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Multiple identity account

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Everything posted by Multiple identity account

  1. Not everyone likes a driver. A driver can be added as a spare. It looks absolutely ridiculous reversing a diesel or electric with the driver frozen in one cab/facing one side..... Wish Bachmann stopped adding those ugly moulded things they call drivers.
  2. Yes that is normal, I think I explained it above in post #30. I too initially had a problem with the repairs but Netfabb usually gives you an option before exporting.
  3. Over-sensitive how? I've not forced Colin at all to give me a reason. I know about his condition. I was told it could have been an accidental rating and I appreciate it. I've never forced him to give me a reason, I'd just said that incase he did then I am always free to clarify. If you read it in a tone other than normal I am afraid that I cannot help you out. Please get it out of your head that I am so emotionally affected by this rating. I simply said if it isn't an accidental one I am always free to explain it to Colin. Post from Rob and You are actually the posts that blow things out of proportion and make it seem so severe.
  4. Obviously "ROB" because if me asking a question is wrong then I'd like to know or if I can explain something misuderstood I should know of it or as others have stated it might just be a mistake. Please don't assume that the "disagree" has harmed me emotionally and all that rubbish (I've seen enough of that here). I'd genuinely like to know if my question was interpreted differently to which I owe an explanation and I shall gladly give JEFF
  5. Well I'd like to hear from Colin so incase it isn't "technology" having a go at us, I can and surely will clarify what I meant...
  6. I am very curious to know why Colin Parks has disagreed with my post quoted above? Is asking questions on a model train forum not right anymore or has he misread my post? Cannot think of anything that would have someone rate a question as a disagree.
  7. AFAIK I remember someonr saying anywhere between £100,000 to £150,000
  8. Me praying now!! Dear God..... Please let this crowd-funding project turn out like an Ebay auction so that suddenly a whole pool of money pours in at the last moment!!!
  9. Did Hornby specify it was going to be released before? AFAIK I only remember Hornby saying that the first one will be available in Q3 in 2015. That necessarily mean the TTS one or anyone for that matter. There is 3 so far so it can be any one.
  10. Will that print though? It's amazing fine detail and if it doesn't print it will be a pity. But I am sure some very fine grade mesh will save the day.
  11. I think you can change the title of your thread to OO scale AL1 now Top notch work All the best Jeff
  12. So what were the improvements made then? Anything to make note of?
  13. Merry Christmas everyone....love and regards from Dubai!

  14. Off to Dubai for 17 days!!! Merry Christmas in advance you'll!!! God bless and happy modelling!

    1. darren01


      Say hi to my Brother who live out there foe me. lol

    2. Claude_Dreyfus


      I'm currently spending a few days in Dubai... Today was spent playing on the trams and monorail, as well as their excellent metro system.

  15. Looking forward to the Hornby and Airfix announcements....

  16. Recently when I had a chat with a Hornby rep regarding the TTS Class 37 (because Hornby used the incorrect tooling) I was told it was too late (despite my previous warning) as the Class 37 was already in production.
  17. None of the TTS Diesel locomotives are listed, have you ever thought of a small website glitch to be the cause of the problem? Anyways I'm sure news about them will be heard soon. PS: I never trust Hatton's dates anyways. Hornby have already been very forthcoming about the dates themselves recently.
  18. Ben, Just to let you know, I am going to download that printable flyer and upload that PDF on all my facebook, flickr and other social media accounts to help spread the word. Though I am currently in India I still keep in touch with many from Europe, The UK, The UAE and Australia. Cheers! J.
  19. Import your newly converted .STL file and follw the steps pointed out in the pic
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