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FPH 603

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Everything posted by FPH 603

  1. I think in the condition they're in they have potential for being like stripped bodyshells on scrap bogies. I do think my painting skills need improvement too.
  2. Hi all, I have a small collection of scratchbuilt NSWGR Railmotors, made from Evergreen Plasticard. I have made two unfinished models of an outer suburban 620/720 class and a suburban 660/760 class. Both of these have no paint or vanish or any kind, and the 660 power car has a half finished roof, including radiators. I originally was proud of these models I had built (as a first scratchbuilding project!), but after visiting a friend and putting the 660 set against a Eureka Models 620/720 I found that my attempt was the most crude and out of proportion thing I own! I am looking for a new purpose for these models, as I don't want to throw them out, due to them being my first scratchbuilding project and I think if I can find a new purpose for them, I think they'd be ideal for the job. Thanks to all that make a contribution. EDIT: Photos attached. EDIT 2: 'Crude' changed to 'Surplus' in thread title.
  3. I've done the same thing with a Britannia before, but I never finished it... Having only just discovered this thread, I quite like some of the imaginary designs here. But what about when RTR manufacturers do 'lazy models'? One example is the Lima 'XPT'. Actually it's a HST in XPT colours. I own one of these models in the original 'InterCity XPT' colours, and after some restoration work a couple of years ago it's a very nice model to run, even with that Lima motor still in place. Problem is that on the brake coach one of the bogies are missing!
  4. My layout which is currently being built is set in a fictional branch line from somewhere near York. This line was in quite an industrial area in it's heyday, the line getting quite busy during peak times. I'm thinking of a lot of fictional trains as well, something I like to do, except most will be scrapped due to my interests moving on or that the design just wouldn't work. I'm trying to decide whether to electrify the line or just to use mainly DMU's, like my original intentions. I was also going to make a tramway, but I'm thinking now it's going to be a derelict rail link.
  5. I like mucking about with the different filters on my iPad. Whenever I find good photos I will usually duplicate them and experiment with the filters and I may click the 'Enhance' tool sometimes. I don't know why but I quite like the 'Process' filter. I guess it resembles other photos taken on very old cameras, as do all of the B/W filters... Like this one. (I hope no one minds I use this photo!) I actually quite like this, so much so that it's my home screen for my iPad right now.
  6. Pop ups - You never know what they'll do until you click them. You could 'win an apple product' but instead it's an instalment of malware. EDIT: I've never clicked it myself, but I won't even try anytime soon...
  7. Sounds interesting... I've had strange visions like that before. You never know what you come up with in your sleep! These so called 'trams' I've been developing have turned out more like heavyweight Railmotors (that's what I get for using heavy rail as a prototype for light rail!), so I'm going to venture even further into Railmotor designing and go into the 'main' line stock. Although I think for this next one I'll bring out the base and let the public decide it's fate! I've looked further into British, Irish and American type Railcars, so I'm a little more prepared for adapting the designs, but I thought it might be better if I get opinions prior to actually commencing design work. I might even 'dream something up' like Corbs with his West Country Leader. The design process can be very unpredictable at times...
  8. I agree. That livery does indeed look very smart on 313 201.
  9. Interesting design... The headlight suits it. I agree with the statement made of prototype exports trialled on BR metals. Linking with my previous point about designers being inspired by overseas visits, this would make a pretty good backstory, but I'm not sure if others would agree though..
  10. Looks good. Nice to see these companies can see their train's heritage, unlike various other operators who paint their trains in stupidly ugly colours and vinyls!
  11. In a real situation, the designs would most certainly have been adapted from the original Australian stock. Chances are that the designer would have travelled there and would have seen the original for themselves. This has happened in real life before, during the design of the LNER A4 class. Nigel Gresley visited Germany in the 1930's and travelled on the 'Flying Hamburger', a new and innovative streamlined diesel train. The LNER could have purchased similar trains, but Nigel Gresley wanted to know how to make the fastest steam locomotive. He also saw the Buggati Railcars and was inspired by their streamlining. This eventually was made into the A4 class we know and love today. (This was written from what I remember, so make any corrections if necessary!) Probably not the best example, but it's one I know of.
  12. I was going to remove the shades from the start, although it looks I'm going to have to do more than that. I've looked over the BR DMU's on railcar.co.uk several times and I have looked at the LNER's railcars too. I while ago I did look at the GNR (I)'s BUT railcars too. I'm still developing the design behind the scenes, and when I have time I'll post a rough sketch of the new designs. I've looked at the LNER's Sentinel Railcars before, and I may need to look at them again. I think with a little bit of work that sort of design will work, it may need a little resizing though. I think I like my backstory how it is thanks!
  13. Thanks! I'm happy that you like seeing the designs I make. My revised design will be pretty close to the original specification, except the interior will be rearranged, which will increase the seating capacity. The design will use the same Leyland Petrol E47/1 (150 hp) at this current stage, but this will likely change in the process of it evolving into the final model.
  14. I've had thoughts similar to that before, but for more of a Diesel Railcar sort of thing. There was this image I used as my laptop lock screen, and when it was blurred up, this Regional Railways coach looked like it had a snowplough. It was actually a maintenance worker standing in just the right position. I think that might work, I've also thought of using class 150 style snowploughs too. Ah yes, petrol and diesel's history on the Railmotors in NSW... I originally chose the GM 6/71 because I like the sound. I have a DVD on the Richmond Line which covered it from the steam hauled passenger trains, to the frieght trains from the 1950's. It also featured the 600 class (and later the 660 class too) running trains from the 1970's all the way up til 1991, when the line's electrification was completed. I agree with that now that you mentioned it. I like the idea, but I'll with the 400 class. I think this one will be suitable, and there's a lot of photos of HPC 402 out there as well. I actually saw it pass Seven Hills earlier this year. Now when I think about it, I still like the idea of using a 600/620/660/900 styled thing, but yes, there are more suitable prototypes out there. I think I might make it more like the 'as built' rather than the later configurations. Looking at all of this, what's it going to be? COMPLETE REDESIGN IT IS! (For that 'F Class', the C Class may as well remain the same for now).
  15. Well then... Guess I can only go off those diagrams then. Based on that I will have a look at the class 91 too.
  16. Glad to see everyone's interested and is happy to give their advice. I will further improve this design, and eventually build it. I agree with all the points made, and all will be somehow intergrated into the design. I'm also going to make a second design, an older one. This will be further based on the Bradfield suburban cars (from reverting to one of my original ideas, backed with DavidB-AU's suggestion!). Here's a semi brief description: The C Class tram (built 1920) was originally steam powered, but in the late 1930's these were converted to electric power after the electrification of the tramway at the time. Like their predecessors these were wooden bodied, and were the last before new steel panelled stock were introduced a decade after. Twenty were built, and five were converted to diesel power for departmental duties very shortly after electrification of the fleet. They survived all the way to the end of the tramway's regular use in 1984.
  17. Hi all, I'm planning on creating a 3D model of the APT-S (1+8 Formation). However I can only find a very basic drawing on this page: http://www.apt-p.com/APTConfigurations.htm If anyone knows anything about this could they please help. Any would be appreciated.
  18. Thanks for the suggestions. I've made a digital diagram of the tram as finalised. I also have a coloured version.
  19. Pity... Why didn't I think of that? I might change the bodysides to make them look more like the CPH, except it will be steel panelled.
  20. Question: Can't you just renumber the model? Ok, it might be hard to renumber 7 carriages to avoid duplicates but surely it's achievable. Or maybe you just don't want to accidentally destroy a £700 model! EDIT: Why did I write 'possbike?' NICE ONE AUTOCORRECT! Anyway, cramming all of these needs isn't going to be possible, at least without extreme manufacturing expenses. Surely we can take compromises, right? And even if the detail is super high people are still going to attempt Super Detailing projects with the models, so why bother cram so much into it anyway?
  21. After looking at the APT configurations page, I want to make the APT-S (Advanced Passenger Train - Squadron). I might attempt to do something on Sketchup. http://www.apt-p.com/APTConfigurations.htm
  22. Good idea, but the problem would be electrification. Perhaps I could convert to diesel, which would mean I would also be making the first diesel powered tram. I would also have to heighten the doors, and perhaps I could take a few steps back to the original design. This would mean it may look more like the original design. I'm also thinking of slightly modernising the design as I don't think it will fit in well in the 1980's, and I don't want it to look too 'generic' either.
  23. When I looked at that APT configuration page, it's surprising how many proposals were made for the APT. The different train formations (APT-Q, APT-S, etc.) are very interesting indeed.
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