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Everything posted by jonnyuk

  1. bloody hell...there is no runner and just damn right false advertising. if they can highlight the cosmetic stuff missing, they SHOULD of highlighted the internal parts missing. Shame on you Hattons..............i'd get in my car and have it out with them, waiting for a shop full of customers first.
  2. well given you are boycotting Hornby its completely irrelevant to you, so why bother commenting and having a pop, give it a rest.
  3. i think we need to take it as face value, its not accurate to anything so no point saying it does not have x,y,z or should be like this etc . Personally i think it looks great, too expensive for a full rake but thats another story, now would i get this above the pullman set (something i have on pre-order), may as i think the silver looks very nice.
  4. i think most manufacturers suffer from delays, even the new comers. Difference is they get afforded far more slack than Hornby for example. Bachmann have changed their announcement strategy so they don't suffer from this really, looking at the AS 31/Manor announcements and how far they are down the development road, maybe they are changing too (although lets see if those two models hit the stated delivery dates). Hornby do react to the market quickly sometimes, the consequence of this is other stuff slipping. They more than likely look at what can slide to the right based on how far that development is (far enough to ward off another competitor or a product in an area Hornby feel they have tied and again not subject to a competitor coming, like the LNER class 800 for example.
  5. just listening to the beyond the buffers pod cast, and guess what the designer mentioned a wobble on some class 91 samples and how he addressed it.
  6. thank you for all the feedback, very helpful. The garage is coming down, hence the shed. i think i'm on the right track with insulating the roof, insulation tiles and vapour barrier and ventilation. my take away from this though is its pointless without doing the walls. I may have to bite the bullet and do those as well.
  7. apart from the P4/EM and the option of factory fitted sound, not allot of difference, who knows what the execution of been like. We shall see with the class 56
  8. i maybe was not clear on the roof, the roof is covered with felt, i was going to use insulation tiles on the inside, thinking was to stop cold heat loss through the roof
  9. my current layout is an old, damp, dusty garage (single skin with a metal roof) and has fared well (i use marine ply for the base boards). The shed by comparison is a clean environment. the base of the shed is off the ground, the air gap between the ground and base of the shed should stop damp rising up. I do plan on adding a vapour barrier if i do something with the ceiling. So the consensus is don't bother with any insulation, just add vents to aid airflow
  10. hi all, after some advice on partially insulating a shed. its 10x8 shiplap clad with pitched roof. the ground work is a weed matt, then plastic base with pea gravel in the honey comb, the shed base is 3 wooden batons, on top of this is single sheet of wood with a shiplap base on top of that. Roof is just wooden sheets with felt over the top. my plan is to floor the shed with office carpet tiles (ones with a plastic back), the roof i plan use some sort of insulation titles, with a water barrier. I plan to to vent near the eves to create airflow above the insulation tiles. I may also vent just below the water barrier to allow hot air to escape. i really dont want to insulate the walls. I have a two window pains that i plan to insulate with perspex on the inside to create an air cavate. how does this sound? i've read so much on this topic and watched so many you tube video's my head is in a spin, don't know what to do for the best. I could just add vents near the roof line and leave it at that, yes it will be cold in the winter but i can live with that, its more the summer, the shed is already red hot and we are not in the peak of summer yet. i can't imagine that heat is good for model trains! thanks
  11. saw an IC one in my local (ish) shop yesterday. It's a really nice model but i was not blown away, could not really pick fault with it (maybe some cab detailing would be nice) just did not wow me, back in the 90's this was my first loco and so was really excited about it (i do have one on order). The pics of the LNER 91 wow me more, maybe it's the livery?
  12. here you go, i did make the modification last night and they now run ok (had to remove a fair amount of plastic though). i found it easier to remove the bogie, better access and less risk of catching the bogie detail etc.
  13. that's insulting to me and just daft to assume that. Main highly detailed models run on R2 curves. Unless stated why would i think a wagon won't run on R2 curves, but again they are suppose to and its an assembly error so lets drop the conversation on what should/could/does run on R2 curves in this topic. i would expect nothing less from a manufacturer if a product is faulty to rectify it within the warranty period. AS have dealt with my issue very quickly which is great customer service, do i have to agree with their method of correction, no.
  14. sorry whilst i agree with some of that you can't say set track is for toy train sets. Allot of people don't have space for R3 curves and above. I certainly don't, R2 and R3 for me. By all means if manufacturers want to add fine detail, want be 100% prototypical and the by product of this is that it won't run round R2 curves then say from day 1 (like Rails did with one of their loco's) it will only run on min R3 etc for reasons x,y,z. I don't think that's a good path to go down as allot of people will find they can't run the nice new shiny detailed stock, because due to space they are playing with trainsets. To bring this back to the model in question, there is nothing on the box nor the instructions to say what the min radius is and in this instance AS have said it's an assembly issue so a mute point. I have since had a response from AS support and if i send the wagons back they will make the same "adjustment" as in the youtube video. Should i have to do this, no, do i think that's an acceptable adjustment if i sent the items back to AS, not sure on that. I would of liked a replacement model without the assembly defect. Now i could just return all the items as faulty and take my chances on another set, hopefully assembled correctly. Something to ponder. At the end of the day, every manufacturer has some issues with new products at some point, AS will be no different.
  15. i contacted AS support, they have replied saying i can return the items to them for warranty repair or follow a youtube video on the modification. They say its a small batch of the wagons with the fault resulting from a problem with assembly, not sure its a small batch issue but hey ho. Think i'll be taking a file to my wagon.
  16. in a way i'm pleased to hear its seems to be a generally fault with the wagons (not just mine or my track). I'm going to email support as directed above and AS can fix it, i'm not invalidating my warranty or resale value (if i choose to sell them in the future) by hacking a brand new wagon (no matter how minor it may seem). I too noticed that the wheels don't run smoothly, not enough to cause an issue though, the Hornby Class 60 could pull a house down. On a positive note, they are stunning models and good value for money
  17. Hi Fran, I will email your support in the morning, the forum is full of knowledgeable people so I’m just asking if anyone else has had issues and if so did they find an easy fix. thanks
  18. I’ve actually put this in the wrong thread, should be in the biomass thread. I’ll remove this and put it in the right one
  19. spotted that car on ebay a while ago whilst trying to find some nice WRC cars. Yes you are correct about SXC, changed hands a few times and the branding is complicated, slot car news did a good you tube on the history (they make very nice cars as well).
  20. i'm now hoping Bachmann buy a rtr slot car company and start putting them in the shop, slot car shops are even thinner on the ground than model railway shops
  21. hit the nail on the head. You can also buy something on the Bachmann site and do a click and collect from the shop
  22. as Hinckley is my local town i popped in today. Until i started spotting more and more Bachmann products i had no idea what it was, i had a long conversation with an employee and they explained what they are trying to do. I like the concept, i like the shop, its nicely laid out, it's clean and it has a great selection of stock, i'd say more towards modeling than RTR stuff (it would be a tier one without doubt to answer someone's sarcastic question). The rolling stock and loco's is RRP, do i see that putting people off new to the hobby, not really. I suspect most would simply note what they like the look of, go home and google it, in the processing finding the item(s) allot cheaper. For me the Woodland Scenics range is the star of the show, as is the hands on modelling help, you can take your model down and they will help you build it or scenic something etc. Someone mentioned interesting buildings, the town is a dump and is going down hill faster than a lead balloon, it has little offer now unfortunately.
  23. as with most models these days it comes down to value to money. I paid a good price and so a 5 car set with lighting through out, titling, cab and directional lighting, very good livery application, good bogie detail, good roof detail (panto could be better but its "ok" and a great runner, i think its worth it. If i had to pay 2022 release prices then i'd feel a little robbed, to be honest i would not of bought it in the first place. And without turning this into a price rant, that's Hornby's problem with their 2022 range. in regards Andy's review, you can only review what is sat on the desk in front of you, if that model runs good, its nicely put together then that's what you write, you can't really base a review on a 3rd persons issues, i suppose you could make a passing comment that some people have reported problems but again, if you have not seen them first hand with your review model then maybe not.
  24. why not send that email out, it costs very little in someone's time to generate the email and nothing to send it. i'm sure they will get a few sales from it, maybe not from stuff in the email but other items from Hornby's site, its all about generating traffic, i clicked on it and went to the Hornby site, just out of interest but if someone is stuck for Idea's then it coudl well generate a sale of a wagon or something.
  25. i'm sure the first batch were water slides. I only know this because my garage roof leaked and soaked the coaches, the transfer all started coming away.
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