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Everything posted by CUTLER2579

  1. Is there any chance of you posting a picture or two of 61637 Thorpe Hall when you have a minute.I am sure someone will post a photo of the prototype at P N (even if its been manipulated) To stop any of those it never appeared there negative posts. Kind Regards,Derek.
  2. some of us can keep a secret,just like Andy.
  3. You would be better off getting the Lincoln City manager than Sparky, just look at their run of results on a shoestring budget.As for Warnock, his record speaks for its self. In the Championship he is a class act. If its true we have got Harry Redknapp then I hope we will survive,but I am not convinced even he will get success out of this Squad. May be a promise of Loads of money for January shopping spree,but then Harry won't know how much hes got to spend unless they train him to use a Calculator. Funny situation though for Mark Bowen and Eddie (i cant spell his name). Go to Old Trafford in charge tomorrow and then get sacked next week ?
  4. Surely if anyones team needs a Victory its mine! Played 11 Lost 7 Drawn 4 Won none. :cry:
  5. Gilbert, It would be fairly easy to scale these up to 3mm (TT scale )from 2mm but I think they would then look too close.At presnt the lokk in perspective to me and enhace the photographs. I think doing anything on the other side of the operating well would look as though Westwood Road was in Glinton and that there was a huge void in between the railway and Westwood Road. Just my opinion of course, but then you did ask. Still love this layout as it is,without any improvements. I think the money you have invested with the "magician" on the buildings was money very well spent. Kindest Regards,Derek. (wearing his sensible head for a change.)
  6. As a QPR supporter since 1956 I think Torn-on-the-platform has hit the nail firmly on the head. I fear "Sparky" has lost the Dressing Room. One small point about Bournemouth, I think David James is a greatly underrated asset in their Dressing Room.Goalies make howlers and people never forget, Strikers make loads more howlers and then score a great goal and life is a bed of roses.
  7. I do agree about Sebastien Bassong from Spurs. QPR were more intent on Michael Dawson ( very good player) but totally ignored Sebastien Bassong who has impressed me on several occassions in recent years. The battle at Loftus Road is already lost. We realistically need 40 points to have any hope of survival,we have 4 from 11 games (come Saturday 4 from 12) Therefore 36 points required from 26 games.Thinking it through we can surely do that :jester: :jester: Gone for a lay down in a darkroom. I have just had another funny turn.
  8. As well as 55 there were 48,61 & 112.Just for those young kids like Tim & Tom. They sound like the title of a TV prog. Regards.
  9. I have to agree with you in the main, the midfielder from Real Madrid - Granero is a good purchase,he is a class act.The two full backs are very attack minded,when we really need better defenders. Fabio is on loan so that makes sense, but he has been out injured.Some of the others I will not comment on. Regards.
  10. Spare a thought for all of us Q.P.R. supporters and Tony Fernandes. A shedload of money spent on new players and our results are even worse than last season.Not worried about getting relegated this seaon BUT worried about getting less points than Derby County managed in 2006 - 2007 (11Points). With 4 points from 12 games a mathmetition would say we will beat it, me I am not so sure. I regret to say tha Hughes will have to go.Great player,but not really been a successful manager. Bring in Harry - I can't use a calculator - Rednapp.
  11. I was only thinking last night that Ollie's future at Blackpool was looking "Iffy", he is a top bloke and learnt a lot from his time with Gerry Francis (the Stoke City coach these days) at Bristol Rovers and Q.P.R. and then got well and truely shafted by the Q.P.R. board, when he was put on gardening leave, before being replaced as Manager. Di[plomatic he's not,but honest to the core in my opinion. He has done a fantastic job yet again during his time at Blackpool and they were a breath of fresh air in the Premiership. Good luck to the club and even more so to Ollie. Now my beloved Q.P.R. are in deep trouble, the players seem to have failed to realise that with 11 players on the pitch the Premiership is a tough place to get results,but with 10 men its downright nigh impossible. So lets not blame Sparky and his coaching staff (who have got the team playing better) but put the blame where it lies. With the Players who lack discipline.
  12. Quite ironic the naming of this A2/3, In the sixties we had Cilla Black singing on the radio and "Hycilla" normally as Black as they come. Had to change that as it was probably no longer politically correct to say "as the ace of spades" Regards,Del Boy.
  13. I think the problem with Golf Balls is that they are female and so there sense of direction is hopeless and no matter how good your stroke is they lose their way due to poor navigation. :angel: Regards,CUTLER2579.
  14. John, Do Behave!! :jester: Kind Regards,Derek.
  15. I agree with Mario completely, however I could not express it so elequently. Regards,Derek.
  16. The roof is another fantastic peice of work on GT'S cv. As for cheque book modelling,well even the master himself Roy (Retford) Jackson has utilised experts in certain fields to work on his project as it could never have been finished without some help. Ignoring my comment on experts for a minute,even I have had my twopennorth of input on the Control Panels. I would not attempt to do the conveyancing on the sale of my house and I would respectfully suggest you refrain from wiring up a house.There are horses for courses. The overall concept is your idea and planning without which PN would not exist in its 1958/59 form today.This thread also reminds me how Blood* Cold it was waiting for a connection to Grantham in those days and still is, even now. Think of Over Peover by John Ryan,its a very similar story. The layout has been built with the help of many people,but in John's position as Chairman of Doncaster Rovers Football Club one assumes his time is put to better use at the "keepmoat". I have left "Tetley's" out of this as he and Julie seem to work at the speed of light and so his layouts are the exception to the rule.Its a bit like if Carlsberg built railway layoutrs they would take longer to build than the "Bard". Back to PN,it will always be remembered by me as that Great layout,built by Gilbert ********. (Alias Great Northern.) By the way, when are that charming couple from Colsterworth going to get a DVD done of the layout. Soooon Pleeease. Regards,Derek.
  17. Proof of the need for another Loco purchase required Gilbert. From a thread on here Some 1960s Eastern Region steam pictures. on Ron Fisher's page on "Flicker" R0510. 63768 at New England shed, Peterborough. September, 1960. 1960/09.R510. O1 class 2-8-0 63768. The O1s were introduced by Edward Thompson in 1944 and were rebuilds of earlier Great Central O4 class 2-8-0s. They had new boilers and Walschaerts valve gear. New England (34E) Peterborough, September, 1960. Copyright © Ron Fisher. Just trying to be of help Gilbert. Honest.
  18. Expecting a Detention or at least Lines [ I must not use Maggots or Worms for Bait.] from my friendly Art Teacher. Regards, Master Betts. 4A.
  19. I do believe the Proscale V2 was one of T.W's favourite kits if I remember rightly. :nono: Regards,Derek.
  20. Sorry to disagree but 60137 Redgauntlet was for most of its life shedded in Yorkshire at Copley Hill,Ardsley & Wakfield with possibly some time spent in the North East. Unable to access my records at present to confirm the North East bit,but 60137 was quite common at Grantham in the late 50's and early 60's.. Regards,Cutler2579.
  21. Coach, I think you mean post 2286 of 60088 Book Law. Don't worry Larry its just another SM. Regards,Derek.
  22. I seem to recall my mate John Houlden of Whistle Stop Models & Gamston Bank fame? did an article for BRM that may or may not have been published yet on converting an A3 into a V2. I will try to find the article or speak to Lord Houlden of Ranby at my earliest convenience. I know the Wright person took some photographs. Of course the situation in "O" Gauge is very different as we are spoilt b y having the choice of two very good models from DJH & Finescale. Kind Regards, Cutler. PS:- Now to be known by "Great Northern" respectfully as "Junior" As I was only 12 in 1958.
  23. Happy Birthday, Gilbert. Seems only 44 years since I was 21. But then it is. Regards,Derek.
  24. Gilbert, please let us all in on the reply to "Tetley's" highly inventive comment on a location. :rolleyes: Regards,Derek.
  25. Well for 12 months anyway Mr Martin. :no:
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