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Everything posted by Forester

  1. The separate GA regalia pack is worth £15 alone, given it includes flags which often previous Hornby Golden Arrow sets did not.. But the Pullmans don't tempt me at that price. I'll buy and split a set myself for the Pullmans, I think.
  2. Would have thought the loco, with separate Golden Arrow parts, would have sold for more but the Pullmans, with fitted arrows, would have less general appeal and will struggle at this price. Just a gut feeling in view of past Hornby Golden Arrow sets.
  3. Always a heavy demand for Rebuilt WC/BoBs on eBay. With Rails now offering the sets at £245 you can't lose by spitting the set yourself and listing the loco if you don't need it.
  4. More on Bude: Nameplates Red from 11/45 until repainted BR green in 7/50. Then black until late 1950s (date uncertain, pure guess around '59) Red certainly by 1960 until withdrawal 3/67.
  5. 21C106 Named Bude 11/45 Renumbered 34006 5/48 Crest changed from county to town 2/50 Repainted BR green 7/50
  6. BR Mk1s joined the Golden Arrow formation well before the end of steam era, when demand for Pullman tickets was declining rapidly in the late 1950s. The luggage arrangements varied continuously throughout the post-war history of the train. From converted Pullman Brake, to bogie utility van, to added 4-wheel van, to GUV, to GUV both ends, to GUV at one end and Mk1 luggage van at the other, and many other combinations - and that was just in steam days!
  7. Hornby now showing Golden Arrow Last Steam Run Train Pack R3400 arrival on 10/3/17. Wonder how well this will sell? There have been several Golden Arrow sets containing earlier Pullmans. These rebuilt Pullmans could be popular but the pack is expensive.
  8. I read and dismiss comments like this all the time but when Graham says SR big tanks might one day make it to RTR I have to go and lie down...........
  9. Sad. The differences are trivial. Those who saw this first rebuild on its trials will never forget the visual impact it made. Rebuilt 35018 is an iconic loco really. It was fortunately preserved and is being restored. Will the restorers bother with these few non-standard items? I sometimes think the current culture of competing to be first to point out to the manufacturers these small differences when models are announced, who then feel pressured into changing their plans, just restricts the range unnecessarily. Just my view.
  10. If you want one order now. Clan Line and Channel Packet look likely to sell out as soon as they arrive. The other two shortly thereafter.
  11. Albert Goodall produced transfers for all the Bulleid crests. Someone here will tell you who took over his range. All the etched plates and transfers for the as-built 21C1 are around, if not currently in production.
  12. Looks like being a very popular item. Hornby have sold out their pre-order allocation. You will have no difficulty returning it or selling it on if you decide you don't like it when you receive it. On the other hand if you cancel you may not get another chance if you decide you do like it after all.
  13. Very much agree with the first sentiment. Personally I welcome a pricing system that relates to the cost of production rather than one based on say, "it's a pacific so we can get away with charging such-and-such". It also might in future help determine the level of detail purchasers are prepared to pay for.
  14. Stop doing lists of things that need doing And do the things that are listed to do. Stop writing of things need doing not listing And list the things Done in the Year that is New.
  15. What did you say? 34 tea leaves? Speak up. Merry Christmas Dear.
  16. I frequently unpack new electronic and other household items with dehumidifying crystal sachets in the box. I toss these sachets into the back of the display cabinets where I store most of my locos and have never yet had a case of mazak rot, despite having some of the noted sufferers. Keep them as warm and dry as possible. 34C has it exactly right.
  17. People said the same about the updated Schools class, where the older model was one of the best traditionally measured and built up models. But you can't beat scanning the real thing for accuracy and it is surprising what a difference it makes when you've been used to an older model to get a seriously accurate scanned one. I now always replace older models if Hornby updates with a scanned one. The secondhand market remains very bouyant at the moment with prices rising all the time in step with the rising prices of new ones. I've made a lot of really excellent sales of older models (I admit I do keep boxes, even more carefully now so many models are being revamped) and they often go most of the way towards funding the new one, especially with the more sought after rarer editions - and they don't have to be LEs to attract healthy bidding competition. Worth getting in early with sales before the new models arrive, when many others will do it. True a scan is only as accurate as the preserved/rebuilt loco. But in this case if they scanned City of Birmingham in its original paint how wrong can that be?
  18. Choice of 46256 shows a welcome return to intelligent selection of subjects by Hornby. Another gap filled. Nice job!
  19. Just for a moment there I got all excited thinking Simon was about to announce he is investing his huge Hornby payoff ( don't laugh) into a revival of 3mm/TT scale. But the piece fizzled out, as 3mm always seems to. Come on. We're in Breaking the Mould / To Hell with what the Polls Say Year........
  20. First sight of 35028 Clan Line in BR early green. Waited 50 years for this moment!
  21. Hope the investigation looks to and learns from modern Aviation Safety. Air safety remained stubbornly poor until investigators stopped automatically blaming the pilot and started looking at the systems which allowed, even encouraged, mistakes to be made. The effect on safety was immediately positive and lead to the very high air safety levels we benefit from today. If a mistake Can be made, sooner or later it Will be made. In this case that is a ridiculously tight curve for such a large tram in regular passenger-carrying service. Add a long straight stretch leading up to it and this was quite clearly an accident waiting to happen. Nor do I see the need for it looking at a plan of the track, although I've not been there. Hope the investigation turns out to be a modern enlightened one.
  22. I felt readers were being treated rather poorly by the new Board members at the end. (Where have I seen that before?) We will tell you what you want. You Will read our bi-monthly emag....etc Grateful for the years of Pat and Phil, but under the current team I'm afraid "I'm Out", personally.
  23. Any new South Eastern 4-4-0 is more likely to be a D than an L1, as there is one at York to scan, despite a few dubious modifications. That's what I'm going for anyway.
  24. Just to confirm this particular version of 30064, long marked as Sold Out, is currently available in small numbers as the last unclaimed ones are apparently being redirected.
  25. I believe a number of the early West Countries were outshopped first in fully lined Photographic grey. The only one I can find at the moment is in Scott-Morgan's book which has a photo of 21C105 fully lined in photographic grey with nameplates and crests July 1945 (not officially named until August 1946). Of the later light pacifics, several photos exist of Battle of Britains in a plain works grey. But this may have been more of a primer than a true photographic grey. An example is in Richard Derry's book which has a photo of 34071 in plain works grey with a BR malachite tender, 12 April 1948 (to traffic 17 April as "615 Squadron", later 601 Squadron) 21C164 is an interesting and special case, being the 1000th Brighton-built loco, outshopped and photographed first fully lined with the original cab, taken back in to have the first wedge cab fitted, then photographed again - but in both cases, as far as I can see, in fully lined malachite. EDIT: See, that's what I like about this forum: Someone asks a question. You try to answer it and immediately you find you are wrong! I now have a photo of 21C164 with wedge cab in Photographic grey............
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