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Everything posted by scottystitch

  1. I kind of fancied Horizon Zero Dawn when it came out, but wasn't convinced I liked it enough to shell out circa fifty of my hard earned. However, at £15.99 for the complete edition (?!) it would seem rude not to download it now and give it a try.... Best Scott.
  2. I appreciate it may be a little late in the day, but Hillside Distillery is just up the road from me, and sits just outside Montrose. It's rail served elevator is still extant, although remains disused. This is it here: https://www.google.com/maps/@56.7431786,-2.4720098,3a,60y,83.9h,92.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sump3x8Z1VnGFktTtSdCn6w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 https://www.google.com/maps/@56.7424302,-2.4725897,3a,24.1y,48.87h,92.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smRofsKOsAy_XVK-fStNLEg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 https://www.google.com/maps/@56.7424199,-2.4672079,3a,15y,287.72h,94.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smEsE2foqxLH4E-5TJuVAmA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 https://www.google.com/maps/search/hillside+distillery/@56.7425273,-2.4722828,513a,35y,27.11h,6.68t/data=!3m1!1e3 It doesn't have a large footprint and so may fit your arrangement better? Like I say, I know you've already built yours, but if it ever requires a rethink, perhaps Hillside would be useful. Best Scott.
  3. Excellent modelling. All very well realised. Best Scott
  4. I think the long version is more correct. The height, for me looks right as well. Using the Vans in the photograph and on your mock-up as a reference, there appears to be no appreciable difference between the two building heights. As others, and you, have suggested, it appears to be an optical delusion, based around the dark section of the goods shed wall. Best Scott.
  5. I don't think the 800s have been made uniquely for the UK market. I understand that the vast bulk of production of the 800s is for the Japanese market. They are available for purchase at a number of domestic Japanese retailers, and because the Japanese market is much larger than ours, the low cost of the 800 has been achieved because they have been able to make, and sell, so many. Best Scott.
  6. Whilst I take your point re the yellow Railease Carflats, there are still 39 in BR Blue and 149 in BR Bauxite. Best Scott.
  7. Cheers, I wasn’t aware of that. I went to the library (autocorrected to diary above) on the PS4. I’ll familiarise myself with the store library. Best Scott.
  8. Thought I'd flag up an issue about TSW2 that was causing some consternation. I purchased TSW2 a few months back and have a decent selection of add-ons. Lately, after it has loaded, a message came up on the screen saying that I needed to download and install the latest update to play a number of those add-ons. Most were the legacy items from the earlier version, but one was the Cathcart Circle route that post-dates TSW2. PS4 confirmed that I had the latest version, so you can imagine my frustration. Anyway, after consulting the web of all knowledge, I deleted TSW2 and then re-installed through a heart-stopping period of discovering TSW2 wasn't in my diary - only it was, it was just under the "not installed" apps, which were hidden until told to reveal themselves. Long story slightly less long, after half a day downloading and installing, everything is fine and tickety boo. Best Scott.
  9. I wonder if the bottom of the shutters/end-plates could be "notched" to accommodate the couplers? Best Scott.
  10. A Farish class 40 is 153mm over the couplings, so they should just fit and no more, ditto a Pacific. Best Scott.
  11. The raildar resource gives schematic diagrams of the trackwork http://raildar.co.uk/map/INV http://raildar.co.uk/map/FTW But, obviously, these are not to scale, but the arrangement of turnouts, etc. is clear. Perhaps these could be used with what you can take from google earth and other resources in the absence of scale drawings. There is also this, albeit dating from 1984 so would need some adaption for the current scene (using the above perhaps) , which would involve spending some Sterling, so perhaps only of use if you were committed. https://nr.printstoreonline.com/inverness-station-general-layout-1984-18920879.html Best Scott.
  12. Well, that's a good bit of effective advertising - ordered now! Thank for the heads-up Best Scott.
  13. For added interest, you could split the station in two, with the top platforms operated by one company, the bottom two operated by another. A second loco loco spur off an additional turnout and above "Low building roof, alleys, etc." It would be an interesting talking point to have two companies using segregated platforms and facilities. Was it Moorgate that was originally operated like that? Best Scott.
  14. As surveys/questionnaires go, I thought it quite refreshing with regards some of the questions asked. Best Scott.
  15. Ach but it sure is fun. The word 'round the campfire is that the Drakes donate a small fortune every year to the Villians for Archeology Mission Against Poverty to take care of the families of those slain in the pursuit of mythical/legendary treasures... Best Scott.
  16. There's very little that floats my boat in games lately. So much so that I went back and played Uncharted 4 over three or four nights last week. What a great ride. Makes me want to go back and play the Ship graveyard bit of Uncharted 3... Best Scott.
  17. The Aston - Gushetfaulds Condor wasn't initiated until the start of 1963, long after the 28s had been exiled to Barrow. The primary haulage, at least initially, was Class 24s. There is an image in the 1963 paragraph of this page, showing a 24 at Aston with a Condor headboard. Best Scott. https://www.derbysulzers.com/24083.html
  18. By strange coincidence, this system popped up on my Instagram as an advert abd it intrigued me. I wonder what the cost comparison is compared with traditional concrete blocks, etc., for something like a garage/outbuilding... https://gablok.be/en/ https://www.gablokuk.co.uk/ Best Scott.
  19. I think this is key. The fiddle/storage yard(s) need to be designed and planned with as much care as the on-scene sections of the layout, and in conjunction with however you are going to operate the layout. Otherwise it will quickly stifle operation. Off-scene yards need very careful thought. Best Scott.
  20. Excellent modelling and realisation. Very cleverly executed, and much to inspire from that one blog entry alone. Thanks for sharing! Best Scott.
  21. Another vote for the "simple" trackwork. It has more finesse and less fussy to my eye. Regardless, I've been following your journey (from a distance) so it will be good to watch as this comes to fruition. Best Scott.
  22. So it is. I missed that first time then, or it was added later. No matter... Best Scott.
  23. Further to this: Photo of D5700 April 1961 with flat w/s, no SYP. It didn't go to Duckinfield until 20th October 1961. Photo of D5704 September 1960 with flat w/s, no SYP. It didn't go to Duckinfield until 18th September 1961. Photo of D5705 May 1961 with flat w/s, no SYP. It didn't go to Duckinfield until 20th October 1961 Photo of D5705 April 1960 with flat w/s, ends not visible. It didn't go to Duckinfield until 20th October 1961. In terms of whether flat w/s 28s hauled Condor, there is a photo of an unidentified pair dated 1961, the leader with flat front and no SYP, pulling a Condor service at Ampthill, near Luton. None of the 28s came out of Duckinfield rectified, until 1962, bar one: D5719. It exited 21/12/61, and although there is a suggestion elsewhere that D57019 may have exited Duckinfield without SYP, the lighting on the photograph doesn't suggest December. The Locomotive went straight to 12B which by that time was Carlisle Upperby with Penrith as a sub-shed and was noted there 30th December, so it seems extremely unlikely 19 is the one. Based on that, I would suggest it is perfectly plausible to run a model of the Condor with a flat fronted, non-SYP class 28. Best Scott.
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