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Everything posted by rab

  1. I assume the track was running through a wide valley and the height had to match the approaches at either end.
  2. His story might go down well on the comedy circuit. He'd cope well with the heckling; he seems to be good at ignoring people.
  3. Looks like it contains a ripping yarn.
  4. Although not directly affected by this saga, having followed the thread with interest, it would seem that a lot of claims were made which are now proving to be, shall we say, not quite as claimed
  5. I'm surprised James May didn't think of that one.
  6. Sounds like youve got 'amp'le then!
  7. While I do of course wish the website owner a full and speedy recovery, it has concerned me for some time what would happen to this valuable resource if they were no longer able to maintain it.
  8. rab

    DJM, the end.

    While I have no desire to see this thread locked/closed, it did strike me as ironic that the title is 'DJM, the end'. The business may have ended but the thread shows no sign of doing so
  9. rab

    DJM, the end.

    There's no need to apologise. It's less off topic than cake, and I think we'd all had enough cake anyway
  10. Thanks for posting the link; a very interesting clip. It shows the original approach spans with rounded top flanges. It also explains why the road bridge just off the approach spans is so much wider than the bridge over the southern line; it originally spanned two tracks.
  11. I hate to disappoint you but from my experience the idea of retirement bringing the opportunity to do all those things you've wanted to do, but haven't had time for, soon becomes fantasy. You thought you were busy when you're working;retirement soon shows what real busy is
  12. rab

    DJM, the end.

    There's only one sort of cream for apple pie, proper cream, the stuff you can stand a spoon up in.
  13. I have to admit I read it as unnecessary too. I think the preceding 'utterly' somehow suggested what was to follow.
  14. Can anyone tell me: a. Why is the track raised up from the bridge base. b. How long has it been like this. Thanks.
  15. I used Pinnacle Studio some years ago, found it quite good, but I don't know if it's still available.
  16. Woman filmed in near miss with Flying Scotsman - https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/plymouth-news/watch-woman-grabbed-safety-near-2983466?utm_source=sharebar&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=sharebar What is it about this thing that leads people to take leave of their senses???!!
  17. It might help if the title was corrected. I was scratching my head wondering what wire bushes were. Then again, it made me open the thread, so perhaps typos in thread titles aren't such a bad thing after all
  18. rab

    DJM, the end.

    He's been eating too much cake!
  19. I must admit I hesitated about my post. While I have good news I know there are others who are not getting the success I've been fortunate to have.
  20. A follow up from my post a few weeks ago, we had the results of my scan today, and I am now officially cancer free!!! Let the layout building commence!!!
  21. Apologies if I've shared this before. In my teens, (goodness that's 50 yrs ago), I helped a friend look after a showman's engine which was housed, with the rest of his collection, in an old foundry. We steamed the showmans engine most days, with a long extension chimney running out through the roof and the dynamo running the lights. One day I overheard a dad explaining to his two young boys how it worked. "That big motor at the front (the dynamo) turns the belt which makes the big wheel (the flywheel) turn and that makes all the levers (the notion) move".
  22. It would be interesting to compare the figures in the 2 countries as a proportion of the populations.
  23. I wax only thinking this morning I haven't seen anything from Kenton for a while. The forum is certainly more interesting when he's around.
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