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FPH 603

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Everything posted by FPH 603

  1. Nice closeup of the B12! Looks very realistic.
  2. Hi all, I recently acquired a Bachmann Class 108 two car set. I noticed the 1st class compartments should have orange curtains, and I've heard you can make these out of tissue paper. Can anyone please give any advice on how to do this. I have tried cutting one out, although I'm not sure how to make them look like they're open. Thanks to all that contribute.
  3. Indeed. I went to York a few months ago and it was VERY impressive. Even if you've seen millions of photos of it it's still very impressive to see the place in real life. Same can be said for the NRM.
  4. I find the DJ Models one appears to be more of a cramfest than anything. Chances are either half of the wanted features will be removed in the design of production processes, or they'll get ridiculously expensive. They already are pricey, but I have a feeling that the prices are going to jump up soon.
  5. Yes, those are some nice models you've got there in a very nicely lit and weathered station. I too can almost hear them rumble, and I can also imagine one of them screaming their way out of the station too.
  6. Hi all, I'm currently researching how DMU sets were numbered and allocated, specifically in the NER/ER regions during the 1970's. I looked at RAILCAR.co.uk, and found this: http://www.railcar.co.uk/data/set-formations/introduction (Look at Eastern Region 1970s paragraph) Does anyone know anything else about these codes? Thanks to all that contribute.
  7. Don't forget every other feature of that guy!
  8. The one with yellow cab doors could work as a departmental unit too. I was thinking of a couple of departmentals to well, do departmental duties. Could work as a parcels unit too. I guess I just get easily tempted by liveries I haven't seen before or ones that look interesting to me.
  9. Mainly I'm covering the refurbished white/blue units, along with some plain blue ones too. Any units going to NSE would have disappeared from my layout, as it is nowhere near the NSE area. I've seen a few Hornby 121's in plain blue with yellow cab doors, so I might end up having 2 121's! I'm also thinking of a Met-Camm (a class 101, 102 or 111), which I may make it a mix of white/blue and plain blue.
  10. I had a little look around, and I found majority of the area I model still had semaphores in 1981. Scarborough had some colour light signals in the station itself at around 1972, so it is mixed up. Although I think I'll go with the semaphores, as coming to think of it, to me it makes more sense to have semaphores for the semi rural area I model.
  11. Isn't W55034 preserved? Maybe the group that owns it should repaint it in refurbished white/blue!
  12. After my previous post about this being interesting to model, I may reconsider. Looking at RAILCAR.co.uk, 55034 & 56283 would have been refurbished at around 1978 - 1980, which is pretty late compared to the 108 I already own (refurbished in 1975) and some of the other classes involved in the refurbishment scheme. I model the 1975 - 1985 period, making the white/blue a bit short lived in the period I model. I did a search on the Railcar website, and the next image of it after the one picture of it in white/blue is in blue/grey (c. 1984). As for 56283, it may or may not have carried this livery for a longer period of time and the next image of 56283 (this time c. 1988) is also in blue/grey. If I went ahead the set's operation would be limited due the amount of time it ran in this livery and the period it ran in it. EDIT: This doesn't mean I definitely won't model it, I may decide to go with the limitations and find ways around them.
  13. Deleted due to lack of interest. Disappointing
  14. I came across this: http://www.electrarailwaygraphics.co.uk/121_OO.html Electra Railway Graphics do overlays in Refurbished White/Blue, and I may consider buying a set. Although I have a couple of questions: 1. Does a Hornby model need any modification? (i.e. Do the sides need filing smooth?) 2. Or would it just be better to paint the livery straight on and then put the decals on?
  15. Hope nobody minds if I crash this thread, but I model the BR North Eastern Region in the mid 1970's to the early 1980's. What sort of signalling was used at that period?
  16. If I made a preserved layout, I would think it will have a broader range of locomotives and rolling stock, still probably in certain eras, perhaps multiple in one go, sometimes mixed and matched. I agree with the point that The Johnster made about 'running what you want' being considered more of a train set than an actual layout. Occasional visitors (eg. Preserved Southern Region loco doing a Railtour) is OK, although it does go too far at times. It can range from off region stock and locomotives to continental stock running in the wrong place.
  17. Very strange that there's nothing else indicating the class 121's being involved in the refurbishment. I looked at the car in this and it's just the one, most of the other photos of it are either in Plain Blue or Blue/Grey. I think this would be interesting to model. It'll look good alongside my recently acquired Class 108 in Refurbished White/Blue.
  18. Hi all, Whilst researching the class 121's, I came across this: http://www.railcar.co.uk/images/3347 A Class 121 (or so I believe!) in refurbished White/Blue attached to a plain Rail Blue DTS at Iver on 2/1/1980. I looked at the class 121 liveries page, and there's no evidence of refurbished White/Blue on it, but yet in the Class 121 images pages, there are some photos (like the one attached above) that show a class 121 in White/Blue. Thanks to all that contribute.
  19. And the shipment was...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Liam


      Peco bullhead points?

    3. Bill


      delivered by drone..

    4. FPH 603

      FPH 603

      Nope. Delayed Christmas Present

  20. I haven't seen any DC kits models on eBay, nor any in stock from the website. DC kits (I think) has been defunct for a while, I tried buying a couple of kits a couple of months ago, and they replied by simply saying 'no' when I asked if they had any other kits available. Looks like Hattons have plenty of them Hornby class 101's. I'll have a look around for any that catch my eye.
  21. Regarding transfers, you could just make your own. Just use Microsoft Word to size and format the transfers than you can print them onto waterslide paper.
  22. Your welcome. I hope all goes well in undertaking this new project. The Australian prototype is very interesting and I'm sure you'll find new interests and learn lots along the way.
  23. Very interesting to watch, that's for sure. I think for the pricing you just need to balance out how customers want to pay and how much the company wants to sell the models for. Doesn't look too great working there, but at least they're happy.
  24. The plans I make are very on and off lately. This one is more for the layout, which hasn't made much progress lately and a lot of plans of mine get set aside for later while I work on others. They do change and evolve when I get more ideas as I go too, usually the general idea is the same but some of the smaller ideas around it change over time. I think the Hornby model will be a good base for a detailing project, and with that I could potentially get it look really good. The thing about the Bachmann model is that they mostly come in Power/Trailer 2 car sets, and they are way overpriced in my opinion. In Australia, you could get a 4-CEP Southern Electric cheaper than a Class 101! It's also that I try to avoid too much changes to RTR as well, although it may sound stupid, there is always a chance of completely wreaking the model. Although I think this should turn out just fine. EDIT: Although I find with purchasing from eBay that a lot of the listings end within less than a day. I don't mind the cost of scratchbuilding with plasticard, as I still have lots of leftover sheets from previous projects, and the price of a pack of three or so sheets is pretty decently priced. Doesn't necessarily mean I'll buy a second hand model, nor does it mean I'll use plasticard. I think it will come down to what I have already going on and what I end up deciding then. And anyway, one sheet of plastic typically can cover one car, sometimes a little more...
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