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Everything posted by 73c

  1. 73c

    EBay madness

    Works fine now, just seen what caused it, web addy was written in twice.
  2. 73c

    EBay madness

    Second link sends you to quite an odd site!
  3. Can I ask what your using to operate the motor with?
  4. Fairly certain it's Horsted Keynes with the semaphore arms cgi'ed out.
  5. It's the guy that did the Greggs sausage roll song and his missus.
  6. Kingspan and Celotex are like a thick foam board. No real strength ( unless greater than 25mm ) and even less with the foil removed, which would be a pain to do!
  7. The DMU in J7328 looks like it's been 'off roading ' across a field!
  8. Sorry but you've got those round the wrong way. New Cross has the turntable while New Cross Gate has the railway works and engine shed.
  9. Butyl rubber flex is quite 'floppy ' also known as heat resistant cable. 0.75 3 core = 6A Buy a meter or ask to see some to make sure it's what you want.
  10. until

    Thanks for that.
  11. until

    I'm not far from New Cross but have no idea what DOGA is.
  12. Those 380 and 385 units have a um interesting look. lol
  13. Where's the 'Jammy ' button?
  14. Charing Cross to Derby trains cancelled after finding 3rd rail placed to high
  15. Cheapest I've seen this at so far and it has an emblum! https://www.timetunnelmodels.com/live/catalog/Bachmann-class-atlantic-32424-beachy-head-black-early-emblum-p-63155.html
  16. 73c

    EBay madness

    Went to the Home page and had Google translate. Can't find any hard evidence about what sort of company it is, definitely in China tho' . If it is/were a 'real ' flash sale, 2 locos I added to the shopping cart came to £56.06 for the same items in UK just under £260. Hmmm just a little bit too good to be true.
  17. Davexoc. I've had same problem all day with the images not loading first time, keep having to refresh.
  18. The vehicle behind the sleeper looks a bit up in the air at the far end, hence the red flag maybe?
  19. Bloomin 'eck that is big. Hadn't noticed it was an oiler, my bad.
  20. Going by the photo's posted here, then according to the animation, they've put up way to many OLE mast's
  21. Must be a bloomin big tender to get all those people in it!
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