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Matt C

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Matt C

  1. Your evidence to say he ISN'T speaking for others ? He echoed my sentiments exactly
  2. This sprung into my mind https://youtu.be/NpYEJx7PkWE
  3. I can probably save myself a LOT of time by ignoring comments like yours. IMHO I believe/ assume/ suspect that 98% of RmWebbers reading my comment understood I was trying to make a point, not score one and that my figure was hypothetical. I wonder what the satifaction % was for the GT 3 ? didn't that go through a simular grilling ? Anyway I'm missing the Rugby by taking part in a pointless debate about hypothetical figures So I'm moving on thanks
  4. Ok, Ok just to keep you happy I'll amend it here :- But thats my point. I BELIEVE that 98-99% of the purchasers WILL be happy :- But thats my point. IMHO 98-99% of the purchasers WILL be happy :- But thats my point. I ASSUME 98-99% of the purchasers WILL be happy There, pick any one, hopefully I've saved you a lot of research time that you can use elswhere Sheesh !
  5. I was going to compose a lengthy reply to some of your points but there really IS no point. They have been debated to death many, many times over the lifetime of this and other threads. Let those who have ordered one enjoy it and those who haven't for whatever reason just move on and let it go. Life is much too short and there are far worse things happening in the world that SHOULD be the focus of our attention Signing off Matt
  6. Then Drop Michael an Email and ask him if he has someone on the books who would be happy to take over your order. I saw a few candidates on Saturday at MRS who were disapointed that they couldn't get one so I'm sure someone would be happy to take it on. No you won't be happy with it as you will always see it as flawed. Others will be delighted to own one I'm sure. I assessed the model in the flesh at MRS, it looked great, it looked just like the FEW photos ive seen on here, it looked UGLY which in a sense is what gave it its charm. Is it 100% Accurate ? No bloomin idea but I would be MORE than happy to have one of the 1000 + (?no idea how many actually) that will be out there ( No I Can't afford one).
  7. But thats my point IMHO I Believe/assume 98-99% of the purchasers WILL be happy. For that 1% ? Buy a kit or bash this model to get to perfection ? But please STOP persistently bashing these guys for at least Producing SOMETHING that otherwise just wouldn't ever get made ? Please they come across as passionate in at least TRYING to produce something that otherwise just wouldn't exist outside of a kit that MOST just wouldn't even TRY to make Give em a break l
  8. Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear. yeah I dropped in today at the Model Rail Scotland Show. . . And yes I can confirm. . . You see those Cabinets, the ones with all those shinies in ? They are Alarmed. . . ALARMED I tell you ! They made me empty my backpack And then to Add insult to injury, you see that rotten divil Fran ? He he. . . He . .He did you know . . He went and shoved a perfictly formed purple thing in my hand ? !!! (Children look away ! ) Have yo fealt the weight of that thing ??? Ok ok but I got the better of him ! We played top trumps with them darn 30/31 postcards of his and I WON (;I have witnesses with legally forg....Signed affiwotsits stating that I won and Fran ows me One each of EVERYTHING On a serious note Guys if you have been sitting on a spiky fence holding off on either the Deltic, 37 or the 30/31 Just get em ordered. Seriously you will NOT be disappointed. At the money they are charging and the quality / detail they are producing you are really daft not too ( Ok Fran when do I get my five quid ???) Only joking guys these really ARE the Doggies Doo Das
  9. GWR lets drop this, Its a no win situation. I admire your tenasity but I think 98? 99;% of the buyers would say WUT ?
  10. But which one ? I can only SEE one at a time ?
  11. You know a question popped into my mind and its a STUPID question. I dont know the Fell, never seen one, never knew it existed until KR daftly decided to do one ( in all the world and in the group of those who ordered/ want one who new it ACTUALLY existed ?!) I saw the model, apparently it has two different sides. If I look at each side in turn, which one is wrong ?
  12. Just handled one of these beasts at Model Rail Scotland. Never mind the quality and detail, feel the R&&dy weight !! Seriously if these are Samples ? Pre production ? Then the actual models are going to be superb. If you havent already, then get on and snap up any of the variations they have left. You will NOT be sorry. And yes I'll declare an interest, I've bought two, one sound and one not but if I could afford ? I'd buy the lot . And the 37s and the 30/31s
  13. You know I've just come back from the Model Rail Scotland show and I WAS going to come on here and in a friendly way slag off KR models in general and Michael in person, you know, just because I can. BUT, Ive just caught up on this thread and it's taken the wind out of my sails seeing the negativity. So instead as an ancient knackered up crabbit old I'm going to 'bend your ear' for a bit instead. So I went up to the stand, stood quietly for a bit and then kicked Michael to wake him up. I then spent five minutes asking him what the heck the ' brown turd' sitting on the display counter was all about. And he told me ! I then spent the next hour ? (In between Customers coming up and drueling over the samples on the counter and offering wives in exchange for the chance to own one) chatting to him about all things modelling. We chatted about his Dad and although I've never met him I got an impression of a crabbit old git like me but more like a stag. Absolutely passionate about modelling, a business man but not exactly cut out for the diplomatic Corps. You Push, he'll push back, you butt, he'll butt back twice as hard. Yeah you don't want to lock horns ! But this guy has a passion for modelling that will make him push a project through to the end. Then theres Michael. . . Michael wasn't into model railways he was into Wargaming but he got called into help one day and did so, and never left. And that boy has a passion and I think we have got under his skin ! We chatted for quite some time and I saw that passion shine through ( once he had got over the shock of an RM member waking him up and had relaxed his guard ) I'll touch briefly on the Fell, I saw two samples on the counter and im probably like 99% of the potential customers, it looked awsome, but if someone told me it should have a pink knobb coming out of the drivers side roof area ? I wouldn't have a Scooby Doo. If I could afford it I'd buy one, or two, A LOT of information was offered up about an obscure prototype from various sources with not a lot of definitive, CONFIRMED detail and some of this regrettably appeared to come in after tooling was signed off ( my interpretation) All I can say about KR is what my gut instinct told me. They have a passion, they WANT to deliver a great product. They are new to the game and learning on the Job. RmWeb is a VERY small percentage of their customer base and yet Michael STILL tries to stay on top of an overwhelming amount of information given from here and other sources (bear in mind they are two people working VERY Long hours) Give em a chance guys. The passion is there, they ARENT going to satisfy that small percentage who want perfection, although my impression is they would like to ! But I think they WILL do thier darndest to try Btw. The samples on the counter. . . DARN they look gooooooood !!
  14. Did you not hear ? The contract has been awarded. . . Some Guy called Fawks apparently
  15. Back to the show. . . . Well with high expectations I went to the show today and to be honest I was disappointed . . . . Yup. . . Despite some of the previous posts I had read on here prior to attending, It was great ! Layouts :- Yes there were fewer layouts and with things as they have been this was to be expected but those that WERE back exhibiting were obviously glad to be back out mixing with the unclean and were working hard to remember just what the heck they WERE meant to be doing and doing thier best to keep us entertained. I liked the mix of small medium and a lesser number of large layouts and saw good numbers in front of every layout at different times throughout the day. Nice to see a good number of n gauge as well, more than I've seen in one mixed gauge show before. I'm not going to call out individual layouts for praise as to me ALL had made the effort to get out and do what they can to help us get us back to normality. Traders :- A good mix of the usual suspects working Dammed hard over three intense days to bring us those essentuals, yeah ok it's a business but YOU think what it's like standing THAT side of the counter hour after hour for three days dealing with US ungrateful ! I'm only going to mention one and thats to complain, Its that mob from Sheffield and specifically those two Siren ladies on the stand. You, yes you two, yes remember that black thing with the shiny roof ? The one that was OoS, sold out, not available ? And yes you just ' happened' to have one lonely one left . . How could you do that to me ? . Yup I bought it. Manufacturers, (Comissioners) :- I'm not going to go into individual ones here I'll do that on thier own threads but. . . What a breath of fresh Air ! There are so many young exciting enthusiastic dedicated young Companies/ Teams/ Individuals that are pushing new High detail/ high quality products at us that I actually felt excited about the future of our Hobby ! Bachmann, sorry I didn't even make it on to your stand as I was too busy visiting all the new players and being wowed. Hornby ? For whatever reason you didn't attend. As A lifelong Hornby supporter I have to say that seeing whats coming ? You REALLY will need to up your game. Finally the Organisers :- Simply thank you. In A difficult time I think you pulled it off, ( Even though at times it must seam like a thankless task and you must wonder why you give your time, A silent majority of us really DO appreciate your efforts. One minor complaint though ? You really MUST up your standards, these days you'll let just ANYBODY in !! Clive, No that NOT where you plug your layout in. . You've blown the Ruddy lights again !!
  16. And Andy would have more hair ?? Well ok no that miracle would probably need somewhat higher intervention
  17. A bit Harsh ? The gentleman sounds like he may be traveling in FROM another country. He has come to a forum ( an information exchange bereau ?) To a thread dedicated to the MRS show to comment on the fact that rules may still apply here that no longer apply to his part of the world. A timely reminder to others traveling up to our fair show to check they have what info they need to attend. Someone simply posted up a link to the relavent site GIVING that information (Thank you !) Reading your comment it came across almost as b#@@£& you jack, stop clogging up the thread with irelevent information TO ME ? As you say, Enjoy the show
  18. I'm sure many would say that Hornby do seam to be really taking the Phish lately
  19. Advance ticket arrived in the post today so hoping to be there on the Saturday First event since lockdown so looking forward to it !
  20. I think Andy should make more use of the colour scheme to help those members who truggle with subtle hints Thats mildly amusing Thats mildly annoying That old chestnut again ! Oh really ??? Go away for 24 hrs, you've given me a headache "Sigh" make it 48 then Ok lets try a perma ban then
  21. Advise to young son when caught short out walking the hills " Don't p1&& into the wind" Advice ignored and when admonished by the wife I refused to take responsibility for the blowback
  22. We converted to Voip over a year ago ( business line) and I must say I've been pleased with the service provided. As its internet based it's far more versatile than land line based systems, the quality is good and using the App I can change things 'on the fly' using my mobile from wherever I am. Setting up or changing verious Call divert options so my number either rings a short time in the house, then diverts to my mobile, or rings on both at once or diverts to any number I choose. ( As I say its a business line so I don't know how many of these features domestic customers get ?) When making a call from my mobile I get to choose whether to use my mobile number OR use the business number over Voip One added advantage is that if you move, you can take your number with you, wherever in the country you move to even if you move to a different area code as its digital, internet based rather than being exchange based.
  23. You can also do a hybrid. Space out the kitchen units so that you have gaps to put a couple of wheeled plastic drawer units in ( position the drawer units under sections of heavy wiring) my units have a couple of 3" by 2" beams running lengthways along the top which supports the baseboards. Works a treat Cheers Matt
  24. Looks like a useful bit of kit. I use quite a few screw terminals so ordered a kit to try out
  25. On that note Andy a good tactic is to take a firm grip on the plums of whoever is Tinkering whilst suggesting they Stop ? Take note the greater the pressure the more attention they pay !
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