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Everything posted by Ryde-on-time

  1. Perhaps the people who own the venues where his events are being held should be contacted ?
  2. Good to see they are thinking of commissioning more new models and what's been done previously has been provided valuable revenue Some BR Mk1 coaches next then?
  3. If you both buy and sell on ebay I have always read in various places that it is wise to do so on separate accounts Unfortunately there are sellers who do not like it if you buy something and then highlight a problem, they take it very personally! Where this has happened,but the buyer is also selling on the same account, I have read of instances where they have found something has been sold to the seller they have been having problems with, the seller has bought something to stir things up and find a way to get their own back I you sell on a differently named account this cannot happen as there is no way to connect 2 private accounts
  4. If anyone dislikes BRM being bagged because they want to see whats inside I would recommend them getting the app (if they have a suitable device) In the app you can click on a particular edition of the magazine which takes you to a page with a detailed list of what is in that issue, together with several sample pages which can be viewed. I subscribe to a couple of magazines, but get some others on an occasional basis and always use apps now to choose which
  5. Shame it's moving, the car museum was an interesting location making it an attractive day out Not sure Milton Keynes needs a third (non specialist) exhibition, the 2 existing ones are quite large and spaced 6 months apart
  6. Funny moment this morning. Daughter and I were walking the dogs, nearly home and needed to cross the road. When we got to the pedestrian crossing there was a gap in the traffic although there was a car coming at quite some speed but was some way off. We started to cross and it become apparent the driver of the car was coming towards us really had his foot down but he noticed us just in time and had to stand on the brakes to stop. This made me angry! Although it's a village there were several retired people wandering to the local shop for a paper, other people walking their dogs, children going to the bus stop to get the school bus, lots of people about. A really stupid time to drive through the village at speed without paying attention. I therefore felt he deserved some advice I walked round to the drivers window and it very quickly became apparent that something wasn't right. There seemed to be hair all over his face but non on the top of his head. It slowly registered that because he braked so hard his wig had slipped down over his face. It was therefore not easy to summon up any more anger as I was too busy laughing (along with a couple of others who had seen the idiots driving and had wandered over). Just a shame I didn't have my phone so could take a picture. He was definitely very embarrassed so hopefully he learned a lesson I think the moral is that if you wear a wig either make sure it's secure or pay attention when your driving!
  7. OP, out of interest, when you purchased the item what was the estimated delivery day given by ebay? Your expectations should be based on the info given in the listing, not how long a different delivery company would take. If the listing stated they would use a courier which could take perhaps 8 to 10 working days then you purchased on the basis of that? I would only mark someone down if they failed to deliver what they promised, but as stated above it seems only fair to cut sellers some slack considering the recent bad weather
  8. Another happy customer of G&H here. I don’t really enjoy woodwork and am lacking in time so the board kits seemed like a no brained! I decided on the G&H products after reading other good feedback but also because the curved boards in their range were spot on for my proposed layout. I have built some curved boards and one straight one so far and have been very impressed with the fit of the components and quality. I would definitely recommend them
  9. This youtube film is a nice demonstration of how it’s decent winter tyres that matter, the cheaper 4 wheel drive on soft roaders with summer tyres give virtually no extra benefit in snowy conditions And this shows the benefits such as better braking
  10. So someone who pays double to get in is a “free rider”?!? I remember now why I was only a member of the guild for a couple of years, (much preferred MIGO)
  11. Minitrains makes a crane wagon? http://www.gaugemaster.com/item_details.asp?code=MTR5116
  12. But they don't have a business account Ebay rules are pretty clear that if you list items purchased to resell for profit you should have a business account. They might look at their actions as getting a bit of extra cash but they are a small business Perhaps worth reporting those to ebay listing multiple locos? Not sure if ebay will take action but I know a few years ago they were very hot on forcing certain sellers to upgrade to a business account (people selling cloths of different sizes for instance) Perhaps they might think twice if they had to have a business account, include on listings their name/address/phone number and be more visible to the HMRC etc?
  13. The thread showing the 2018 Bachmann announcements included details at the bottom of the first post showing the position of each of the locos, the Hunslets show as in the Drawing Office. As this is direct from Bachmann I would take the info to be more accurate? http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/129822-Bachmann-announcements-2018-full-list/
  14. Plenty of good people mentioned so far on this thread but another I like is Guy Martin. For me he lets the subject of his programs dominate a bit like David Attenborough (compared to some other presenters whose egos seem to overpower and be central to the program)
  15. Shaping up to be an interesting exhibition with some excellent layouts Looking forward to seeing the new N gauge layout Brinklow
  16. It's Modeltown who make the wagon kit. I don't have any first hand experience of the wagon kit but the have purchased some of their building kits which have been excellent quality http://www.modeltown.co.uk/shopping/site/Product/coal-wagon-3-5-gauge-hcw-1452684
  17. Was going through my late fathers photos during a visit to my mum at Christmas, living near Bromsgrove in the 1950's and 60's he had take lots of photos on the Lickey Bank. This photo though seemed to stand out as unusual?
  18. A flop as in a huge reduction in visitor numbers
  19. What seems strange to me is that the events page has been reduced in BRM for several months. Looking at the October 2017 BRM (published in September in the lead to to a busy exhibition time) there are just 9 exhibitions listed The fact that those objecting to the change haven't noticed that the change took place ages ago, and BRM hasn't been deluged with topics about exhibitions being a flop, would indicate to me that the change was a good call
  20. Wow, I can’t believe that someone is naive enough (putting it politely!) to form an opinion concerning the character of those taking part having only seen a few clips on a program which has been made and edited to provide prime time entertainment. (Watching the apprentice candidates on the Your Fired program and seeing them interviewed live shows how different some can be to how they are portrayed in the main program). Both me and SWMBO enjoyed the program, made for enjoyable Sunday eveing entertainment. Good to see a prime time TV program show model trains in an interesting and positive way
  21. I thought the diary was trimed down in the BRM mag months ago and discussed here then. I seem to recal that they wanted the mag to contain useful and unique info rather than pages of exhibition info which is repeated in other mags and on numerous websites such as this one
  22. Only if the owner of the vehicle that started it was negligent in some way
  23. Except you can't follow the request in red capitals and place an order without paying........................
  24. Do not order from that site. See the thread here where people have ordered and lost their money http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/112011-coopercraft-its-fate-and-thoughts-on-an-alternative/
  25. Had confirmation from Tootally that mine is on its way. Looking forward to Friday and having a play
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