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Everything posted by rab

  1. Going by the small amount of steam showing, I would say that one has already picked up. He's probably, like me, fascinated by the way injectors work.
  2. Therein lies the problem; a route with a view like that in fine weather is going to have problems in bad weather. You pays yer money and you takes yer choice, scenic and susceptible, safe and boring. I know which I'd rather have
  3. Thanks for that, only found 3, and one of those was a Flying Scotsman topic, so not much missed there If I could run I would!
  4. I've just gone to post in a topic, and noticed I'd (unintentionally) marked it as 'ignore'. This is the second one I've found recently; I've obviously done something without realising it. I'm now wondering how many others I've done this to. is there any way I can find which topics i have chosen to ignore?
  5. rab

    EBay madness

    I know 'tis the silly season, but this seller's definitely been out in the sun too much: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F193023668248. Aren't these less than £2 new? I've checked, the price is each, not for the 4!
  6. So the acceleration/braking is controlled by the chip, not the operator?
  7. Watching, and listening to a video on another thread of a DCC loco, set me thinking (which in my case requires a lot of effort)! Before I continue I need to say that I don't (yet) have a layout let alone a DCC one, so what follows is observation, not criticism. We've all seen layouts where locos go from 0-60 in such a short space of time that, scaled up, the G force would crush the driver and fireman against the bunker, or if running tender first, force them through the firehole. Does being able to hear the simulated exhaust beat on DCC make it easier/force you to move off and brake more slowly?
  8. Interesting that; when the loco is standing, you get the puffing effect you want when it's moving. when it is moving you don't get it! Also interesting that occasionally the exhaust beat gave the effect that the valve timing was out. What causes that?
  9. I retired 3 years early and never regretted it, especially as at 66 I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Thankfully I've had the all clear and am slowly getting back to normal, but I was able to have 3 years of quality retirement. i too had a final salary scheme, and when I did the sums, the difference between my salary and my pension was equal to what I had been putting into savings each month, so I knew I could live on that for the 3 years until my state pension kicked in. Yes it felt strange at first. I found myself thinking 'when does the holiday end' and also felt strange being in town in the week, and sitting having a coffee watching the world go by. Yes I missed the guys I'd worked with, but in my case I was involved in church work, and for some reason once they found out I'd retired that involvement increased ! I guess the other thing i missed was the banter, but I find this forum goes a long way to making up for that. My only concern in your case would be you're retiring that much earlier, which means you're having to make the pension pot stretch further. But as has already been said, that's where a GOOD financial adviser comes in. Hope this helps.
  10. Much more convincing; just need the fireman to turn the blower off to stop the exhaust between chuffs
  11. Brilliant idea, let the track float, do away with springing on the rolling stock!
  12. While I appreciate your desire for authenticity, I do wonder if you're trying a bit too hard. How can you be sure the colour in the photo is accurate? If its an actual photo, variations in the processing can lead to subtle colour changes. If it's from a book or magazine, there may be further slight changes. There are times when near enough is good enough.
  13. I think the only safe way I could go there would be with an empty wallet
  14. As stated above, use the zoom out icon, top lh corner, twice. The map then becomes visible
  15. Probably the same reason they refer to a certain government department as DafT. Brings a bit of humour into otherwise serious and oft times depressing threads.
  16. Your request to Admin was based on the title not the content
  17. I remember my dad telling the story of a guy who worked in the fitting shop, fitting keys to keyways. The fitting shop was part of the machine shop, where everything was driven by overhead shafts and belts. The belts were made up to length with metal belt joiners which clicked every time they went over the pulleys. The fitter would quite happily file away at the keys in time with the clicks of the joiner. If for some reason the pulleys slowed down, his filing slowed or stopped too. When the pulleys started again, he started filing too.
  18. Sorry, when you struggle to remember what you had for lunch, remembering what was said 3 pages back can be difficult.
  19. There is a big difference between being questioned and being treated the way this young lady was. Purchasing a ticket does not give a railway employee permission to embarrass you in front of other people
  20. Both items were put through the letterbox. i have advised both sellers so I'm hoping they will get there refunds
  21. Twice recently I've had eBay purchases delivered by Royal Fail, where the sender has paid extra for signed for delivery, but no signature has been requested. Having said that, I had another delivery during the same period where a signature was requested, (same postie)! I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth paying the extra, when it seems like you're taking a gamble on whether you'll get a signature or not.
  22. His intentions may have been good, but the way he went about it was not
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