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Everything posted by Bogie

  1. In the next week look out for a package postmarked Australia. It will contain several sets of figures for painting and a self addressed packet for putting the completed items in. Cheers
  2. Job has come back to life and is building a model rail layout in Norfolk. Don't tell his wife.
  3. You must have eyes the size of plates and hands the size of mice to be able to do this. Just great.
  4. Bogie


    What?! You also have time for coffee?!
  5. Bogie


    Impressive stuff. Glad to see to you did not take up knitting as you threatened to do over on Pencarne. Having regard to your taste in curtains I suspect I would have been highly critical of any knitted cardigans you turned out. Stick to the trains - especially the steam ones.
  6. Good to see another photo with a glass of red wine in the background. I find it indispensable to the modelling process - not sure about wiring though.
  7. Great stuff - really enjoyed the new pics.
  8. When you say "I finally worked out how to do it" I presume it has nothing to do with Viagra. Of course if I am wrong - congratulations and long may it continue.
  9. There must be a pretty excited boy at your place tonight. I hope Santa brings him something pretty special for the layout. My youngest stopped believing in Santa this year and so X-mas this year is not quite the same. Make the most of this special time. Love the quarry buildings. Looks like you avoided drinking red wine when you made them. Or did it enhance the building process?
  10. Bogie


    I hope Santa brings everybody something for their layout. Hopefully he will not think I was too naughty for commenting on Andy's curtains. Glad I found this forum in 2015. All the best to everyone for 2016!
  11. Apologies to Brian for straying off topic but I just have to record that Jock's last post confirms that he is a real gentleman.
  12. Like you I have found that a glass of red wine is a must when working on a coal terminal yard. Although I must confess to some errors on other aspects of the layout when wine has been utilised in the construction phase. Moderation is the key as my wife keeps telling me.
  13. Bogie


    I am nothing if not predictable.
  14. Bogie


    Excellent stuff - you got rid of the curtains! Keep up the good work.
  15. I take it you and the neighbour won't be exchanging Christmas cards this year.
  16. Bogie


    The photographic step by step weathering of the Q1 is great. I don't have the guts to do that. Do we now get a photographic step by step of you making a mince pie? I also do not have the guts to make one of those.
  17. Bogie


    See this is where I get lost being on the other side of the planet - a "Mince Pie Open Weekend". What on earth is that?! If I could afford it, I would love to drop in and see just what it is all about. I wish you all the best - but I am not entirely sure what I am endorsing/encouraging.
  18. The bronze hinges you say. I guess I'd agree if I could bl***y see them!
  19. Had to consult the thesaurus to find a superlative that had not been used by someone else and finally settled on faultless.
  20. I am a bit ignorant - but can you elaborate on why you need to paint the corrugated hut.
  21. Love the photos - but you really have to do something about the clock on the station. Really man the same time is shown in posts #1777 and #1863. Before everybody gets wound up I am joking.
  22. I really cannot pick which is the money shot - damn they are all good (except the last one of course). Where I live we have problems with Geckos - an introduced lizard species - that seem to have adapted very well to modern urban living. They roam across my layout at night knocking over items not glued down.
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