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Everything posted by Marcoblanco

  1. Maybe it would even things out everyone who has got a 66 with no problems to post here with just a 'all fine' and have a count up, that might give those of us looking to buy a fairer reflection of the model.
  2. OK yes I swopped around and tested, clear that the said receiver was at fault. After a few days I had another bash to see if I could remedy and someone suggested looking at the pins on receiver. I care gently filed these with a pin file, which solved it. Amazing that this would happen as its been sitting there happily for last few yrs.
  3. Has anyone ever swopped around Lima Hornby bodies to the corresponding chassis and is it doable..? I can see from photos that there were versions of the like..
  4. I have a probox set up that suddenly stopped responding. Upon Further investigation it transpired the supplementary receiver works OK but the receiver on top of the base does not respond, even though its lights behave correctly. Does anyone know of a fix or something to try or is it kaput :do I just need a new receiver for the basestation? Would like to repair if poss
  5. Just what I was thinking the same Grizz.. Can't socialise and need to fill my mind with something after and Inbetween work duties.. What with football and ally pally cancelled I find myself with time on my hands more than usual.. I hope this bizarre time ends soon.. Things must be getting desperate as I've got a new battery for my wammy peddle for my electric guitar!! I'm gonna attempt that Bardon pha/Jga that cavalax have in the pipeline, because of its interesting shape- its more than a box!! Been on my mind for months and mixed in with other wagons in the yard will add interest.. And no I don't think il do a 'Grizz' rake!! I get to distracted! How are the bolsters doing.. I take it you've used 2 ssa per wagon and made up another underframe for them to sit on??
  6. Wow 3 yrs later I'm in same quandary.. happened to me just now.. Was looking for a solution.. What did you do.? . I found the nut when it fell out.. (eyesight just passable!) looks like a new wheel set for me unless there's another solution anybody please?
  7. Well done on a great show, fantastic layouts for me with lots of diesels!! Quite high prices for secondhand stock on most of the stalls resulting in no purchases for me.. But alas house prices in Basingstoke are quite high these days!
  8. All this doomongering it's rediculous!! Worse than bregsit!!
  9. A blue 56 with tts A blue 08 tts Redo the 08 with Lights A new 'modern' wagon. Tts with stay alive an optional extra. Stay alive on selected dcc locos Redo the class 58 Push the boundaries, take ya pick Just ideas. Don't want much do I..
  10. OK thanks. Some interesting points brought re colour Interpretation due to eyes and light, camara angles etc. I've always wondered even if a exact paint is used how would it look on a miniature train from 2ft away compared to a real life sized loco covering a large area from 100ft: surely it wouldn't look correct.. Does paint need scaleing down a shade for models?? An interesting question.
  11. I was surprised at the difference in the Ews livery shade comparison on bear woods youtube vid.. Presuming the new hattons shade is 'correct' or closer, what did people think of Bachmanns shade at the time and did it kick up a fuss..? Can't say I noticed but then again my train set is far from 'perfect'..
  12. Arrrrj good Info from Richard re cab. thanks for posting. Very helpful.. Mind at rest. Apart from bregsit not happening yippepepepepe lol
  13. How easy to clip out the cab to fit a driver.. Or will Hattons ask the factory to fit drivers for us..?
  14. Hey scratchbuild those jya!! I gave up on the Dapol axle motion bogies and just ordered some from George. Yes George is difficult to get hold of.. Probably better off going to Burton next Yr and stock up on everything. Does anyone know if he has produced the pha kit yet?? The one that Dapol are doing.. I believe accurascale are selling oleo sprung buffers as spares if it helps. And nairnshare modelling supplies do a good range on buffers..
  15. Are their many differences in the 'pre production' ones compared to the latter ones..?
  16. Richard, new junction, on his Facebook. Although he hasn't uploaded a YouTube vid yet.. But he usually does. I'm sure he won't mind me mentioning it!! Been waiting all evening but nothing yet.. Almost time for bed.. Hold on...
  17. I see one person has received there 66 today... Anybody else? Probably to busy playing!!!
  18. Blue 56!! Blue 08 tts, with lights Tts with stay alive!! Or incorporate Into dcc somehow! An ambient sound system!! Just ideas.
  19. Apart from accurascale, anybody else made any announcements.?
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