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Nelson Jackson

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Everything posted by Nelson Jackson

  1. Hello everyone. This is my PG class near enough finished and ready for painting. Thanks Nelson
  2. Thank you market and spitfire ^ I do believe it is a general purpose wagon, so who knows what it carried. Got the 6 wheeler finished today and took photos of both outside. Thanks Nelson
  3. Hello everyone, This is the latest wagon to emerge from the wagon works, hopefully it'll be passed onto the paint department later today and visit the weathering department tomorrow. Thanks Nelson
  4. The era I model is 50/60 years before I was born..... And I have no intention on modelling what I grew up with (plastic CAFs)
  5. Is trying to figure out what the bosses new profile picture is....?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BoD


      Well I suppose that's one way of getting your hair back.

    3. SHMD


      A girl how has been 'aired' on TV more than any other!

    4. SHMD


      Peirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... (Time for sleep...)

  6. Hello everyone, I know I said it would be next week until I get the chance to model, but no homework = free modelling time so I got some free hours and finished this one off, some may say the weathering is too much but I like it and it's in it's last year of service with the UTA anyway. Thanks Nelson
  7. Lovely work converting that Bachman junior locomotive, it's coming along very well.
  8. Proper snow in March, wow.

    1. Nelson Jackson
    2. eastwestdivide


      Hail, snow, rain and bright sun all within an hour here in S Yorks

    3. BoD


      Not that unusual. Statistically we are more likely to have a White Easter than a White Christmas.

  9. Thank you market ^ Hello everyone, I got some handrails for the engine at model rail Scotland (which was a fantastic show btw) and put them on yesterday, apart from that the engine still looks the same, I'm now just waiting for some good wether then I can spray a primer onto her. Yesterday I also started this NCC coal wagon she is scratch built with platicard and some whitemetal buffers and axeboxes. I got a thin sheet of brass at my local craft store surprisingly enough and made the brake lever out of it, it turned out rather well so I'll be using the same method with my other wagons. School will delay this until next weekend, so until then. Nelson.
  10. That tender looks amazing, honestly it looks superb, can't wait to see how the engine turns out.
  11. It's neither black, white, blue or gold, it's nothing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      It's a dress. The contents interests me more than what bloody colour it is.

    3. Metr0Land


      I take Mrs SG isn't on here today?

    4. hornbyandbf3fan


      Should probably post statuses to cover this


      And it's pink and green

  12. "The train hopper" seriously Hornby.....

    1. Spitfire2865


      Im intrigued. What

    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Facebook video they made

    3. Spitfire2865


      I had it on mute so Idk what they did for sound, but I could do better than that video, and I dont even have a J15 or my camera...the stop motion was horrendous.

  13. There was plenty available today at Model Rail Scotland and if you look around you can get one for £97...... It really is a beautiful engine, the LNER livery is very neat indeed.
  14. Off we go.....

    1. Londontram


      Into the wild blue yonder

    2. Kev_Lewis


      Over the hills, and far away?

  15. Just for anyone who's interested this is how my C class (GNRI PG Class) is looking so far. Still a fair amount to do Nelson
  16. Thank you JCL for your comment ^ Got a little more done on the engine, not a lot tho. This will will have to be put on pause for a short time until Saturday when I get some detailing bits and bobs. Nelson
  17. Thank you Market I will try my best and thank you Corbs, no question is a stupid one, I actually use a Stanley knife, I used craft knives before but I found that the more heavy duty knife the less work it takes
  18. Hello Everyone, The weather still isn't being too kind so I've just been sitting inside converting this GBL C class static model into a motorised GNRI PG class engine, the work included cutting through the footplate hollowing out the boiler and and cutting away the cab and cylinder covers. I've rearranged the splashers and added more sandboxes. The Tender has also been shortened and interior added. The engine Is still far from being finished but it's starting to take shape. Thanks Nelson
  19. Hello Jamie, If you read back a couple of pages, I've used a Bachmann Jinty chassis and it fits rather well with a fair amount of work, and another person (who's name I've forgotten whoops) used an airfix tender driven chassis and it looks very good.
  20. Better be J15s for sale at model rail Scotland :)

  21. 999 posts :D what's going to be the lucky 1000?

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      My 1000 were mostly drivel.

  22. Here's a sneak preview of the engine I've been working on whilst waiting for some good weather to spray. Nelson Btw there's still a lot of work that needs to be done, no where near finshed
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