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Everything posted by bgman

  1. Speaking of Manors...... I've been to to check mine this morning..... Yep still in one piece ! Your Earl Gray
  2. Lovely looking loco Ken you've done it proud, I'd be more than happy to run it on a layout.
  3. What a glorious day for a ride..... Stopped to check the estate Yep ! still there.... Then on to check my yacht..... Hmmmm.....needs a lick of paint ! Far too nice to be indoors modelling today.
  4. Nice ! Oh ! Where will you put the Kerosene depot due to it having to do quite a few runs / appearances it'll need topping up quite often I reckon. BP
  5. Whilst I understand why ads are used on this site I am now getting a banner ad too on the top of my screen which is slowly becoming a real pain having to scroll up and down to access the content. Just an unnecessary nuisance !

    Can I ask why this has suddenly happened please ? 


  6. Oh ! Yes please that would be wonderful, may I ask if it would be possible to include the Pre-Raphaelite period, more specifically those produced my Sir Sloshua Reynolds ? C.Tate
  7. And driven by a bloke called Rodney.....what a plonker !
  8. Beat me to it ! Probably to stop anyone pinching his grapes !!! Oh Er missus !!!
  9. That's the one, sorry I forgot, it was the Gibson kit as I recall now. I just happen to have one of Kays milled chassis in my "stash" somewhere as I was involved with the initial model many years ago ( there is an acknowledgment on the instruction sheet mis-spelling my name.....nothing unusual there then ! ) . My revised Rover kit will get built one day having made the tender and drive unit to power it. The milled chassis for both the loco and tender work extremely well. G
  10. Most enjoyable watch and some excellent shots from a human perspective too. I do marvel at the scale of the station building in 7mm, it was big enough to build in 4mm. May I ask if you had some proprietary etchings enlarged or were they made from your own designs ?
  11. Would that include a pot of tea and breakfast in bed ?
  12. I did fit one in the 25/3 but don't feel it's really necessary in the 05 to be honest. Keeping the track clean and good feeds seem to work fine to be honest.
  13. I think my friend ( me ) sold a loco some years ago for BG conversion ? Or perhaps I was imagining it ? G
  14. Er.....any progress on a certain loco build Duncan ? Just asking for a friend
  15. Good morning Ade, I do have some spare decoders so I may consider having one of the re-blown. One is an ESU decoder and I was looking on their website last night to see if there was a suitable sound file to download, unfortunately not otherwise I would have done it myself as I have done with others in the past. Cheap enough to have done and as this 05 was acquired at an extremely low cost privately therefore it wouldn't hit the pocket really. I don't usually have the sound too loud on my decoders but nice to know it's there if needed and with two of them ticking away it would be plenty loud enough at home when playing with operating them. As an aside, I noted that a new Hobbycraft store has opened up very close to where I live so I'm off to see what materials I can pick up shortly, extremely convenient as the nearest one previously was in Newtun Addit ! ( Devon joke ) Hope you're enjoying your "other" break and the weather holds. G
  16. Hellooo Playmate ! Seems there's a little helper just arrived in the yard....... Nice little runner too
  17. Useful photographs but don't give Stu any more ideas !
  18. Chris, Albeit in 7mm I photographed the seating material in the GWR Steamrailmotor some years ago and then re-sized it to fit my scratch built coach interior. It was printed onto a strong adhesive backed paper and placed on the seat modules, not certain if it can be achieved in 4mm but might be worth trying ? Also thought about the netting. Maybe place some lacemaking pins in two rows then wind a fine thread around and across in a diagonal pattern to replicate the netting on greaseproof sheeting. Glue each thread once done (PVA ? ) and cut to suit. Ok, probably a bit OTT but if you can't find anything suitable or else look at what War-game hobbiests etc use ?
  19. That's because they've been nibbling away at it !
  20. Is that Ena Sharples in the first photograph ?
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