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Everything posted by 73c

  1. There's a fair old dip in that bit of track in the first photo.
  2. Ah you could be right there grahame. Think I'll go break out a party 7
  3. There was the other one going round at a similar time. 'There's more hops in a dead frog than a pint of Watneys Red Barrel '
  4. Quite an achievement Dave, 500 pages of fantastic photo's. Thanks for sharing.
  5. One thing that's disappeared in the first photo and won't be missed, Double Diamond.
  6. Thanks for that. I'm the TPO Train manager, that's what got me involved with the GCR 7 years ago
  7. When I spoke with them, they said they'd just broke even on them, doubtful for another run it seems. Wouldn't be so bad but I was one of the team that built the full size one and didn't buy the model version
  8. 73c

    EBay madness

    Nooo it would make the tip look untidy
  9. 73c

    EBay madness

    Must be for a High and Low level station!
  10. All gone, tried to get one from Hornby when they were at the GCR Model event 2 years ago.
  11. 73c

    EBay madness

    That 'Rare ' that he has 34 of them!
  12. Oh I don't know, those lines look widened to me
  13. There's an original roll in the toilet of 70294e the Gresley sorter at the GCR. When we use it for a static display I make a point of showing people, gets some great comments!
  14. First one, yup dead on, Victoria. If you look behind the unit on the right hand side you can just see the windows of the Eastern box. Apart from 5788 fresh from the paint shop, the signal in the fore ground shows an early colour light with only 3 whites for the route and pigs ears by the main aspects. Lovely stuff, all good small details for modelling.
  15. 73c

    EBay madness

    First listed at £99.99 + £10.99 postage on I think, a 10 day listing, now relisted at . . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GREEN-ENAMEL-RAILWAY-STATION-TOTEM-SIGN-ELTHAM-PARK-/122952208012?
  16. Blimey! Last time I was there, Wynn's were loading up a coach to go to the Bluebell
  17. 73c

    EBay madness

    Something similar to that, tho not railway. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/General-Post-Office-GPO-button-staples-a/173127737373?hash=item284f37a01d:g:NGwAAOSwCMtabxQH
  18. Was the secondman's job to pull the bit of string to make it go down?
  19. From what I can see in the photo, going from left to right is, lamp post with possible 'tap offs ' to supply it. The telegraph pole has 2 isolators with 2 wires which can been seen just at the edge of the photo. The 3rd pole has 5 wires, usual 3-phase has just 3 as neutral-earth end up at the same point and the black thing looks more like a 'phone joint. Fourth pole looks more likely to be electrical. Having said all that, I could be completely wrong!
  20. EWWW!! Pass me a bucket ( either to throw up in or to put over my head so I never an image like that again )
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