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Everything posted by 62613

  1. I suspect that that's the government ordering the local authority to build so many houses; every LA in England has been instructed to do so. If the LA has got it's head screwed on, it will be drawing up a plan, which would allow them to say to developers, "Here, and nowhere else"
  2. Equally, Max Aitken (Lord Beverbrook) who did the same for war production
  3. I can see getting to Guide Bridge easily enough, but beyond that, it's extremely difficult. The Loop is now a linear path from Stalybridge, right up into Saddleworth; all the bridges have been demolished, and much of the trackbed has been built upon, e.g. Uppermill baths, Freizland riding centre, and so on. It's an area I know well, living as I did for 18 years just above the loop, in Uppermill, and now in Hyde.
  4. Not that cobblers again! Technically bankrupt, perhaps, but as long as UK plc can pay its loans, then that won't happen
  5. Give me a clue. Where? The upper Tame valley is narrow, bendy and fairly crowded, particularly around Mossley. There was a point near Heyrod where the main line and the Freizland Loop were barely 200 yards apart
  6. Yes; both those occasions were Saturday morning. We may find that services through the day return to something like where they were before, but that the number of rush hour services reduces, due to there being less demand; a point that was made a few pages back, IIRC
  7. If my two fairly recent trips on TPE trains are anything to go by (Stalybridge - Greenfield on 21/08; full and standing, mid morning, and 23/10 Stalybridge - Huddersfield, fairly full slightly earlier in the day) ridership levels are fast returning to normal.
  8. What time does it all start?
  9. Both sides of Standedge, no? Depending which way you're going
  10. Oh, bother! Anyone good at Thistlebond?
  11. Wasn't it called Britoil, and wasn't it privatised in 1980 or 1981?
  12. Agree with most of them! Never been in the Carribean, so no real knowledge of what it's like. Any port up the Gulf, surely? Djebel Dhanna and Umm Said take a bit of beating, as did Das Island, Mena, Bandar Mash, and anywhere off Iraq. Luanda during the Angolan civil war. You're alongside discharging motor spirit, and there's refugees down the jetty round open fires
  13. BR were told by the treasury to go to the financial markets to find the money for the modernisation plan, and not at preferential rates, either!
  14. Let me state my position; I am not a cyclist, for various reasons; I was making the point that singling out cyclists for what seems to be a common road - user problem ( around here at any rate) isn't the way to go!
  15. I suppose it depends what you mean by "Stopping". There is one set of lights at a crossroads near me where if I set off when the lights allow me to, I would stand a fair chance of being T - boned by a car coming through on red!
  16. This is reducing; since Brexit finally kicked in, the continental ferry companies have been resetting their routes from there to the ROI, to avoid the increased beaurocracy of travelling across England.
  17. On another note, the train wouldn't win any prizes in a beauty contest!
  18. Living in Erith, I would say that it was totally finished for passengers by then. I can remember going on holiday to Birchington steam - hauled in 1958 or 1959 (change at Dartford), but after that, not.
  19. Did the workers own any part of any of the nationalised industries? It seems to me that, if anything, Marx was advocating a mutual organisation, or something along the lines of the Mondragon Cooperative in France
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