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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Sadly (as I was looking forward to this) the Leyland Nationals are on hold according to the newsletter. "Leyland National Since announcing this project the response to it could be best described as lukewarm. Whilst Jason and several members of the team are bus nutters they require a lot of effort to produce. They have just as much detail as a high-quality railway carriage and take a lot of effort for the factory to produce. However, compared to a railway vehicle the sales are often vastly smaller and thus as a company we make little return – often a 4-wheel wagon will exceed a model bus in sales. Unfortunately, even removing the lights or posable wheels will make absolutely no difference to its viability. We make buses because we want to – but in the current climate it is just not the right time. We know this will be a disappointment to some – hopefully, things will improve, and we can reassess the viability of the project in the future, along with the two other unannounced bus models we have nearly ready for tooling." Plenty of other great news in the newsletter though - https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=a224510687&view=lg&permmsgid=msg-f:1772661361104018235&ser=1
  2. Rapido have announced than the 04 is on hold for now in their newsletter. "BR Class 04 Shunter Another project that will be paused is our 00 Gauge Class 04 shunter. Several reasons have caused this project to slow. The primary reason is a lack of access to original drawings, which we have found almost impossible to source. We pride ourselves on producing the highest quality models, that are as historically correct as possible, and this just isn’t something we can guarantee without appropriate drawings. One archive told us they held a set, and then subsequently took 6 months to obtain a copy – only for us to find out they were mislabelled and were Class 08 drawings. A frustrating disappointment to say the least. We currently still cannot find the primary drawing information we need and have concerns about how this impacts the number of class variants required to make this project viable. So, we have reluctantly decided to park it for now. Never say never, as we can still go and measure and laser scan the surviving locomotives in the future." Refreshingly transparent communications when issues are encountered!
  3. It looks as I would expect it to at this end... It just looks like Safari is adding another layer of protection in to stop you following links through to dodgy content showing dirty GW content.
  4. Our ad techies have been in touch with AVG and their response is... We suggest resetting the browser to its default settings and checking if the issue still persists. If anyone affected wishes to test that and report back here please let me know.
  5. That definitely looks similar, thank you! I've been past that enough times! 🙄
  6. When the name was transferred to 37116 it acquired the same sticker but I can't find an image which shows it any more clearly than the one above.
  7. That appears to be a scan from a Hornby catalogue.
  8. Over-inking by the print room is something we continually flag up. I try and compensate for this in anything that passes this way for 'processing'.
  9. When 31430 was named as Sister Dora in 1988 it had a unique? red BS depot sticker beneath the data panel. What would you say the 'thing' in the middle is? Is it a saddle? It's not the same as the later depot plaque as overlaid over the image. Would anyone have a better image of it?
  10. You really wouldn't want to see what we start with sometimes! Not everyone sets a ready to print standards in background/skies as you do.
  11. Ok. See https://www.rmweb.co.uk/topic/180518-avg-antivirus/#comment-5235712 in the correct subforum.
  12. AVG is banned in this house. Years ago, after trying to change from (paid-for) AVG on a device we were plagued by hidden nasties that caused all sorts of problems with no effectual support to resolve it. It seemed like AVG was worse than what it was intended to combat. Never, ever again.
  13. It may be something to do with an advert/link which you, as a Premium user, won't be getting but thanks Neil.
  14. Another user has sent me an email with a bit more substantive info of what triggered it for him which I'm looking into. However, nothing appears untoward and I think it's AVG being overly sensitive to something.
  15. Can you do a screenshot and provide the url please? As there's only one other comment and nobody has been in touch directly it doesn't look like a system-wide issue. It could be a false positive from AVG and it may only relate to external content on a page rather than it being the site itself.
  16. Brace the tender at an angle to 'level' it until set and ,yes, it would look better with real coal.
  17. Yes, cos you get all the loveliest bits to go with it.
  18. It can be down to the server cacheing - there have been periodic issues with it for a while. Basically it's down to the volume of content; pages with many images will often take a while to populate.
  19. Still going strong (No.7) here but the G5x Mk2 is for Sunday best.
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