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Nelson Jackson

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Everything posted by Nelson Jackson

  1. Thank you very much for taking the time to providing such lengthy and detailed posts, the assembly of these carriages is highly interesting and unique, but just a small question. How hard, and where do you get the rest of the parts needed to complete the kit (under frame and roof fittings) and also, how much extra would they cost on top of the basic kit? Thanks in advance. Nelson
  2. 31 hours on a plane! I'd rather take the boat.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Horsetan


      Will there be snakes on your plane?

    3. Pixie


      Sadly Virgin have stopped their Heathrow to Narita flights - they used to be pretty cheap. Personally, I'd try and fly into Haneda if you can - if into for some monorail milage!

    4. steve22


      31 hours! Just like the wait when I try to open my Orange email.

  3. Thank you guys for your comments, I'm sure with practise you'll easily achieve the same results Rhys, Glover from the book I have "BCDR Irish railway pictorial" it states "for a time these PW wagons were painted in an attractive but short lived, two tone colour scheme that was introduced at queens quay in 1950" the wagon is in NCC grey and the top plank bauxite red. Hope that helps?
  4. Thank you very much everyone for your comments ^^ I appreciate them. Here's the completed wagon, it should have more lettering but my transfer sheet is knackered so I must get round to buying a new one haha. Seen here in the UTA short lived PW livery. Thanks Nelson
  5. Hello everyone, The newest wagon out of the works is this BCDR open wagon which will be done in UTA PW colours. Nelson
  6. Brilliant work so far Neil! Somewhat reminds me of this fine engine, future project maybe......
  7. For those true steam fans :) enjoy!

    1. peach james

      peach james

      Am making turns in a restricted fairway aft...


    2. BoD


      What you do in the privacy of your own home .......

  8. That tender looks amazing, well done! What's the product code for the red lining? I had a look on Fox's website but couldn't find anything.
  9. Hello! All my stuff is painted with humbrol enamels, and the wood is painted using 3 different colours mixed and dry brushed followed with a brown/grey wash.
  10. Hello everyone! I've finished the 2 wagons, one NCC and the other LMS, I had fun weathering the former and I also finished this airfix king tiger, some modification but overall a lovely kit to build (apart from the tracks) Thanks, Nelson
  11. Not in Northern Ireland as far as I know....
  12. The model is coming along very nicely, I'm learning loads of learning new things, thank you!
  13. I forgot to post pics of what my PG class currently looks like so here it is as it stands. Still a bit more to do, cab number, cab details and some tidy up, apologize for the poor picture quality, must be due to the low light. Nelson
  14. Hello everyone!!!!!!! Blimey! After 10 weeks of no modelling and a ton of exams, I'm now free.....until August but shhhhhh, we shan't worry about that now last exam was today and 6 hours after It I finished these 2 wagons, they are ratio LMS coal wagons, 2 wagons came with the box and I built them at the same time. It's my first ratio wagon kit surprisingly enough and they are excellent, I mean wow, so good to put together, no fuss what so ever so well done to ratio! I might get some more haha. It's great to be modelling again, I have some projects in mind for the holidays but it's mainly whatever I pick up next, I will build Nelson. Edit: forgot to mention they need painting hahaha, I might do 1 in LMS NCC colours and the other as LNWR
  15. GCSE's over! What next? A levels I think....

    1. TheIntercityhst


      Over for me too. whats next? Haulage from 31466!

  16. Thank you for your comment, haha I think I'll leave that to you.
  17. 71 years since the D-Day landings took place, lest we forget!

    1. Judge Dread
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Yes - always think about today when dawn breaks - brave lads - never ever forget.

  18. Lovely neat work so far! by the way what book is that in the background of your latest post? Seems interesting.
  19. There are n sweets in a bag. Six of the sweets are orange. The rest of the sweets are yellow. Hannah takes a random sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. Hannah then takes at random another sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. The probability that Hannah eats two orange sweets is 1/3. Show that n

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Merc435


      The outcome is that Hannah has cholesterol.

    3. Jim49


      And no teeth left

    4. petethemole


      Answer: it takes one man 3 hours to dig the hole...with a JCB. Can you tell I hated maths? My son's good but couldn't do the sweets question.

  20. 21 Years ago to this day, Mull of Kintyre Chinook helicopter crash, never forgotten.

    1. beast66606
    2. peach james

      peach james

      31st was sister shock day- got a facebook msg 2 years ago that read "I'm OK", from Moosenee, Ont...4 of her co-workers had died in a S-76 crash, and they had flown in another S-76 to assist. LODD.


  21. Anglo Irish agreement, 1937 constitution, economic war, urghhhhh make it stop!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      Irish solutions to Irish problems.

    3. SHMD




    4. Jawfin


      Don't forget to mention how all this led to the creation of the O&Ks, Nelson!

  22. Thanks guys for your comments, I'll pass them onto dad, the person who made everything.
  23. Do not have permission to log in, well ok then,

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