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Everything posted by Scottish-Exile

  1. My set arrived today and really is a thing of beauty. Only thing that jars is the blanked out windows in the power car, presumably to hide the motor. It actually has the opposite effect and draws your attention to it. Not sure the motor would have been that visible anyway given the heavy tints to the windows. Anyway, mine is now safely packed away and regrettably won't see the light of day until a forthcoming house move is complete and a suitable layout built.
  2. Mine should arrive tomorrow. Shop I'm buying from has been holding onto it for the last 2 weeks trying to get a response from Hornby. He's been told by them 'There is no issue/no known problems and that if any customer does have a problem, then it can be returned to Hornby with Hornby paying the postage'. Seems it really will be on a case by case basis. Mine, which was pre-ordered on the day of the announcement will be going straight into storage. I don't have a layout that could accommodate it and won't for sometime (house move hopefully this year will hopefully give me a decent railway room). It's a bit of a splurge purchase but I'd rather know I have a set now, rather than be trying to source one in a couple of years time at whatever price they may be reaching then. Quite happy that the dealer has honoured the sub £300 pre-order price.
  3. Buy It ! Because ... Because ... Because ... Then there'll only be 46 needed to sell before it becomes Project Go !!
  4. Good grief. You've just taken me straight back to 1984 and my first shift as a Timekeeper at Ayr TMD. Driver's coming up to the window asking "Am I lowsed?" and I didn't have a clue what they were on about. Had never heard the expression before and don't think I've heard it since I left Scotland in '96
  5. Love it when a plan comes together 3.25pm I get a call from Barry @ Widnes Model Centre that 47 712 is in stock. By 4pm, I'm in the store and the model is in my grubby little hands. On show here are 47 708, 710, 712 & Heljan 715. My other 3 Scotrail 47's are in storage, awaiting a bigger layout to one day be built. My first visit to Widnes Model Centre and won't be my last. A great little shop and with the new Mersey Crossing, is easilly convenient for me.
  6. That's where I'm at. Need to develop my skill set in this regard. My gripe, is that Sir Walter Scott and Lady Diana Spencer have the longest names. I'd like one with a short nameplate that would facilitate an easy change to Dunedin & Lothian etc. I do have Waverley, but it of course has the - correctly - misplaced BR arrow so rules out an easy conversion.
  7. Stumbled across this thread, a great read. Well doe Sir. I'm very impressed.
  8. Can you keep one by for me please. Calling you now with payment details
  9. Determined to get to my first Perth show for a visit this year. Had a hotel reserved last year but had to cancel when work got in the way.
  10. My dealer opened and tested them all, prior to despatch to me. So, I would say it was the Dopey Parcel Deliverer to blame.
  11. I'm drooling at the prospect of my favourite 47 appearing in LLB. Mind you, it will cost me a fortune in mineral wagons ... Falkland Yard, Ayr - June 1982
  12. Congratulations. It was a great layout. Is there a list somewhere of all the variouscompetition winners?. I've missed it if it's already been posted in this thread. Going back to the old McLellan Galleries days, there used to be a display cabinet up on the balcony with all the various trophies along with various competition entries of scratchbuilt models. Back in the early 80's I was once the proud winner of the McMillan Cup, awarded to the under 16 junior modeller, for my conversion of a Lima 33 to a Class 26.
  13. It was more interesting to see how they got it re-steaming after it had stopped lol.
  14. I've just joined the Rule 1 club. My argument being that the 'as preserved' is clearly as it runs today, therefore it IS a modern image loco that will fit right in with my Class 66's, 67's and 68's et al
  15. To answer my own question. Spoke to the Oxford chap at Model Rail Scotland. Only these 3 ScotRail variants are planned.
  16. Hope you've had a good show. You & Mike were probably the only guys I never got round to saying hello to. Everytime I passed by you were busy gassing to other folk. It would have been my usual conversation though, telling you guys to upscale those 320's into OO scale
  17. Stunning models, and even a diehard modern image guy like me has Ayrshire #10 on order.
  18. I purchased a RealTrack Class 156 from Charlie at RealTrack (DCKits). This is my 4th one of these brilliant units which put all other DMU's to shame. I did see a trader had the Bachmann Ltd Ed Class 107, 3 car unit in Strathclyde PTE livery. These are getting hard to find now.
  19. Agreed. Was there for doors opening at 10 and left just after 17.30. My feet are killing me. Brilliant show. Many, many great layouts. For me though, Franwood TMD, a small micro-layout was the star attraction. Only 4 feet by 15", but 2 or even 3 locos moving the whole time. Went back 2 or 3 times just to marvel at this. It has given me a lot of ideas ...
  20. Arrived. CLASS 47 708 Purchased. Now to enjoy the show
  21. Drove up from Wales to Ayr this evening. Looking forward to visiting the show in the morning.
  22. I think the 'multiple liveries' will put paid to that. Has it only ever been in Inter City Swallow?
  23. Forgot about that. One of mine was loose but clicked back onto the underframe.
  24. The locos on the layout. 23 x Class 26 and 5 x Class 27's all by Heljan. I had been sent an extra Trainload Coal livery rather than 26 026 in Blue. I decided to purchase this anyway rather than return it and 26 026 is on its way to me. The 10 new locos at the front - including the 2 that are being returned due to damage: And the wider fleet:
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