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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Be Careful, there are different diameter banana plugs/sockets, 2mm and 4mm, I would suggest we standardise on the 4mm variety as were not doing N Gauge :-)
  2. Today it will mostly be Scorchio!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Scorchio scorchio, scorchio scorchio.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Or scorkhinskiy, as a Russian might say.

    4. Horsetan


      Scorched earth politsiya, more like, Dom.

  3. Have a look here http://www.free-mo.org/standard Suggest that these might be amended to suit UK practice. I might even have a crack at some boards if it moves forward, might even be able to source space for an annual meet in a converted goods shed, now used for other events (subject to funding) onwards with the discussions....
  4. or an inverted figure of eight, so you get to go around twice
  5. four weeks off work, on ssp, bad times, foot operation complete good times

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. steve22


      "all the household slaving at my beck and call..." Brave man putting a comment like that in print. Tootsies have a habit of healing you know...

    3. Trebor


      Yes steve22, but the thing is that they aree happy to help the aged...

    4. Horsetan


      Are you with SAGA Insurance now?

  6. right quick nose on ere, then off for breakfast, then brm round the pool !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trebor


      28degs and very very sunny, time for a nice icecold one or three...

    3. Horsetan


      Don't forget the obligatory lahmacun...with chips!

    4. steve22


      What's 'brm'? Is it a certain nice shade of green, per chance?

  7. will be doing 2500miles in a tin can today, BRM in hand !

    1. Horsetan


      Talking Turkey?

    2. Catkins


      Who's doing the piloting? :)

    3. Horsetan


      Nobody from Malaysian Airlines, that's for sure.

  8. has managed to sucsessfully complete tradepoint application, now I get trade prices, hurra

  9. off, to that there london town

    1. davefrk


      Ah London... And where would that be now?

  10. is suffering with tinitus, grrrrr..... or should that be a high pitched whine !

    1. SHMD


      Blood pressure?

    2. darren01


      I know what you mean DJing for 18 years has done no good for my poor ears!

    3. Horsetan
  11. Trebor

    EBay madness

    which is intresting as he has been selling these chassis for ages, whats he done with the bodies, boxes etc, surely you would get more for the whole model..... Or am I just being a bit fick !
  12. wasted yet another evening, repairing laptops PSU Socket, full strip down, remove busted socket, solder in new one, ha

    1. Trebor


      although have saved 60quid on having it repaired, which is train money!!! yippee


    2. Horsetan


      Bonus. Makes up for all that tax coding palaver.

  13. wishes the tax office would make the minds up, four wildly different tax codes in the last four weeks....

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      I would just like to pay me some tax paid back!!

    2. Horsetan


      Expect large tax demand....

  14. is feeling a little disturbed, by Horstan texting me a picture of his little one !

    1. Horsetan


      Size is no guarantee of quality, and anyway it is exquisitely over-engineered!

    2. yorkie_pudd


      all depends which end of the telescope your looking :-p

  15. thinks that the tax code 131L from 621L stinks.....

    1. Horsetan


      Does that mean you've stumbled into the 45% bracket?

    2. Trebor


      nope, almost there, but the employer completly fecked up the p11d, so underpayment of epic proportions.... Not a happy bunny

  16. has put on the beer hat and shall be heading witherspoons way very soon...

    1. Kev_Lewis


      That reminds me. Need to out tonight's beer in the fridge.

    2. Horsetan


      Prosecco with statins for me.

    3. Kev_Lewis


      The Wychwood Gingerbeard went down very nicely.

  17. enjoying a lazyday off on full pay. planing how best to extend the shed another 3mtrs forward

    1. Horsetan


      Could you not extend the lazyday as well?

  18. ! note to self! do not let doctors inject you achilles tendons ever again.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trebor


      Think it might of had cet

      rtain benefits if they had of ck, like free grub by way of compensation...


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      LOL! Hope you're on the mend anyway?

    4. Trebor


      Another upside, the office have just given me the next two days off work, with full pay too! Result !!


  19. is dreading the hospital visit tommorrow, injections into both heels is not funny

    1. Mallard60022
    2. Trebor


      I mean 7.30am in the morning, really! On the upside I have the rest of the day off, tablet will be charged for a day of rmwebbing....

  20. is tidying his office / indoor workshop, not progressing well though....

    1. Horsetan


      Have the mice been visiting?

    2. Trebor


      Just the one, traced it coming from nextdoor, through the void space between ground floor ceiling and upstairs floor, filled in the holes with squirty expanding foam then filled the hole in the plasterwork. That, ll should stop the little fuger....


  21. Mousehunt !!!! a good blast of expanding foam should deal with that.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      There'll be another hole appearing elsewhere in the house....

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      You need a ballbearing mouse hunter.

    4. Horsetan


      Trebor can't throw ball bearings fast enough these days. LOL

  22. had great fun watch the jets leaving Lakenheath on his way home from work this evening. Entertaining indeed....

    1. Jon020


      The Eagle has... oh, taken off!


  23. is wondering, BR Rail Blue, with an airbrush, who's is the best I wonder !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trebor


      hearing good things about lifecolour, best I try some them, Thank you gents.


    3. Horsetan


      Do they do "porno blue"? ;-)

    4. Trebor


      Lets hope not !

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