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Geoff Cook

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Status Updates posted by Geoff Cook

  1. Chuntering Cobalt now changed, the supply voltage had to be as low as 6v before it would stop chuntering

    1. Benn


      I run mine on around 9v, had a few swap outs...

    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Are tortoises any better? I'm at a point where I'm looking at point motors & I keep hearing things about cobalt clunking. Is there any benefits over tortoises using dc power ?

    3. Geoff Cook

      Geoff Cook

      The tortoise although bigger is a better buy and definately more reliable than the Cobalt

  2. Need to change a troublesome cobalt point motor on BCB so we can have less chuntering

    1. Indomitable026


      Can I suggest a small accidental fire????

    2. bgman


      Bought a multipack from a well known box shifter, 3 didn't work on DCC. Sent them back and all 3 replaced no quibble. One returned motor still a problem. Sent it back and got a new Classic Sigma in return. Now happy :)

  3. I won the best layout award @ Expo EM North

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Are you really P4 as you look quite normal.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'm told you can get quite a lot of trackwork on the average bloke's back, providing he lies down and keeps perfectly still.

    4. The Stationmaster
  4. done another track plan

  5. Doncaster this weekend must remember not to have mushy peas for diner

    1. yorkie_pudd


      or beans as well

    2. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      As long as you keep down wind from me, it will be OK!

    3. newbryford


      Or wear a rucksack

  6. Doncaster this weekend must remember not to have mushy peas for diner

  7. Doncaster this weekend, must remember not to have mushy peas for diner

  8. it's very quite at the moment in BCB land

    1. Indomitable026
    2. TheSignalEngineer


      When does the next panic attack set in?

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Friday 31st January!

  9. It's very quite in BCB land at the moment, Hmm

  10. It's very quite in BCB land at the moment, Hmm

  11. It's very quite in BCB land at the moment, Hmm

  12. tipping mug of coffee on keyboard stops the puter

    1. DonB


      A bit of a drastic way to make modelling time!

    2. N15class


      I found this out also with a glass of water.

    3. Geoff Cook

      Geoff Cook

      Must be short of modelling time, being that the coffee has been attracted to the Pc again. Need New Desk with more space

  13. tipping mug of coffee on keyboard stops the puter

  14. It's like being an expectant father, one never knows when five arches will arrive

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I thought the baby was due yesterday. ;)

    2. Geoff Cook

      Geoff Cook

      It was, but it's not here

    3. Stubby47


      Quote from Spams at 12:57 "Currently on a pub crawl as it's my dad's 80th. Any answer I give now might be dodgy... " !!

  15. threading sleepers on lenghts of rail

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      ..... so either you've lost your rosary, or this is a new RMWeb themed abacus taking shape? If only someone would invent a chair threading thimble?

  16. Were's that track plan gone for Black Country Blues, its somewhere on the PC but where

    1. Grafarman


      lost in the BC smog...

    2. Mark Forrest

      Mark Forrest

      I 'ope yow aye dropped it in the cut

  17. I hate using glue soldering is better

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      doesnt give the same high


    3. Horsetan


      Melting plastic....mmmmm......

    4. Geoff Cook

      Geoff Cook

      you can't unsolder araldite

  18. PAA china clay hoppers for DitD

  19. How did he do that message, whats this comments box for I wonder.

    One can spend to much time on here that I will get no modelling done

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