlebox. Is that an intentional addition, or a long wayward strand of grass?
  2. I appreciate the need for revenue. Pop-in ads such as these videos are a great way to lose it.
  3. I forget the timeframe you placed the CVMR in. Will the DCC conversion be used to 'update' the layout to a later period? Will you revisit the scenery to match?
  4. All of this is why I've ordered mine in LMS black. Should work fine with the gaggle of PO coal wagons I've gathered up in Chicagoland to go behind my Garratt.
  5. At least you have a mill to do all this with. I remember taking an angle-grinder to the chassis block of an Airfix 1400 to make Kadees sit right.
  6. I think I've had commercial Chorley cakes stateside.
  7. I'll have your jam, @Stubby47. Y'all don't want to know how far I need to go for a Cornish pasty.
  8. Do you serve a Macaroni penguin in Mornay sauce?
  9. All of that is well and good, and about what happened in the UK eventually. I simply don't think the concept existed in 1955. Design and traffic offices were still in the steam mindset.
  10. I think there was also a hesitation to go all-in with one make, in the face of generally failing industry. Capacity may have also been an issue. I doubt EE could have kept up the gap if Brush and the like had been ignored.
  11. Bury the tracks in the road. Boom, ballasting avoided.
  12. Yeah, I think 'O' is 1/48 here, 1/43 by y'all, and 1/45.5 or so on the continent.
  13. He said 1/48, so roughly 7mm. Another time international scale consistency rears its ugly head.
  14. Yeah, same for me. Think they thought we forgot.
  15. There internal ads popping up upon opening RMWeb for the past couple of days. They seem to have gone away today.
  16. That's still immensely poor for analogue locomotives. The 'long 0' strategy still will require an occasional opposing signal, which can burn out motors. I think the more modern motors are actually more susceptible.
  17. He's going the other way - converting Calder Vale to DCC. Bad for analogue locos to run on digital.
  18. Explains the progression on your layout.
  19. Will we see any of the curiosities lamenting in Charlie's yard?
  20. Charming little thing. Hopefully runs better than what I've heard of Marinas...
  21. I'd imagine smaller classes didn't quite need the clearance. I'd also think the BR Pacifics, which started at class 6, might have higher boiler pressures, which would be more volume being ejected more forcefully from the safety valves.
  22. I could almost have appropriate coaches built by then...
  23. You could go with plain sky, with some scenery on the layout built ultra-low relief to semi-incorporate the attached backscene. These are Freemo-type modules, though, are they not? Is there truly a front and rear of the modules?
  24. Even if the length of the circuit wasn't an issue, the Pennsy showed that reversed cylinders anywhere near the ashpan is a nightmare at best.
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