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Everything posted by bgman

  1. As an aside I also meant to add that I prefer to break the loco models down into various modules and fittings for painting / lining as I helps prior to final assembly.
  2. Ref our conversation earlier, I do like the thought of repurposing some of the Ratio coaches to per those shown in the Tondu Valleys photograph. This could be a lovely little layout. G
  3. Thank you Miss P, as with the 2021 Class built all these items are just placed with a minute piece of blue tack as a temporary measure until such times as they are soldered on in the upright position. I only wanted to get an overall impression of the finished locos. G
  4. Progress with the GWR 2021 Class build I have started to flesh out the bones of the kit today mainly around the boiler area. Chimney, dome and safety valve all placed temporarily to give it some character on the trail running-in, all other items have now been fixed in place. Another short video of the loco in trails...... Not an exciting watch but made mainly for my records as with all the builds to date. Thank you for looking. G
  5. Good to meet up, all be it briefly, at Cockwood this evening with you and your good lady, I hope you enjoyed the meal and left enough gin for the next patrons ! G
  6. Interesting comment CK in respect of funding a locomotive rebuild. I took contributed to the Hinton Manor Fund many, many moons ago and was excited to see her in steam. When she was finally running I took the opportunity to go along to a Gala where I knew she was performing. Whilst the locomotive was standing at the end of a platform and the crew were taking a break I nerdishly ( dont know if that word exists but I'll use it anyway ) walked over and started a conversation with them. I also happened to have my Certificate in my duffle bag ( yes I even had one of those too ). I mentioned that I had contributed towards the restoration and asked if they would allow me to just stand on the footplate whilst being idle. My reply from the drivers was a definite NO ! "Just because you've contributed it doesn't mean you can do what you like !" , was his reply. Following up on this I sent a letter of to the Chair of the funding Committee and didn't have the courtesy of a reply from them either ! Monies stopped and I haven't funded another project since. Rather sad in my opinion as it left a sour taste. Other than that the weather is better today and I will have a ride out and grab a latte somewhere.
  7. River Class Build - rolling chassis.....with a little help from his friend ! Following on from the last brief video I posted here is the ongoing build of the River Class which has been put away for some time. Having received the various items for this build I decided to do an initial body to chassis fit to see how it runs, and so far all seems to be ok. There is some minor fettling as always ( those leading wheels need to be sorted ) with my builds but look forward to installing the gearbox and motor soon-ish. G
  8. As an additional note to the 517 build I replaced the laminated rods, which are the correct profile in the kit, for some Premier Components milled rods. I have tended to use these on all of my kit built loco's as I do like the quality and they just feel right. G
  9. bgman

    Little Muddle

    Good job the loco is fitted out by Tesla then !
  10. Initial running of the 517 build Having received a Slaters SG38 gearbox and motor yesterday I did an install and test of the loco which is still incomplete with cab / bunker only resting on the body / footplate along with the boiler elements. The initial run seems promising and I have taken a short video of her on the third run. Lots more to do yet but a promising few runs. Onwards and upwards ! G
  11. Hi B, No it is a single hub and chain driven with a single hub gear and regen plus braking when peddled backwards. Thank you for you comment on the layout too, I have decided to keep it all simple as an end of line station ( building to be decided ). G
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