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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Its also been a Great Sorrow that they seem to have dropped "Jason and the Argonauts"!
  2. Russell improved on his FP2 time, but so did Verstappen, etc. Its to be expected, they're in their usual cars, this is the third time Russell has tootled around the circuit in a Merc! I wonder what their times would be like if they were in effect sitting on a booster seat, wearing shoes a size too small. Either that, or he's been told to calm down a bit and save it for Qualifying? Anyhow, he's still in what would be points-land, unlike the Williams... Oh well, on to Qualifying!
  3. You know, looking at the covers I'd rather have the BBC. https://www.all-about-london.com/2014/12/radio-times-christmas-cover-1982-what.html https://www.all-about-london.com/2014/12/tv-times-christmas-cover-1982-what-was.html And if you follow the links, you can see what was actually on... Yep, think I'll stick to the Beeb.
  4. I've a copy of the 1982 TV Times, so you can do the same for ITV.....
  5. At present, sir, you can have any one provided that it is Blue, and you can BOGOF too!
  6. And remember whatever password you gave your account in a fit of exasperation at the continuing desire of the BBC to data mine your viewing/listening habits. Grrrr.... Doesn't make me :) one little bit. Not One At ALL.
  7. Hroth

    2021 hopes

    Doesn't really matter, if this thread gets locked, then all the usual suspects will pop up when its allowed!
  8. Hroth

    2021 hopes

    Or, so far outside the box that it would be on another planet, another EMU, but instead of a South East thing (they all look the same), a Class 503. Thats on-site too! How about a Planet, or a Patentee. Wagons would be nice.
  9. Hroth

    Class 66 TTS

    And the fix was? (Just in case others encounter the same problem) If it was just due to a momentary lapse, then ignore this!
  10. Hroth

    2021 hopes

    As the new range announcement date HAS been confirmed, it's legitimate to ponder upon what might be! Call it prediction, call it frothing, let's have at it! Seeing as NRM/Rails/Bachmann have their "Precedent", Hornby should go ahead and add to their stud of GER/LNER locos and announce an E4. They could also reissue teak effect clerestories to go with it....
  11. Good to know that what had been expected has been confirmed!
  12. Its Page 666! The Work Of the Devil!!!
  13. Sounds like the discounts you get on pre-registered "demonstrator" cars with low mileage when the registration period ticks over...
  14. Just haf a quick glance at the Practice 1 stream on the BBC website. Gorge was a creditable 7th place when I looked (no doubt things will change as the situation evolves) , both Williams are near the back... Bottas leads Verstappen at the front. Of course practice is just practice.
  15. If I find any, they're not getting it back!
  16. You've been listening to Chris de Burg again? Perhaps Greg Lake is a little less...
  17. True for a given value of "True"...
  18. Less than that, I suspect. There'll be facebook and twitter validated competitions too. Ok if you face or twit but I won't be creating accounts to enter them!
  19. Say it ain't so!!! As for the rest, its all oral tradition written down at a later date, and I don't expect the Romans would have recorded everything either.
  20. Its a pity they didn't stick with the intended name for Corrie, "Florizel Street", which was abandoned because it was thought to sound like a household disinfectant...
  21. And proper pubs where the biddies can be shunted off to the snug and gossip over halves of milk stout about that floozy down the street. And the tragi-comedic couple who shuffle along, no matter what life throws at them. Drama was confined to a van crushing one of the characters, a fatal housefire, a goods train falling off the viaduct at the bottom of the road, crushing the community hall in the process or a wages clerk being gunned down in a holdup. They don't make them like they used to, which may be a good or bad thing...
  22. Having completed doing their laundry. One in a taxi, one in a car, one on a scooter, blowing his hooter... To be fair, it took the Kings a bit longer to turn up, after Joesph had decided to stay in town and set up a workshop, otherwise why would Herod target kids under two for extermination?
  23. I see that the German equivalent, a giant wooden** on a mountaintop* has also suddenly disappeared! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55142062 I notice that in the stock photo the BBC is using to illustrate the report, the walkers are desperately trying to avoid being photographed looking at the thing... * Its on the Grünten mountain. ** I see the Net Nanny has objected to the name of the object. To say its an obscenity is just a fallacy....
  24. Cars, vans and lorries, oh MY.... I suppose they might as well tap the market for something to put in the station forecourt or goods yard. I didn't watch all the way through, was there a bus to put on a bridge? Or for a rail replacement service? At least it wasn't a facebook/twitter competition. I suppose that will come soon enough... Perhaps it'll be a two-phase process. A retooled chassis with all mod cons with the railroad body for this year, positioning it as "Railroad Plus", then when things have settled down, a retooled body for a full fat release.
  25. But thats what 3am on Christmas Day is for...
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