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Status Updates posted by Graham_Muz

  1. So that's two blog posts prepared and ready to publish tomorrow...

    https://southern-railway.com/ one being the 1st is the usual picture of the month...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dungrange


      A LSWR open wagon to go with the vans?

    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Oh, you're such a tease! 

    4. woodenhead


      Excellent choice

  2. I'm not saying that this unseasonable good weather (in the south, sorry Scotland) is confusing, but I caught myself thinking "gosh it's getting dark early" before remembering it's October!

  3. Happy Great Britain relieved of America day…

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Oh yeah; that's your day too innit? HB2U.

  4. At what point does utter tosh become a newsletter... asking for a friend...

  5. Oh the joy of implied statements of fact or caution' expressed without any actual full research...

    Just because one hasn't seen something doesn't necessarily mean it didn't exist... 

    Happy Sunday and now I'm off on my holibobs. 

    1. Compound2632


      I'm not convinced that thinking you've seen something proves it exists, either.

  6. Time for me to step away for awhile...

  7. What is it about music gigs which makes certain adults loose all sense of how the alphabet and sequential numbers work...

    1. RJS1977


      It doesn't help when the PA operator can't count beyond 2.... ;-)

    2. Dagworth


      Sound engineers never count beyond two, because on three you have to lift something

  8. Upon meeting Her Majesty The Queen at Windsor Castle in 1989, having gained the Queens Scout Award, she noticed I was Venture Sea Scout, and asked what I did for my expedition, after I replied "a hike through the mountains of Corsica", she said with a grin "oh not in a boat then" RIP Your Majesty and God Save The King.

    1. Metr0Land


      Being Her Maj she was much too polite to mention the fact you weren't wearing any malachite.  RIP Brenda.

  9. Happy 80th Birthday to my dear Wonderful Mum thank you for being you, and fighting since May to be able celebrate today! Love Ya!

  10. Some water droplets falling though the air... not sure what it means anymore... however, I do know that the Queen reigns but does not precipitate...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I counted their density yesterday evening - about 5 drops per 4" square of ground surface every 5 minutes (well actually for the 5 minutes during which they landed).

    3. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      But now….whisper it soft…..here at Frost City Heights,the proper stuff is starting to fall to such an extent that it has actually managed to wet the paths and patios. But how much and for how long?

    4. Harlequin


      Voluminous nocturnal precipitation here in the heart of Devon.

      Pond was 6in down, now brimming again.


  11. Hopefully only one more day of people being self appointed meteorologists, metallurgists, Highway and fluid dynamic engineers... #heatwave

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Graham_Muz


      I'm sorry you are so easily offended or can't see any humour in the original status 

    3. Compound2632


      I'm not the one offended; those who were offering genuine expertise might justly be. I think you misjudged the tone of your post.

    4. Graham_Muz


      Luckily I'm not offended by your opinion... ;) 

  12. It seems Cadbury's got the shape better... 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      This topic is starting to get a bit Flakey

    3. St Enodoc

      St Enodoc

      Oooh, the Flake advert girl...

    4. Hroth


      Stop drooling, it's unsightly!

  13. Having to consider end of life care for my mum is not what I wanted to be doing this week...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Very sorry to hear this. I'm sure your effort will be appreciated, whatever way things will go from here… :-(

    3. Rowsley17D


      While our experiences are very individual, my FiL went through this a couple of weeks ago. All were very professional and caring. He slipped away very peacefully with family around him.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Sorry to hear this.


      A number of us have "been there" - and I agree with the sentiments already expressed.


      Take care.


  14. Country cottage living and railway modelling collide this morning with the smell of bread baking mixed with that of spray etching primer…

    1. Hroth


      An acquired taste...


      Try mixing orange blossom water with Seville Orange marmalade next time you make some, evidently its a taste explosion!

  15. Back at the desk in our Chiltern Hills office today. Looking through and sorting nearly 800 photographs taken over the last couple of days during our site visit and survey...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Graham_Muz


      I wasn't in a roundhouse or a tunnel for that matter...

    3. beast66606


      An IEP would be a cracking model - I'll get my coat.

    4. truffy


      @beast66606 there are very few times that I lament the passing of the groan award. This is one of them! Well played!

  16. I wish to officially congratulate the milk in my fridge for lasting longer than the European Super League.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hroth


      Just thought, you could present The Milk Cup....


      Hat, coat, outski.

    3. RJS1977


      Accrington Stanley? Who are they?

    4. Graham_Muz


      BBC copying me pah! how very dare they... they are far too left wing / right wing / need defunding (*delete depending on any narrow minded views that exist...)

  17. When you get asked to Peer Review an article for a brand new magazine and it turns out to be penned by an exceptional railway modeller, albeit not Southern, and friend... #imnotreallyworthy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Compound2632


      Sounds a bit smutty to me...

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      "Nothing in this for me!"


      "I'm missing my 'D&E' fix!"


      Seriously though, somebody was always going to come up with comments of this nature - and I'm sure you'd prefer this to be merely in jest.


      I don't know much about this new publication - but, from what little I've seen, it looks like it's likely to have "quality" written all over it.


      When model railway shows finally return, I'd be very interested in seeing a sample copy.

    4. truffy


      I have the opposite problem, invites from garbage-quality open access 'journals' to act as peer review or editor for articles that will be published anyway as long as they pay, irrespective of their merit. #theyrenotatallworthy

  18. Daylight robbery...  someone’s stolen an hour.... how very dare they...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      I didn't like it, the lighting was rubbish and it never got up to temperature. Can we keep this one? The colour is slightly better and when it arrived it meant it was closer to bacon butty time. 

    3. DonB


      Don't know if it had anything to do with time or temperature but today SWMBO went posh and served up Cinnamon Swirls ! Very tasty but would rather have had a bacon butty. 

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Personally, I can't help wondering why the UK can't just do away with the summer time / winter time nonsense - and just stick with GMT.


      It'll probably take most of this week for my body clock to fully adjust - so I can get back the lost sleep.

  19. Canute Road Quay features in the April 2021 issue of BRM Magazine and Fisherton Sarum makes surprise appearance on BRM TV grahammuz.com/2021/03/19/can… Print copy published today.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Excellent, well done, Graham. Looking forward to reading the article when my subscription copy arrives.

  20. Happy Wednesday, having a boost today...

    1. truffy
    2. vaughan45


      Surely you're (Malt)teasering us

    3. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Next Wednesday, can we have a Picnic?

  21. Today is 'mostly cloudy' and kaolin...

  22. Am I the only one not watching #LineOfDuty #neverseen 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. woodenhead


      Like Broadchurch, say no more.  We were given that on DVD, my wife refused to watch the next series.


      Each to their own of course, enough people like and watch these programmes to make the channels want to make more of them.

    3. Tony Teague

      Tony Teague

      Never watched it / not remotely interested.

    4. woodenhead


      Started watching Dr Foster last night on Netflix.


      She works for the NHS but has no comprehension of the term 'patient confidentiality' or how to be professional, and her husband is having an affair which she knows fully about but has yet to confront her husband that she knows.  Looked at the wife, what would you have done - I'd have out on my ar$e when she found the hair apparently.


      Two episodes in and there are so many holes in the script that I am not sure I can keep going with it but somehow we are, two more for tonight I think.

  23. That's the #Census2021 completed this lunchtime, I resisted the temptation to state  my Religion as "Southern Railway"!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Graham_Muz


      Does "Elders Fyffes" bananas count 



    3. Hroth


      Thanks for the reminder, my submission had been sitting uncompleted since the 8th...


      I wonder how many Jedi Knights have completed their census forms?


    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Probably a lot less than did 20 years ago, I should imagine ... .


      I seem to recall that, following a viral campaign, a number of people who didn't wish to state their religion were treating this as a "mind your own business" option.


      I wonder how many still think that the force is with them ... .

  24. As is often the case in Britain Piers have a habit of self combusting...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. phil-b259


      However some Piers seem to be remarkably resilient to adverse events - I note Southend Pier is still around despite having caught fire multiple times...

    3. RedgateModels


      and some are bought by very good families (distant relative so I'm told). It will still be so bracing though once completed

    4. kevinlms


      In the case of Southend, have ships driven through it too. Too bad the Queen no longer has the Royal Yacht to drive through Piers.

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