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Nelson Jackson

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Everything posted by Nelson Jackson

  1. Thanks guys ^ I know it's not much but I made these ratio level crossing gates for my brothers layout.
  2. Learnt about the GNRI yesterday and LMS NCC today, could history class get any better? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fenway Park

      Fenway Park

      The Colourpoint NCC Locomotives book is on of my favourites

    3. Fenway Park

      Fenway Park

      Sorry should have read one of my favourites

    4. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Building the stock will take years, but I'm dedicated, locomotive of the NCC is a great book

  3. Hello everyone, Once again sorry for the delay in this update but better late than never painting figures does take an awfully long time, anyway these are the Zvezda 1/72nd scale Germans in late war winter clothing, superbly moulded in hard plastic so there's very little flash and lots of detail, highly recommended. Then once those were done I started to finish off the Whippet that I started a couple of weeks ago and here are the results, I'm really happy with how it's turned out particularly the weathering and tracks. Now that was all the military kits over and done with I began on some (railway related yay ) GNRI/SLNCR wagons, these are still in the making, they are resin kits from Provincial Wagons, very easy to put together and have lots of detail, the 4 coal wagons are to be heavily weathered. Thanks for reading, take care, Nelson
  4. Gotta love teacher training days :)

    1. steve22


      Could you expand, please?

    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      I am off school Monday (today) and Tuesday because of teacher training, I guess it's where teachers all get together and have a meeting?

  5. Awwww I'm absolutely gutted, when they were first announced it looked like the carriages were going to be fully lined and this is what I've been looking for but now as above ^ they have changed the box art and used the same similar lining as before, gutted absolutely disappointed, ah well better by a bow pen and get practising
  6. Asthma and glasses what next? :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. muddys-blues


      Hip replacement or hearing aid

    3. Londontram


      Try to look on the good side Nelson....It could be me

    4. WD0-6-0


      I've never heard of Glasses being a treatment for asthma before?

  7. Trip to the GP tomorrow, lungs are killing me :(

    1. Horsetan


      Asthma? Or something more serious?

    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Dunno have to find out

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Take care, hope you get a diagnosis and successful treatment soon...

  8. Trip for the GP tomorrow, lungs are killing me :(

  9. I am truly shocked! http://youtu.be/kUR-HgAtwtg

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nelson Jackson
    3. Dungrange


      Can't comment on the individual clip (why was someone filming and why so many jump cuts) but I certainly know far more more people who were going to vote 'No' than 'Yes', so the final outcome is not a surprise as far as I am concerned: it reflects the views of the majority of people that I know. That said, I know that I don't associate with a true cross-section of Scottish society and may have found a different picture if I lived elsewhere in Scotland or worked in a d...

    4. SHMD


      There is more than one job of "piling up" yes/no's. Was she checking void/spoilt ballots? Did she have two votes that need some clarification? whatever she checked each individually then placed them.

  10. Forgot to mention, the one above is a Hattons model, so orders should be filling now, be patient folks it will arrive
  11. The first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW" This truley is an amazing model, the livery is beautifully applied, well done Hornby what's next hush hush?
  12. Is experiencing great difficulty in breathing, a trip to the doctor me thinks :(

    1. Twright


      Oh dear, hope the doctors trip sorts it.

  13. People are saying that Tangmere's footplate was on fire passing Dawlish? I reckon it was just the reflection of the firebox.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Yeah, this is what actually happened, (different loco, same concept)

    3. Kev_Lewis
    4. 25901


      Lets us all hope that it's nothing too bad and crew n loco are fine

  14. Thanks everyone for your kind words and comments, I really do appreciate them, thank you, and just for you TTAMTWASOOC I've left the tree as is
  15. Hello everyone, Painting is now underway on the whippet and I decided to make a diorama for my stug, this'll be the second time doing anything scenery wise and im quite happy with it, just noticed the tree isn't straight will fix that now I totally understand that this is a railway forum so I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules here, will get back to railway modelling soon, tell me if you like these types of posts or would you rather see railway ones only? Thanks Nelson
  16. You sir are a absolute legend, omg I'm dying of laughter, well done, well done.
  17. That tunnel mouth looks excellent, nicely done sir.
  18. What am I like? Here I am starting another kit lol Painting vid to come later
  19. Hello Everyone, Sorry for the lack of updates this past week(s), I had taken a whole week off modelling and forums etc... To clear my head and get me focused for the beginning of school, but now I've settled in I can get back to finishing off the NCC wagon, but in the meantime I've built and finished this Panzer 3 Ausf B, and started on 2 more completely scratch built wagons, more info about these in later updates. I have also bought a brand new Hornby fowler for a great price on eBay a couple of days ago and when I've finished off the current and started projects then I will begin on making a LMS NCC WT Class Jeep. Take care folks, Nelson
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