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Everything posted by Scottish-Exile

  1. I think from memory, that there will be a subseuent delay in sending out the models, as the Shildon shop staff who would normally do this, will I presume, be tied up at the Warley show over the weekend. There was a similar issue last year (APT-E?) or some such model, that had arrived, but everyone was busy at a show. The wait goes on ...
  2. Welcome to the Frothing Brigade http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/128219-new-announcement/
  3. Reading the blurb again, it seems as if it will just be a information / display / pre-order type affair and not, an actual sales stand such as what Cheltenham Model Centre or other traders take to shows.
  4. Hattons announce they will be having stands at various shows in 2018: We're pleased to reveal that we will be attending a number of exhibitions across the UK throughout 2018! This will give you the opportunity to speak to our expert team members, share your ideas and have your questions answered. We will have a range of samples of our exclusive products on display and you will even be able to pre-order items and have them sent straight to you upon release. Currently, you'll be able to come and see us at Model Rail Scotland in February, The London Festival of Railway Modelling in March and Warley Model Railway Club & Exhibition in November but keep checking our calendar to see the full list of events we'll be attending. You can find it here: https://goo.gl/Xzhn23
  5. Ah, good reminder. Deposit just placed for 156-458 Super Sprinter in Provincial livery, Inverness to Glasgow. If there's a rush of orders at Warley this weekend I don't want to have missed the boat
  6. We now have the first 156 to appear on that auction site. Although starting with a 99p opening bid rather than an exploitative doubling of the retail price as is usually the case. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Realtrack-Rapido-class-156-in-Abellio-branded-Barbie-livery/182909272763?hash=item2a963e02bb:g:KyoAAOSwh1haEC0V
  7. Might already be mentioned elsewhere, but read this in the latest copy of 'The Eagle', the magazine for members/supporters of Crewe Heritage Centre. It advises that the heritage trust will be doing bodywork repairs and repainting of their D1842 / 47192 over the winter shutdown into original two tone green with syp. It's the 30th anniversary next year of preservation, the first in the class to be preserved. They go on to state that they are currently in talks with Kernow regarding a limited edition model of D1842 to be released next year.
  8. I've only ordered from Hattons 2 or 3 times previously and visited them twice. Most of my stuff comes from eBay or Trident Trains who are local to my work. Placed an order with Hattons on Saturday for a 2nd hand loco and added 2 other items while I was at it. Automated emails recieved on Saturday acknowledging the order and another on Monday confirming it had been picked. Arrived safe and sound on Wednesday by Royal Mail using the standard £4 track/not signed. Overall I'm happy with that.
  9. Stumbled across a link this evening, to the following new model shop which from what I can see, first opened its doors in September. Great to see a new model shop actually bucking the trend and opening, given so many seem to be closing these days. I wish them well with the venture. Salopian Models Stall 5, Shrewsbury Indoor Market Hall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom 07951241343 https://salopianmodels.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salopianmodels/
  10. Stumbled across Salopian Models this evening which appeared as a Google promoted link in my browser. Looking at their Facebook page, entries begin on 6th September where he notes he's made his first order with Hornby/Airfix/Scalectric etc. So, looks like there is a new model shop in Shrewsbury market. I pass by Shrewsbury on the A5 / M54 link once or twice a week, but never at hours that would allow me to pop in to check them out. However, good to see a model shop bucking the trend and actually opening, so I wish them well. I'll start a new thread to give them some prominence rather than keep this one going. https://salopianmodels.com/ Salopian ModelsStall 5, Shrewsbury Indoor Market Hall, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom 07951241343
  11. The sound of it being replaced by a Class 150 on the Manchester WAG
  12. A big thumbs up from me. I was seeking 3 additional Hornby GWR coaches to take an HST set up to the full 2+8. An internet search showed Wonderland Models to be cheapest and I placed an order on Friday. Several automated emails on Friday / Saturday confirmed my order had been picked / packed / despatched and emails from DPD confirmed delivery for today. From this I was able to have the package redirected to a local DPD pick up point and I've just collected my coaches this evening. Hadn't heard of Wonderland Models before, but will certainly be checking them out for any future online orders. A Happy Chappy.
  13. I tried most of the mags when I took up railway modelling in 2015. Liked Hornby Mag the best and took out a 2 year subscription. This expires in a couple of months and I probably won't renew. Nothing wrong with the mag, that I still enjoy, it's just that for news, features, new releases and even layouts, you can see/read about them on RMWeb first, before the mag appears. I ocassionally pick up BRM which I rate and the odd issue of Model Rail just for something different. The only mag I've never really taken to is Railway Modeller, which is strange as my Dad had that on subscription for years.
  14. Well I though TS meant 'The Slobs' and TF 'The Fops'. Rather appropriate I thought My 2 + 5 TTS fitted GWR set arrived from Rails this morning. Lovely looking set and the TTS sounds give it a nice extra dimension.
  15. Yup, Deborah my partner lives just around the corner on Mold rd, so I'm in there most days posting off my ebay sales etc. Was talking to the chap and he's a keen modeller / rail enthusiast himself hence the large selection of railway mags.
  16. Magazine arrived this morning, so that's today taken care of. Feet up, coffee to hand and enjoy the read.
  17. The 47/7's were painted before I arrived at the depot. I was there as Shift Technical Clerk from 88-90, at the time the depot was being prepped for the arrival of the Sprinter fleet, so I missed most of the loco action. Davie Mable was the depot painter, and hand painted the depots allocation of shunters. We got in trouble for that too ... https://www.flickr.com/photos/130587299@N08/albums/72157659100728619/with/21790724059/ I'm torn on this one. For all that the prototype was 'wrong', I think it would jar on me seeing the mistake replicated into model form. I have Bachmann's 710 and also 461, the only non 47/7 to get the blue ScotRail livery. My OCD will go into meltdown seeing the 'mistake' on my layout as it would be out of step with the other 2 locos
  18. I get the Hornby magazine on subscription. Always arrives on time, 2nd Wednesday of the month, the day before it hits the shops. I've not received the December issue yet, which should have been here on Wednesday. Anyone else (UK Address) awaiting their subscription copy?
  19. What's the law of averages that says the postman will get it wrong one day and deliver to my house instead
  20. Coaches are becoming a bit more difficult to source. I finally decided to buy the GWR HST set last night having been looking online for a couple of days. I'm always late to the party missing out on the pre-ordering and suffering from last months price rise An impulse buy, as Rails had been offering a bundle of the 5 coaches which caught my eye on Tuesday. When I looked again yesterday, they only had individual coaches, not the 5 pack. They had 2 bundles of 2+5 sets, one being fitted with TTS sound by them. Interestingly, they were cheaper on their website than their eBay page. Between the 'Big 3' players, some only had TS while others only listed the TRUB & TGS etc so I spent a while last night trying to source the best option. In the event I just went for the Rails bundle of 2+5 and while I could have sourced individual elements cheaper, it was just easier to buy as a job-lot, once I'd factored in various p&p prices if I'd bought from multiple sources. I've also just ordered 3 additional TS to make up a full rake. These coming from Wonderland Models, a new name for me, based in Edinburgh. The only place I could see offering them for sub £30. As I say, an impulse purchase but I work down in Reading 1 or 2 days a month and quite like seeing these units. Will shamelessly copy a previous poster and add the Welsh Dragon transfers, given that I live in these parts
  21. I wouldn't want to say for sure. I've just checked on a Facebook page for Haymarket staff where we had this same discussion a while back. I'm sure there was an issue with just one side, either the positioning of the arrow, or, it could have been the whole Scotrail legend that was positioned on the same No1 end when it should have been at opposite ends on opposite sides, if that makes sence. What I do recall is the kerfuffle we had with Edinburgh city council regarding the Haymarket castle logo. They complained it was infringing on the city coat of arms. You can see in some of those Flickr photos that the original castle symbol was a red castle. This was later amended to the familiar white. Not my pic, (credit to Gavin Whitelaw) and a poor scan, but this shows a 1985 view. The arrow now preceeds, but there is still a gap between Scot & Rail.
  22. A fine collection. Take some solace, 5 days ago i didn't have any and would never have dreamed of buying a steam loco. I now have Stanier & Atholl with a pre-order placed for Duchess of Hamilton
  23. Yup. It just had to join my - currently small - collection of steam locos. Poor scans of poor pics taken by a young 16 year old me at Ayr, October '83 :
  24. Just received this from Locomotion as they have it at a reduced price of £199. Would've been rude not to so it's now my first HST.
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