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Everything posted by CUTLER2579

  1. How the hell can Dave Whelan (a man I have always admired) possibly defend Callum McManaman for that Tackle.It is one of the worst I can ever recall seeing thats gone unpunished and as for the sweet FA,I can't say what I think without getting into trouble.I hope Wigan now get relegated this season and lose their Cup Semi Final and being a QPR fan has no influence on that wish as I fear we are doomed anyway. I think Graham Poll has been spot on with his comments about Mark Halsey.
  2. Thanks John,I will do. Regards,Derek.
  3. I would have said Hello at Nottingham,had I of found you in the Maze !!Really hacked off that I missed your Demo. Regards,Derek.
  4. Hello John. thanks for the info on exibition on 1st/2nd June . I will be there all things being ok and look forward to seeing the layout and meeting your goodself. Kind Regards,Derek.
  5. I will be looking for its appearance at forthcoming exibitions with great anticipation.Well worth travelling to see. Regards,Derek (Cutler).
  6. Quote" Well, we like portraits of A3's, don't we? Or at least most of us do".Quote The superior ones amongst us Gilbert at least,as was the man himself. Superior! I'll get my coat.And Suitable Armour.
  7. Simple, Gilbert. Pretend your French and ignore what you don't like. Did I really say that. Sorry its late,but still more Computer issues.
  8. Hello John, well I actually meant the altered Metcalfe bridge,but now you mention it the one above is an equally nice model.The layout truly reminds me of Lincoln Central and that is I am sure your aim/intention.I would feel very pleased with myself if I were you mate. Kindest Regards,Cutler.
  9. This is a really top class layout,the buildings are superb and I for one can't wait to see more progress. The footbridge is a brilliant representation of the real thing.Amazing.
  10. Gilbert,as well as 73157,73158 & 73159 Kings Cross also inherited a Stanier Black 5 - 44911 from Chester.My question is did she ever get as far North as Peterborough or was Cambridge her Northern outpost.My father was a Fitter at Neasden and often got sent over to 34A to give them a hand as he was based at Neasden and was aquainted with the 3 Class 5 Standards.
  11. Sad to say there is still a Workhouse in Grantham frequented by Cutler2579 and Managed by Mrs Cutler2579. Digging ESCAPE tunnel as we speak.
  12. How distasteful. Two 34F ex- Neasden L1's if you must please. Congratulations Gilbert and well deserved. I wonder how many domestic altercations this thread has caused in that time? Several in this household. Are you still on that ****** Computer ! Yes dear won't be a minute. Thats what you said half an hour ago. . Speechless,but .
  13. Blue Max,I can't help you with your question,but I will say Quentin is very much a one man band. He travels quite extensively to the far east and so E-mails can take a while to get answered.However do not be put off as Product and Service are Excellent. Regards,Derek.
  14. Cor Blimey mate and folks say Cockney Rhyming Slang is Ard to understand Apples & Pairs = Stairs Rosey Lee =Tea Simpllles.
  15. Seems like a nice cheap option to solving the space problem. Getting the Neighbours to sell would not be too difficult if you held RMweb week-ends on 6 consecutive weeks,there resistance should be weakend considerably.Unless they are DEAF or go away every weekend. However unless I am mistaken the resultant property purchase could negate the need for any Storage Yard space,let alone more.
  16. Robert, please forgive me if I am in error ,but you appear to only have a three road Shed for the "New Shed" where as it was actually four roads [i am sure you know this}.If I am correct, may I ask why this is the case.Also have you managed to aquire any photographs of the East side of the Shed as I over 38 years have never had any luck. The West side was often photographed ,but that Bl**dy Great wall of coal always seemed to have blocked the view on the East side. The times I saw it and yet once it had gone so have my recollections of it.I once asked Keith Pirt if he had such a photograph in his vast collection,only to be met with a negative response.I must have walked down Springfield Road and looked at it a thousand times at least,but what it looked like eludes me. I have book with a picture showing the complete shed from a high vantage point and the East Wall looks completely blank of windows,but it is not clear.A belated Happy New Year to you and I know how your feeling with "Man Flu" at the moment. Regards,Derek.
  17. Gilbert, just love the photo of the coaches, they are superb.I suspect they originate from Barnet/New Southgate,but the company name eludes me at the moment.I know -before you mention it. Another SENIOR moment. I wish you and all the followers of PN a very Happy New Year.With lots of New Locos to photograph. Sorry GB's wallet.
  18. Look forward to reading this thread in 2013,a Happy New Year to you John E and all followers of this thread. Regards,Derek.
  19. Many thanks for those kind words Gilbert, it really was a fantastic day and I am extremely grateful to you & Tim. I was amazed at the size of the station and overall roof,which I knew well in real life. Whilst photographs give a feel for both its size and quality of build,they can never quite give the impact of seeing it for real and that applies to the photographic work of Gilbert,TW & Andy York.Gravy Train has climbed "Everest" blindfolded with this commision and as much as I admire Allan Downes work and Geoff Taylor,Paul Bason, Peter Goss (and there Good -- Very Good) for me this is that step beyond the expected.The trackwork,signals buildings and stock all combine to make this a superb layout that is in the same league as High Dyke,Stoke Summit,Retford,Biggleswade,Little Bytham and many,many more of (In my opinion) the Elite Model Railways based on the East Coast Main Line in its Halcyon Days.I really should also mention the buildings by that "Old Geezer" who built the station buildings on "Narrow Road" as it could effect the equilibrium of Family Relations, to say nothing of offending Mr Whitchurch (Sir) so near to the festivities.Once again,thank you so much Gilbert for your hospitality. PS ;- in all sections there are many more I could have mentioned,but I went on long enough as it was. However Ian Rathbone & Larry God ( Coachman) are amongst the very best.
  20. Got my 2013 Calenders with the relevant magazines and for December one of them is showing a BR Gresley Suburban Brake R4522A. I hope this is Good News for some and if it is going to happen can I just say "If I can make just one person happy" then I will burst into song.
  21. We got the Baggies and as we have not won in the League yet and the Baggies were going so well (until Yesterday) I can't see us winning this one. :nono:
  22. Is that an all time Southampton record,winning two premiership matches in succession. Rich coming from me, I think.
  23. All part of growing up for the boy. Life can be tough at times.You could have been really cruel and sent him to Villa Park yesterday.
  24. Would agree with your remark in relation to 60504 in comparison with the other two,but I don't think there is much variation between 60505 & 60506. Regards.
  25. We would be better off getting the Lincoln City manager than AVB, just look at their run of results on a shoestring budget. As far as I am concerned AVB has no man management skills whatsoever, his ideas for the Premiership seem way off track to me and come to think of it I would sooner have Sir Alex Ferguson's wife as our manager than him. I reckon she knows the game better after listening to Sir Alex Ferguson all these years.
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