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Everything posted by rab

  1. Next you'll be asking if they can read
  2. And that's assuming the person you're dealing with is a good project manager
  3. I've had my 12 monthly post op colonoscopy today; it's all looking good. No sign of any tumour, not even a polyp in sight. I've got a scan on Saturday just to make sure nothing's spread anywhere else, so a bit of good news for a change.
  4. Not many locations (that I'm aware of anway) in this country that are that open (I'm sure some will come out of the woodwork now). One that does come to mind is the Par - Newquay line at Goss Moor. BTW did anyone notice the second loco is actually electric powered! You could see arcing in the long shots in the first half if the video
  5. No but I expect some people use their website.
  6. Please don't turn what is for many of us an interesting topic into a slanging match will only lead to the topic being locked
  7. rab

    Job at Hornby

    Not the sort of job where you could work from home!
  8. No its a guy known within spotting circles for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and not seeing any wrong in doing so. I've never seen him in person but seen a number of pictures of him, always dressed in a mac and flat cap.
  9. One of the regulars in our local paper is the idiot who enters the wrong reg no in a car park ticket machine, then complains because they get fined because the details on the ticket dont match the car r number plate.
  10. I blame Dr Death. He started it all. BTW is he still around???
  11. There is a simple answer for those who are calling for this thread to be locked; it's called the 'ignore' option
  12. Ukip - I thought politics wasn't allowed on this forum (If it wasn't so warm I'd have the tin hat on and be running like mad)
  13. As has previously been said, this subject has been aired a number of times; the conclusion many of us have come to is that it is not the railway community who are responsible, it is Joe public who only goes near a railway line when Flying Scotsman is mentioned. I may have shared before, i was at Wellington when City of Truro did the centenary run. I was with a number of enthusiasts in a field next to the bank. After she had passed an idiot, who it was obvious was not an enthusiast, emerged from the trees beside the line, shouting to his mates that he'd been that close that the water from the injector had sprayed him.
  14. Although I haven't put any money into any DJM projects I have followed with interest the ups and downs of this business. Having read through this thread it strikes me there is a certain irony in his initial statement. He seems very concerned about HIS tooling, but not so much about the (pending) products which customers have, in part, paid for in advance. If it is that money which has been used in the product design and tooling, he might have done better to acknowledge that the tooling is the result of money already paid, and shown some concern for those who have paid it, instead of whinging on about his losses.
  15. rab

    New Royal Baby

    You're 'jumping' to conclusions now.
  16. I once heard it said that the test of a good pasty is it should be capable of being dropped down a mineshaft and remain in one piece when it hits the bottom!!
  17. Sorry I'm not able to post a link, but if you google "Growing Seafoam" it comes up with a previous RMWeb thread on this.
  18. Perhaps he's announcing that he's closing the business and going to work for Dapol!!!
  19. Thanks for posting those photos. They've answered a question I've been wanting to ask for a while, regarding the position of sorting vans relative to stowage vans. I'd imagined they were alternated, so bags didn't have to be moved as far before and after sorting, but from those pics, it would seem all of each type of van were marshalled together.
  20. Perhaps its a ploy to get us to go to RMWeb Gold. subscribe and you don't get the adverts.
  21. I was thinking mostly of operational reliability. I should probably have added this is in n gauge Thanks for the link to the existing thread. The suggestion there which is nearest to what I was asking has the straight sections of the turnout running up the ends of the sidings so i think I'll go with that option.
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