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Everything posted by Bucoops

  1. Know exactly where you are coming from there - and helping users move away from "the old ways" is very painful! "What do you mean I can't install a game on my pc for lunchtime use any more?" "I've always had local admin so I can do stuff without bothering you" and so on...
  2. Hmm, Brentwood bank is quite steep, no? Would this look out of place shoving an N7 with Quints? Probably. Would be cool though...
  3. Don't forget to allow time for the stay alive capacitors to charge before trying to start the loco.
  4. Or just shove it out the way? 🙃
  5. Hmm, I didn't spot the cctv, would have nicked that to stop my secret getting out :(
  6. From the title I was going to suggest Roxey but then I read your post. I've assembled a few Roxey bogies - what difficulties are you experiencing? I know the spring dampers can break of quite easily but not had any other issues.
  7. I am a simple soul. Happy to have a short length of track, start a 37 up, spin the wheel to the max, listen to the throbbing roar, spin the wheel back to zero. Reverse direction and repeat. I did NOT get much work done today.
  8. Siphoning something anyway...
  9. Let's say they did - how many returns would they see because the colour didn't match the several year old model that's been sitting in the sun all this time? I can't see them doing it (even though I'd buy one of the current ones to go with the 1930s condition one I have on order).
  10. Easy - just put "L@@K!!!! R@RE!!!!" in the title. Instant inclusion.
  11. At least one of the lots had 17 viewers (mostly from here?). Seems to have worked 😅🙃😜
  12. Mine arrived today, and I know others have also had theirs as mentioned in the main Accurascale thread. It's a real thing of beauty. Without the small yellow ends of 6703 it looks that little bit stealthy. Until you open the throttle. One of the headcode box covers is a touch loose but the pins are intact so a teeny dab of glue n glaze will sort that. Well worth the wait.
  13. Very interesting - I've seen these kits on ebay but not up close as it were. Thank you for sharing, including the all important back story to them.
  14. There's an idea - bit of tippex and no 1 is in da house!
  15. My Mother in law found a set of puttees in her loft when she recently moved. We have no idea who they belonged to and the house was built post WW2.
  16. I don't particularly mind them forcing encryption, it's Google forcing certificate valididty to be a max of 12 momnths and soon less. Used to be able to do multiple years.
  17. I used the bus during the week to get to and from Stansted airport (£2 each way vs £56 by train and £62 to park). There was fine, return, the bus I intended to get was either early, or didn't show, the next one eventually turned up 40 minutes late and the driver announced he had to cut the route short as he was out of hours. Whilst waiting for the late bus, I tried the bus company's "next bus" website page that is supposed to say how far away the next bus is. Helpfully the route didn't exist. Give me reliable public transport over bargain basement pricing.
  18. I get a security warning but Google insists on sites being encrypted these days. Fine for sites that take payment details but LM&S diverts to paypal for that so not a big issue.
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