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Everything posted by 250BOB

  1. Just a bit of confusion when talking with pals earlier this evening. The Crosti is advertised as two offerings.......early and late types. Does this mean early as in the very first appearance, without smoke deflector.? And late means with the smoke deflector.?? Or is the late version the rebulit post 1959 version.?
  2. A great shame indeed...!!!!! The converted form would be high on my wanted listed, perhaps even higher than the originals. But I cant make my mind up which of the two original types I would want, with or without deflector.
  3. Is Wednesday still looking good for the move Jim.??
  4. Hi Mick Those pictures taken today indicate the loco in Virginia, near Washington......so it wont be on the first ship I mentioned. Do you know where the first two were loaded onto the ship, I thought it was Halifax??.....and where this one might be heading to be loaded. So no news of 70802...??? Bob
  5. The locos 70802/4 should be on one of these two voyages: (Remember that the rough weather on land and sea can cause delays of a day or more!) ATLANTIC COMPANION Voyage No 3201/4301013A 12 04-JAN Norfolk 05-JAN NYC 07-JAN Halifax 15-JAN Liverpool ATLANTIC CONVEYOR Voyage No 4202/4302013A 12 12-JAN Norfolk 13-JAN NYC 15-JAN Halifax 22-JAN Liverpool
  6. But wouldnt they have been converted to normal working boilers, using conventional chimney exhaust, by the time they were at Croess Newydd.???? Bob PS....I agree with you about things sticking in your mind........my view of one between 1958 and 1961 sometime(as a 10 to 13 yr old), just North of Crewe on the WC mainline. I just cant decide which of the versions I saw that day......suffice it was different enough for me to remember it.
  7. I saw most of the class during my Crewe works visits, which were every 3 or 4 weeks in '62 / '63......but only really vaguely remember seeing one working and that was heading North from Crewe down the WC main line, 2 miles north of Crewe.........between 1958 and 1961.......could have been either type, but I suspect probably rebuilt. Wow, that books expensive.!!!
  8. Thanks for the info Unknown Warrior, regarding the dates etc.,of the Crosti bolier conversions . It was really useful and helps me form a better picture in my mind of the Crosties and their travels. Just a bit more help if possible please. Up to the time of their conversion, were they exclusively all shedded at Wellingborough.? And immediatley after their conversion, where did they go, was it back to Wellingborough.? The reason I ask, is that sometime between 1958 and 1961, when I was 10 to 13 years old, I saw a Crosti heading North out of Crewe, where I lived, on the WC main line. But I dont know if it was an unrebuilt or a rebuilt version....other than it was most unusual, and stuck in my mind as a youngster. Thanks.................Bob.
  9. Could some kind souls help fill in some gaps in my knowledge regarding the Crosti 9F's please.? ( or is it 8F ?) When did the conversion back from the Crosti boilers start, how quickly did it take place amongst the 10 locos, some dates of the conversions would be appreciated if available. When did they start to receive the smoke deflector for the side chimney. Thanks....Bob
  10. On the contrary Jim.!!!!! A magnificent locomotive in my opinion, far more character about them than a standard 9F, in all their forms. An absolute definite purchase for me, something I have hoped would be released sooner or later. Bob.
  11. On the 18th April 1963......I visited the depot as one of many we did that day, with the Northern Railfans club I think. We arrived at Walton on the Hill after doing 27A Bank Hall......and from here we went on to 27B Aintree next The total number of locos on Walton shed that day were as follows. D5862 D5820 44481 90212 44890 47225 47235 47228 92056 44177 44188 47235 45442 90535 90552
  12. I wondered if anyone has any shipping information on these new Colas Class 70 locos......I would have thought they must be in the vicinity of a US port by now. Wondered if it will be via the roll on roll off shipping method to say Liverpool........or by the dropping crane method at Newport.?? Bob
  13. Hi Karl, Cant remember if I mentioned the make of wireless router I bought to use with the 23151 and iphone., you might find it useful. I struggled to use my home broadband router......different i.p. addresses just baffled me....and I was unable to get the system to talk to my phone. UNTILL......... For £20.....I took the option of buying the Argos TP Link 150 wireless router....which had been recommended as it had the correct address already. When this was installed as the router, it was instant success....and the rest is history..!! I did talk to a guy who runs a layout called Crimson Road, a Stafford Railway club member, he was having difficulty making Touchcab work.....I told him about this router, and next time I saw him, he told me he was happily now using Touchcab. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1383908.htm?CMPID=GS001&_$ja=cgid:8710714982|tsid:41408|cid:177979742|lid:55247188262|nw:g|crid:31126603982|rnd:12990838791219799963|dvc:c|adp:1o3 Good luck Bob.
  14. Excellent Karl.........a merry christmas indeed..!!!!!!! Give me a shout if you think I can help at all........I'm no I.T. wizzo, but can give you the benefit of my experience. Bob.
  15. Hi Jim, I saw the Sinfin tanks tonight(Friday), about 5.20pm through Uttoxeter.........I was in the queue waiting at the barrier gates, but about 20 cars back, and with a difficult view. I could see it was a Colas loco livery, but couldnt discern whether it was a 47 or 56.? Judging by the length of the queue, the gates had been down some time.....was it your fault, or had something gone the other way too. Enjoy your rest. Bob.
  16. Hi Simon I know its not easy for a lot of people to find a good local and reasonably priced dealer................even I have to travel 20 miles to my local shop. I'm just one of those people who beleives strongly in the saying "use it or lose it".....like our local high streets. Bob
  17. That sounds like a really bad experience Simon.......and one of the main reasons I avoid mail order like the plague. A relationship with a local model shop is my recomendation, but I appreciate that isnt always possible for everyone. I accept I have to pay a bit more perhaps, but the buying experience is so much more satisfying. Bob.
  18. Sounded just as awesome passing through Uttoxeter on the tanks earlier this week. Pictures really great Jim.....thanks for taking the time to post........I'm sure they are really appreciated by everyone. Bob
  19. Andy, I hadn't fully appreciated it was currently destined to be as bad as you say..."a mongrel", in which case, you are right....the model does need, and deserve, more care and attention to detail., I think it was more the "bug" I was suffering from.!!! Bob
  20. Hello Adrian, Personally, I dont think the news is that bad already...!!!! As someone who is NEVER going to kit build stock of any kind....and I'm not alone there......I think that this representation of a Brake Tender will be fine by me and many, many others. I have loads of respect for you, and everyone else that build kits....and all those folk that know the detail of models inside out. But, I think, for the vast majority, something pretty close will suffice......and we shall leave it to the experts to refine on their workbenches. I sincerely hope the criticism hasnt disuaded Mike Wild and Hornby Mag from proceeding with this project........warts and all. Bob
  21. I noticed that Mike Wild the editor of Hormby Mag, did ask for constructive suggestions back in post #26 in November 2012. Do I understand that the latest criticisms were mentioned earlier in this thread, then duly ignored by Hornby mag, which would have been foolish.???? OR.....are they new criticisms that have come to light 12 months after Mike had asked for input.?? Bob.
  22. Hi Jim We had the tanks through this lunchtime, hauled by a 56. He brought the whole train to a pretty abrupt stop between the signal box and bridge when bound for Derby, quite pleased cos I got to savour the 56 for couple of mins. It was then off again to Derby. It returned only about 2 hours later around 2.30pm, which I thought was unusual.?? But powered off up the hill towards the Potteries making lots of wonderful noise. Bob.
  23. My model shop....The Hobbygoblin in Stoke on Trent......is well aware of Mail Order prices, e.g.Hattons etc., However, he makes a real good effort to get close to their prices........and I help keep a local model shop on the high street near me. in business. Then when I just need a pack of rail joiners....or one Peco point, he is still there for me to use. Its not always about the price........but it is with some folk, who seem to make it their aim in life to find the cheapest possible deal..... good luck to them. Bob
  24. Hi Martyn, I have tried all sorts of different decoders over 6 or 7 years....finally settling on Lenz, for me the most robust and reliable. Especially if you intend to push the decoders in terms of performance. Cheers......Bob.
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