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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. Unexpectedly found this girl in C&M, Carlisle on Saturday. She was waiting for me with a blue sister who I’ll collect later. So pleased with the quality and absolutely worth the near ten year wait. On the late transition ScR front these are the last piece of the jigsaw for modellers of that place/time. I’m very happy with the model and she’s been a ray of sunlight in a couple of dark, rough, days. Davy.
  2. It may just me my own empirically-based perception but I felt that after the ‘Boardroom Putsch’ of 1999, EWS lost interest in building traffic and the board just decided to sweat assets for the hedgers’ benefit. Certainly traffic and new flows appeared to nosedive from that point. Coupled with the arrival of the 66s, this was the beginning of the end for virtually every other class in the EWS fleet. Admittedly not before time for some. Davy.
  3. In my small circle of friends, EWS has long been considered an acronym for ‘Everything We Scrap’... Davy.
  4. Maybe he’s just trying to put a bit of perspective on a pretty insignificant First World problem. It’s called ‘empathy’. Davy.
  5. Any ETA on the Paxmans (Paxmen?) yet? Davy.
  6. An all new state of the art Black Five would be an absolute belter. Can’t see Hornby upgrading theirs for a while yet.
  7. Bear in mind on the big railway these were Class 2 power. Modelling use should generally reflect that. Davy.
  8. A few of my own given the treatment. Been trying out some new techniques and so far I’m well pleased with the result. Another nine to do yet! Davy.
  9. Some decent weathering and a crew brings these lovely wee models to life. I really do need a scenic piece to show them off on though. Davy.
  10. This wee lassie scrubs up well; no question of that! Davy
  11. I believe there is sufficient commonality on a superficial level between A2/1 and A2/2 that it may be possibly without too much trouble to produce the former from the latter (in BR condition at least). I fully expect to be put to rights on that score by someone here!
  12. If they consistently turn out stuff like the 68/21/29, I think I’ll forgive them the dodgy links...
  13. An absolute blinder this year from the Red Box gang! So many ‘top of my list’ items there. I’d best get myself a decent job when I return home this year!
  14. Gave mine a test on Wednesday on a friend’s analogue layout and it seemed pretty much fine. Looking forward to getting it chipped.
  15. I’ve been weathering some of mine. They do benefit from the treatment; no doubt of that’
  16. 2020 is also the 60th anniversary of the Glasgow ‘Blue Trains’. Just sayin’, like...
  17. It’s very much got the correct sit and impression of weight and substance I associate with this most elegant and well-proportioned design. I’m glad there’s a bit of time still before release; I’ve got a stack of NBLs and a Deltic to see to first!
  18. OK then; who’s gonna be first to hack a pair into D6123..?
  19. It looks highly impressive. I assume this is a pay up front project then. I only ask as I’m heavily committed with various situations and won’t likely have much disposable income until spring. Davy.
  20. Are you sure that publicity flier isn’t Deepfake..?
  21. I believe there’s also a Paxman at Bo’ness. Since the Valenta was derived from the Ventura there might be a similar sound to the HST but with less turbo screech. Regarding the vents; Flettners are exactly what they are. A fairly novel approach to engine room ventilation as it happens and never as far as I know repeated elsewhere. Davy.
  22. These samples look utterly superb. It’s been such a long wait since these models were first announced but it truly does look like ‘the best came last’ in terms of ScR diesel power of the Transition/Pre-TOPs era. Only perhaps a Gloucester and Swindon InterCity DMU and NBL/Barclay 0-4-0 shunters are missing for that era of Scottish Operation now. I will enjoy these NBLs very much when they finally arrive.
  23. Isn’t Resistance the problem anyway..?
  24. By the way, that isn’t a Neilson saddle tank I see behind the painted sample, is it? ;-) Davy.
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